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Top Journals (by citations)

#JournalArticlesCitationsR ARankR CRank
1Nuclear Fusion45210,66623
2Environmental Science & Technology267,845570100
3Physics of Plasmas4796,15046
4Physical Review Letters875,377208324
5Journal of Hazardous Materials364,82912944
6Review of Scientific Instruments3573,88529
7Journal of the Physical Society of Japan2763,246811
8Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion1732,87812
9Journal of Colloid and Interface Science302,54419363
10Plasma Science and Technology3752,49921
11IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science2602,11713
12Applied Physics Letters701,987336510
13Journal of Materials Chemistry A141,9451.1K458
14Fusion Engineering and Design1721,91311
15RSC Advances351,896780261
16Dalton Transactions141,869982147
17Journal of Physical Chemistry C251,828930473
18Chemical Society Reviews21,6721.2K609
19IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity2791,66511
20Journal of Thermal Spray Technology691,64322
21European Physical Journal D3541,59722
22ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces131,5862.3K836
23Plasma Sources Science and Technology241,55752
24Laser and Particle Beams921,51211
25ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering171,494414137
26Fusion Science and Technology1461,37632
27Plasma Processes and Polymers281,25458
28Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry591,253365
29Advanced Materials61,1902.7K1.8K
30Journal Physics D: Applied Physics411,1731026
31Journal of Fusion Energy2591,02611
32Scientific Reports479881.3K2.3K
33Physics of Fluids44944420
34Journal of Physical Chemistry B59052.6K777
35Physical Review A35860343453
36Environmental Science: Nano118248431
37Journal of Plasma Physics7282335
38Science China Chemistry1380918963
39Journal of Applied Physics52752339836
40Physical Review B267439221.1K
41Journal of Materials Chemistry10737452531
42Contributions To Plasma Physics9573011
43Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing3169328
44Applied Radiation and Isotopes10654642
45Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research56441.7K464
46Physica Scripta8162919
47Chemical Communications96192.1K1.5K
48ACS Nano36144.3K2.5K
49Physical Review E36565229596
50Nature Physics5542180266
51Japanese Journal of Applied Physics10053730121
52Chemistry - an Asian Journal8493468177
54Radiochimica Acta10455697
55Journal of Instrumentation61428978
56Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics114041.6K1.3K
59Energy and Environmental Science33819641.2K
60Nuclear Materials and Energy2837423
61Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers5353469137
62AIP Conference Proceedings2063393947
63Plant Growth Regulation232846583
64Superconductor Science and Technology243201025
65Polymer Chemistry23111.4K397
66Environmental Pollution82937361.2K
67Science of the Total Environment52893.7K3.5K
68Materials Science & Engineering A: Structural Materials: Properties, Microstructure and Processing5283222171
69Plant Breeding127559355
70Advanced Functional Materials32684.3K3.9K
71Bioresource Technology12614.9K2.2K
72AIP Advances60249591
74Plasma Physics Reports402421314
75Journal of Nuclear Materials1724136
76Advanced Energy Materials12323.5K2.2K
77Chinese Physics Letters462311931
80Journal of Chemical Physics82242.3K2.5K
81IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science3422028139
81Waste Management2220711520
83Journal of the Optical Society of America1213414112
84Science Bulletin8208279154
85Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters42071.8K1.4K
86Water Research22001.8K1.8K
87Chemical Science11994.1K1.6K
88Journal of Environmental Radioactivity119754957
89Inorganic Chemistry41952.9K2.4K
90Physical Review D61941.1K1.0K
90EPJ Web of Conferences571941711
90Radiation Research9194115287
93Chemistry - A European Journal41913.1K2.8K
93Environmental Science and Pollution Research91911.3K1.7K
96Nature Chemistry11871.2K1.3K
97Optics Letters61861.1K1.2K
98Nature Communications518210.6K19.7K
98Journal of the American Ceramic Society71829231.3K
98High Power Laser Science and Engineering131821720
101Surface and Coatings Technology12179514
102Proceedings of SPIE110175648
106Journal of Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves231681316
107European Physical Journal D26165559
108British Journal of Cancer31583.4K4.5K
109Plasma and Fusion Research2615476
109Matter and Radiation at Extremes131541012
111High Temperature Material Processes4514921
112Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology311472948
113Journal of Organic Chemistry61451.9K2.4K
114Physical Review X3144210308
115Chinese Physics B311433374
115Journal of Materials Research6143485559
117Optics Express211415922.2K
118Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids3913936
118Fusion Science and Technology29139713
120Journal of Geophysical Research31312.0K3.1K
121Radiation and Environmental Biophysics51277078
121Clinical Plasma Medicine1127123
121Mutation Research - Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis5127148462
124Advances in OptoElectronics1126324
125Journal of High Energy Physics5122543514
126Nuclear Science and Techniques/Hewuli311211229
127Radiation Effects71192737
129Physics of Fluids51141.1K1.1K
129Journal of Environmental Sciences2114600504
131Ceramics International9110199662
132Journal of Physics: Conference Series51109111184
133Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry51012.6K6.7K
133Materials and Design4101531
135ACS Applied Nano Materials21002.6K976
136Nano Energy2996581.3K
136Plasma Devices and Operations149922
140Geophysical Research Letters5981.8K3.6K
140Nonlinear Dynamics3981.1K1.0K
142Chemistry of Materials1975.0K4.9K
142International Journal of Energy Research1297111699
145IEEE Access14951.3K2.9K
145Reviews in Environmental Science and Biotechnology195126248
145Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology395751779
148Particle and Fibre Toxicology194417438
149Communications Physics4918694
150Il Nuovo Cimento B38672
151ACS Energy Letters1841.8K1.9K
154Journal of the American Chemical Society18312.0K15.7K
154Catalysis Today283154246
154Crystal Growth and Design2832.3K2.0K
157Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society3812.7K2.5K
157Progress in Organic Coatings18111867
159Frontiers of Physics277170120
161Robotics and Autonomous Systems176181117
162Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment12733783
162Shock Waves3738662
162Progress of Theoretical Physics6735169
166Applied Sciences (Switzerland)20726653.4K
167Science in China Series B: Chemistry17127656
168Applied Optics1469149514
168Scripta Materialia469721
172Astrophysical Journal, Supplement Series268503716
172Experimental Astronomy46890204
174Materials Science and Engineering C3671.6K4.1K
174Journal of Radiation Research267529375
174ACS Applied Energy Materials1673.2K1.8K
177Journal of the European Ceramic Society46629134
178Journal of Raman Spectroscopy1651.5K822
178Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering365329502
178High Energy Density Physics56511
178Journal of Plasma and Fusion Research36584
182Analytical Chemistry16410.6K11.2K
182Applied Surface Science3644471.2K
182Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics564285514
182Nuclear Science and Engineering164348114
187Water Science and Technology1623.3K1.6K
187Pure and Applied Chemistry262524699
189BMC Genomics1606.4K5.9K
189Journal of Applied Microbiology1602.8K2.5K
189Toxicological Sciences1602.2K2.2K
193Environmental Health Perspectives2591.9K4.9K
193Chemical Research in Toxicology1592.5K2.6K
193Shinku/Journal of the Vacuum Society of Japan565954
196Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology758458653
196Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology2582.8K4.0K
198Soft Matter2562.2K2.6K
200IEEE Transactions on Magnetics855428985
202Astronomy and Astrophysics2541.3K1.4K
203Applied Optics6538332.8K
205Journal of Materials Processing Technology15297145
205Applied Physics Express152461199
205Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering252244493
209Electrochimica Acta150635807
210Astrophysical Journal3491.3K2.0K
211Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics2481.7K2.8K
213IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics4478342.3K
214International Journal of Hydrogen Energy14676119
214Plasma Physics74622
216Journal of Mathematical Physics6456231.1K
216European Physical Journal C245797747
216Journal of Applied Mechanics, Transactions ASME345593846
216Chinese Journal of Chemistry445740815
216IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation645123326
221Journal of Alloys and Compounds444280756
221Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology1441.3K739
221Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers144131186
221Physics of Fluids B5441951
226Journal of Materials Chemistry B1414.1K4.2K
226Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics4418990
226Science Advances14110.8K16.4K
226Inorganic Materials: Applied Research9412524
226Chemical Record141634784
226Soft Robotics141252347
232IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering1540298392
232Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics440165336
232Kakuyūgō Kenkyū984011
235Journal of Physics Condensed Matter4396811.5K
235Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing7394511.8K
235Journal of Electronic Materials6395321.3K
235Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B: Process Metallurgy and Materials Processing Science239396460
235International Journal of Modern Physics C139460172
240Modern Physics Letters B163833336
240Separation Science and Technology3386551.1K
240Smart Materials and Structures238423764
240Journal of Iron and Steel Research International138292173
240Open Physics338157108
245Low Temperature Physics23713166
245International Wound Journal1371.2K1.0K
247Journal of Applied Polymer Science3363.6K5.8K
247International Journal of Theoretical Physics536299378
247Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism103662255
251Journal of Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology1351.0K1.4K
251Advanced Materials Technologies1351.9K1.5K
254Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology2341.0K2.3K
254Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry6346702.0K
257Food Analytical Methods133974788
257Journal of Russian Laser Research3336122
257Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology13349
260Physical Review132385410
260Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A: Vacuum, Surfaces and Films7323621.3K
260Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics232820928
260Physical Review Research932138584
265Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research B3311820
265Multibody System Dynamics231117192
265Energy Reports53130529
265Opto-electronics Review13111
265Journal of the European Optical Society-Rapid Publications2313140
265Journal of Advanced Ceramics33198340
271JETP Letters330133175
271Materials Science and Technology230376468
271World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology2301.0K2.1K
271Oxidation of Metals230153225
271Applied Biochemistry and Microbiology130260130
276Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture2292.0K4.2K
276Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis22921165
276Surface Review and Letters229225115
276IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion129581771
283Journal of Fluorine Chemistry128110112
283Space Science Reviews228346707
283Journal De Physique Colloque16281883
283Journal of Laser Applications328121200
283Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry5282821.1K
288Carbohydrate Polymers1274.3K8.1K
288Radiation Oncology1271.7K2.0K
288International Journal of Environmental Research12710478
291Solar Physics226374472
291Journal of Macromolecular Science - Physics326260472
291Future Oncology1262.2K2.2K
291Instruments and Experimental Techniques10263751
297Spectrochimica Acta - Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy2252.2K4.0K
297Journal of Polymer Research1251.3K986
297Applied Physics A: Solids and Surfaces42517130
297Frontiers in Energy Research125316448
302Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance4245521.2K
302Photonics Research124479581
305Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry2232.8K4.6K
305Fortschritte Der Physik22389141
305APL Materials1239081.3K
305ACS Earth and Space Chemistry123595505
305Physical Review Accelerators and Beams2236990
311Applied Thermal Engineering22227103
311ACS Omega3223.7K8.3K
311Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry2228781.6K
311Journal of Synchrotron Radiation322191656
315Molecular Physics2211.4K2.2K
315Computer Physics Communications22195383
315International Journal of Fracture121691775
315Advances in Materials Science and Engineering421298942
315AAPPS Bulletin321114
320Optical Engineering620129443
320Lettere Al Nuovo Cimento Rivista Internazionale Della Società Italiana Di Fisica4205060
320Optical and Quantum Electronics420530936
320Sustainable Energy and Fuels1201.4K1.7K
320Journal of Astronomical Telescopes, Instruments, and Systems120210175
320ACS ES&T Engineering120307340
326International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology2192.1K3.3K
326Astrophysics and Space Science319566731
326Bioscience, Biotechnology and Biochemistry1191.9K2.5K
326Journal of Materials Science Letters419354823
326Engineering Fracture Mechanics1191639
326Photochemical and Photobiological Sciences2196141.9K
326Future Microbiology1198631.6K
326International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials219262472
326Journal of Theoretical and Computational Chemistry219151182
326Journal of Magnesium and Alloys119632
326Science in China Series C: Life Sciences219144252
339Angewandte Chemie - International Edition11810.7K18.5K
339Food Research International1181.4K3.3K
339Science China Technological Sciences318349838
339Rare Metals1188451.0K
343Astrophysical Journal Letters1178451.1K
343Polymer Engineering and Science2171.1K2.3K
343Journal of the Institute of Brewing117357495
343Electronics (Switzerland)6171.1K3.7K
343Communications in Computational Physics31780375
343Carbon Neutralization1179467
349Analytical Methods2161.8K3.7K
349Advanced Engineering Materials3166552.2K
349European Physical Journal Plus8161701.2K
349Metals and Materials International116627694
349Annals of Microbiology316153937
349Telecommunications and Radio Engineering (English Translation of Elektrosvyaz and Radiotekhnika)5165832
349Additive Manufacturing Letters11611
356Nuclear Engineering and Design115166222
356Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics2159491.7K
356Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics115572656
356Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena2151975
356Advanced Electronic Materials1151.3K2.2K
356Additive Manufacturing115173357
362Physical Review C3146461.2K
362Materials Chemistry and Physics11449125
362Journal of Low Temperature Physics214350473
362IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology114428477
362Astronomy Letters1146447
362Ozone: Science and Engineering114241389
362High Temperature Materials and Processes214114116
362Environmental Sciences: Processes and Impacts1147461.2K
362Genetics and Molecular Biology11494249
362National Science Review2146302.5K
362International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering114514907
374Physica Status Solidi A4133581.0K
374Microwave and Optical Technology Letters1131.8K1.4K
374IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics4136442.0K
374Journal of Materials Chemistry C2133.0K6.2K
374Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin1132.4K4.1K
374Radiation Physics and Chemistry31356316
374Technical Physics71363106
374Physical Review Applied3136411.7K
374Journal of Zhejiang University: Science A113441566
374Journal of the Australian Ceramic Society31357183
374Journal of Materials Science6131.4K7.4K
374Chinese Physics B51339172
374Beitrage Aus Der Plasmaphysik51347
388Europhysics Letters5121611.5K
388Spectrochimica Acta, Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy1121259
388International Journal of Fatigue1121764
388Physica Status Solidi - Rapid Research Letters2124181.2K
388Advanced Theory and Simulations112400630
388Philosophical Transactions Series A, Mathematical, Physical, and Engineering Sciences2128353.7K
388European Physical Journal A112391466
395IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics4113091.2K
395Mikrochimica Acta1112.5K3.9K
395International Journal of Modern Physics B3114741.2K
395Materials Research Express2117241.7K
395Journal of Statistical Physics1119001.2K
395Oncology Reports1113.4K6.0K
395Chemical Engineering and Technology1111.1K1.6K
395Zeitschrift Für Physik B-Condensed Matter1113041
395Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B:Nanotechnology and Microelectronics211514919
395Science China: Physics, Mechanics and Astronomy211419884
395Acta Metallurgica Sinica (English Letters)111311502
395Journal of Imaging111477659
395Virtual and Physical Prototyping111277429
395Reviews of Modern Plasma Physics411442
395Ukrainian Journal of Physics611835
410Physica B: Condensed Matter110186351
410Nanoscale Research Letters1101.7K3.6K
410Clinical Oncology1109441.8K
410Advances in Mechanical Engineering2107401.5K
410International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials210449
410Russian Metallurgy (Metally)1107431
410Clay Minerals110267525
410Science and Technology of Nuclear Installations810679
410Energy Science and Engineering110441848
410Plasma Physics and Technology61054
423Mutation Research - Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis294081.9K
423Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data191.8K3.0K
423Acta Materialia1948159
423Macromolecular Symposia191.3K1.5K
423Biotechnology and Biotechnological Equipment295121.3K
423British Journal of Applied Physics194174
423Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics29265396
423International Journal for Multiscale Computational Engineering19212260
423Fractal and Fractional29585938
432Lecture Notes in Computer Science382.0K3.7K
432Journal of Photopolymer Science and Technology = [Fotoporima Konwakai Shi]28242317
432Zeitschrift Für Physik D-Atoms Molecules and Clusters18142199
432Journal of Thermal Science18287397
432IET Electric Power Applications18364687
432Frontiers in Physics281541.0K
432Dentistry Journal18725701
432European Physical Journal Special Topics7885322
432International Journal of Oncology182.9K5.8K
444PLoS ONE1763.9K64.8K
444Synthetic Metals17152507
444Canadian Journal of Physics27144443
444Acta Biomaterialia173.9K10.1K
444Journal of Biomedical Materials Research - Part A174.0K9.5K
444Nature Photonics177271.8K
444Nano Research172.2K4.1K
444IET Power Electronics177131.2K
444Journal of Engineering17520574
444Physics of Metals and Metallography17118115
444IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics37271879
444The Review of Laser Engineering1273959
444Plasma Medicine4716150
459Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A: Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science269702.5K
459Russian Physics Journal1610987
459Dermatologic Therapy161.2K2.0K
459International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics26243541
459Adsorption Science and Technology26158677
459Physics of Particles and Nuclei Letters363757
459Materials Today Communications1688398
459Journal of Geophysical Research E: Planets165741.0K
459European Journal of Mass Spectrometry16329704
459IET Science, Measurement and Technology16259585
459Journal of Spectroscopy26100723
459Carbon Trends16211
475Nuclear Technology45130542
475Physics Procedia1599177
475Data in Brief152.1K3.9K
475Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (English Edition)157511.0K
475Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications254291.1K
475Royal Society Open Science152.7K7.4K
475JVC/Journal of Vibration and Control158961.9K
475Advanced Optical Materials251.8K5.3K
475Journal of Surface Investigation2599147
475ACS Biomaterials Science and Engineering152.5K6.6K
475Journal of Fluid Science and Technology15106136
475Acta Veterinaria Brno15179236
475International Journal of Applied Glass Science15153430
475Scientia Sinica Chimica4582131
475IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement457933.2K
475Journal of Theoretical and Applied Physics25330
492Physics Letters, Section A: General, Atomic and Solid State Physics143799
492Thin Solid Films14106409
492Physics of the Solid State14216331
492European Physical Journal B244961.9K
492Catalysis Letters141.8K3.1K
492Polymer Bulletin141.8K3.3K
492Radio Science145151.1K
492Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology141.5K4.8K
492Journal of the Korean Physical Society74179894
492Heat and Mass Transfer147021.5K
492European Journal of Physics14132287
492Surface Engineering145401.4K
492Powder Diffraction24121403
492Journal of Zhejiang University: Science B145241.8K
492World Electric Vehicle Journal14331513
492International Journal of Applied and Computational Mathematics14451612
492Frontiers of Information Technology and Electronic Engineering14223572
492Journal of Thermal Science and Technology14103187
492Acta Polytechnica CTU Proceedings24168
492Research Letters in Materials Science14333
492Materials Letters148872.2K
492Science in China Series A: Mathematics44108409
515Angewandte Chemie1311.0K16.5K
515Solid State Communications1384295
515Journal of Molecular Liquids13137482
515Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical233771.2K
515Journal of Environmental Quality131.2K3.0K
515IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery137461.3K
515Technical Physics Letters4383252
515Entomologia Experimentalis Et Applicata138362.2K
515Radiation Measurements231372
515Electrical Engineering in Japan (English Translation of Denki Gakkai Ronbunshi)43201598
515International Journal of Radiation Biology131.5K4.3K
515Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures138791.8K
515IEICE Electronics Express13585702
515Chinese Physics C13185283
515Flow, Turbulence and Combustion23125539
515Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy136752.0K
515MRS Advances13512899
515Central South University23153469
515Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics134691.7K
515Journal of Radiological Protection23111623
515International Journal of Numerical Modelling: Electronic Networks, Devices and Fields135401.1K
515AMB Express136662.1K
515Acta Physica Sinica (overseas Edition)63525
515Materials Science-Poland13199429
515The Journal of Nuclear Energy Part C, Plasma Physics, Acceleratorsrmonuclear Research231310
515Journal of Radiation Research and Applied Sciences13106423
515Acta Polytechnica1386117
515Composites Communications1326152
515Boletin De La Sociedad Espanola De Ceramica Y Vidrio13676
515Springer Proceedings in Physics8321100
515Proceedings of the IEEE137672.1K
515Teubner-Texte Zur Physik1311
515Physica Status Solidi (A) Applications and Materials Science132.0K4.2K
515Journal De Physique III131641
550MATEC Web of Conferences321.0K2.8K
550Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing22351639
550IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation121.3K2.2K
550Journal of Applied Spectroscopy12253442
550Zeitschrift Fur Naturforschung - Section A Journal of Physical Sciences225231.6K
550Molecular Biology Reports222.3K9.5K
550Quantum Electronics124185
550Journal of Medical Systems128062.8K
550International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics12330690
550Philosophical Magazine Letters123831.0K
550SN Applied Sciences121.1K3.9K
550Preparative Biochemistry and Biotechnology125011.6K
550Science in China Series D: Earth Sciences12436938
550International Journal of Cast Metals Research12147272
550Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation12282722
550Journal of Soviet Laser Research1224
550Australian Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering1277147
550Journal of the Mass Spectrometry Society of Japan1293132
550The Proceedings of the International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE)523022
550Mechanical Engineering Series5223
550Science in China Series G: Physics, Mechanics and Astronomy12122259
571Journal of the Acoustical Society of America113.6K6.9K
571International Journal of Molecular Sciences1139.5K63.1K
571Microscopy and Microanalysis113.2K4.1K
571Physics Teacher11225413
571New Journal of Physics119252.4K
571Bunseki Kagaku11445579
571Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics2179242
571Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing113361.2K
571Electrical Engineering114101.0K
571Concurrency Computation Practice and Experience111.3K3.2K
571Journal Wuhan University of Technology, Materials Science Edition214671.3K
571Journal of Applied Mathematics119222.0K
571Cell Biochemistry and Function111.0K3.4K
571X-Ray Spectrometry11284921
571Procedia Structural Integrity112150
571Optical Materials Express119352.0K
571Progress in Natural Science: Materials International11212678
571International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems116561.6K
571International Journal of Green Energy114301.7K
571Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Applications11299800
571IEEJ Transactions on Fundamentals and Materials7134220
571EPE Journal (European Power Electronics and Drives Journal)1147148
571Journal of Geomagnetism and Geoelectricity11165295
571Measurement Science Review1195315
571Frontiers of Optoelectronics in China1155116
571High Voltage11128433
571Japanese Journal of Health Physics118089
571Scientia Sinica: Physica, Mechanica Et Astronomica3143234
571Science and Innovation11119
571Pribory I Tekhnika Eksperimenta1131
571Strategic Study of CAE11522
571Physica Status Solidi C: Current Topics in Solid State Physics111.2K2.3K
571Zeitschrift Für Physik A, Atomic Nuclei113651
571Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics11332450
571JJAP conference proceedings116236
610Materials Research Society Symposia Proceedings104.2K5.8K
610IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science104.2K6.5K
610Physica Status Solidi (B): Basic Research102.0K4.8K
610Physica C: Superconductivity and Its Applications10844
610Medical Physics701.2K9.4K
610Mathematical Problems in Engineering104.2K9.1K
610Measurement Science and Technology108462.6K
610IEEE Sensors Journal202.1K7.2K
610Hyperfine Interactions105981.2K
610IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications101.2K2.4K
610Communications in Theoretical Physics10337855
610Symposium - International Astronomical Union20412573
610Journal of Modern Optics206382.8K
610International Astronomical Union Colloquium30254383
610Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan107151.4K
610Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology20106353
610Journal of Molecular Modeling101.7K3.9K
610IET Control Theory and Applications101.2K2.6K
610Applied Magnetic Resonance105181.3K
610ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology105021.4K
610Lecture Notes in Physics1087185
610International Journal of Antennas and Propagation104421.3K
610International Journal of Materials Research105911.6K
610Chinese Journal of Geophysics10264560
610Journal of Integrative Plant Biology101.0K2.9K
610IEEE Control Systems10106507
610Measurement and Control10236880
610Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems20321713
610Scientific Data102.5K7.3K
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