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81.3K(top 1%)
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citing journals

Top Journals (by citations)

#JournalArticlesCitationsR ARankR CRank
1Academy of Management Review16,766563
2Cerebral Cortex113,59742249
3Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research392,6829244
4Behavioral and Brain Sciences92,31639649
5Psychological Bulletin41,8697093
7Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews51,615523137
9Journal of Business and Psychology161,45533
10Journal of Organizational Behavior91,4232025
11Neurotoxicology and Teratology211,2821413
12Journal of Pediatrics51,2691.3K211
13Psychology of Women Quarterly51,265344
14Journal of Psychosomatic Research211,1742929
15American Psychologist21,11117454
16Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation221,0793685
17New England Journal of Medicine11,0445.3K3.0K
18Neurobiology of Aging121,042242129
19American Journal of Community Psychology121,0323824
21Development and Psychopathology595913526
22Psychology and Aging128733635
23Journal of Applied Psychology68563664
24Annals of Behavioral Medicine177952072
25Psychosomatic Medicine187133469
26Social Justice Research2709743
27Nature Neuroscience16913.0K1.8K
28Journal of Pain1768743118
29Addictive Behaviors1367112071
30Journal of Experimental Child Psychology865910848
31Journal of Clinical Psychology361934531
32Current Directions in Psychological Science76125386
34Journal of Business Ethics458715174
35Hormones and Behavior95849389
37Clinical Neuropsychologist175662842
38Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation75304811
39Human Brain Mapping65011.1K585
40Molecular Psychiatry24832.8K1.5K
41Memory and Cognition7480168137
43Journal of Happiness Studies54766022
44Developmental Psychology7450113148
45Journal of Personality Assessment84497986
46Child Development544197173
47Neuropsychology Review44264758
48Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology124174861
49Attachment and Human Development74082718
50Environmental Health Perspectives54078541.2K
51Pain Medicine93898862
52Journal of Adolescence93833991
54Aggression and Violent Behavior137462
55Journal of Pediatric Psychology8371117118
56Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs33656049
58Psychological Science7347174475
59American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry4345428202
61Journals of Gerontology - Series B Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences1032692161
64International Journal of Aging and Human Development230211
65Behavioral Neuroscience629710597
66Frontiers in Psychology18293510935
67Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease7292175180
68Drug and Alcohol Review3286377108
69Journal of Family Psychology82833174
71Journal of Personality528292121
72Journal of Neuroscience62792.3K4.6K
73Developmental Psychobiology1627060170
74Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology32467132
75Brain Research102438441.7K
76International Journal of Developmental Neuroscience2242660117
77Journal of the Acoustical Society of America10241640915
78Clinical Journal of Pain6235107201
79Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society1923271522
79American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse323223290
81Health Psychology722884211
82PLoS ONE622629.8K28.6K
83Journal of Social Psychology152253972
84Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology42243054
85Journal of Family Theory and Review121971
86Academic Emergency Medicine3215574359
88Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine3209582155
89Psychology of Addictive Behaviors72063685
90Clinical Gerontologist1620378
91American Journal of Orthopsychiatry52022885
92Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior9201230450
93Trauma, Violence, and Abuse120021053
93Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology3200373
95Aggressive Behavior4198124141
96Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology7192166477
96Journal of Occupational Health Psychology41923279
98Motivation and Emotion418989135
99Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience21881.4K537
100Journal of Child and Family Studies1118362189
101Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology3180236406
102Journal of American College Health5178112109
102Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta - Molecular Basis of Disease2178936694
104Substance Use and Misuse8175131124
104AIDS Care - Psychological and Socio-Medical Aspects of AIDS/HIV8175285371
106Aging and Mental Health917198246
106Cognitive Therapy and Research5171166206
108Journal of Youth and Adolescence7170155433
109Journal of Alzheimer's Disease51661.8K2.1K
110Psychological Reports1416537106
112Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology3163263314
112Social Neuroscience116339888
114Drug and Alcohol Dependence5162686844
115Scientific Reports616120.3K19.7K
116American Journal of Psychiatry31601.1K2.8K
116European Journal of Pain5160322449
119Journal of Neurotrauma21561.9K1.5K
119Personnel Psychology41562182
121Journal of Business Logistics1155117136
122Biological Psychiatry21532.6K3.3K
123Journal of Psychology: Interdisciplinary and Applied101525985
124Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences21492.7K2.6K
125Perceptual and Motor Skills1114867133
127Experimental Brain Research31401.4K1.4K
128Journals of Gerontology - Series A Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences51386331.3K
129Diabetes Care11335.6K4.1K
129Behavioural Brain Research81334081.3K
131Frontiers in Human Neuroscience51317461.4K
131Sex Roles3131285349
133American Journal of Clinical Nutrition21303.4K6.6K
133Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning Memory and Cognition5130141226
133Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience3130625959
136Educational Psychologist1129156180
137Arthritis and Rheumatism11282.8K2.9K
137Comprehensive Psychiatry2128523387
139Journal of School Violence31255351
140Archives of Sexual Behavior8124191583
140Stress and Health31249493
142JAMA Psychiatry11212.3K2.5K
142Frontiers in Psychiatry41211.2K1.1K
144Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics4120245350
145Journal of Advanced Nursing21191.4K1.2K
146Journal of Genetic Psychology71185981
146Research in Nursing and Health2118324306
149Journal of Forecasting1117568187
150Brain Plasticity1112266
151Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs4111182205
152Journal of Adolescent Health21101.3K1.3K
152Health Communication1110486146
154Journal of Traumatic Stress4109371715
156Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology11071.2K392
157Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health4106188184
159Applied Neuropsychology Adult310411338
161Journal of Affective Disorders21033.4K3.0K
161Archives of Toxicology11032.0K1.2K
161Cognitive, Affective and Behavioral Neuroscience1103521217
164Experimental Aging Research510049124
165Frontiers in Neuroendocrinology39940398
166Journal of General Internal Medicine2981.2K1.4K
167Applied Psychophysiology Biofeedback197190106
167Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology39785100
169Journal of Lipid Research1962.3K2.0K
170Psychology and Health695123407
170Behavioral Sciences and the Law395200249
172American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A2942.8K3.1K
174primary care companion for CNS disorders, The29318361
175Addiction Biology291825741
176Journal of Trauma and Dissociation29010276
176Journal of Experimental Psychology: General190282330
178Lancet, The2895.9K13.2K
178Physiology and Behavior5894961.4K
178Journal of Applied Social Psychology78936297
178Language and Speech3892156
178Systems Biology in Reproductive Medicine18926369
183JAMA Pediatrics3887602.3K
184Journal of Mental Health Administration2861818
185Ageing and Society185488187
185Developmental Science285494702
188Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin184159207
188Seminars in Fetal and Neonatal Medicine1841540
190Current Problems in Pediatric and Adolescent Health Care18313769
191Psychological Review182155294
191Neurogastroenterology and Motility282841894
191International Journal of Eating Disorders1821.8K1.4K
194British Journal of Psychiatry1813.0K3.4K
194Journal of School Health581311522
194Infant and Child Development48153101
194Adaptive Human Behavior and Physiology3812314
199Journal of Gerontology180307367
199Rehabilitation Psychology5801268
201Perspectives on Psychological Science179321462
201Translational Behavioral Medicine479155201
203Developmental Disabilities Research Reviews17891153
204Family Court Review27610752
205Journal of Clinical Nursing2751.5K1.6K
205Journal of Interpersonal Violence37560107
207Brain, Behavior, and Immunity3748532.8K
207Journal of Behavioral Medicine374270609
207Perception & Psychophysics174422393
210Clinical Neurophysiology3739291.7K
211Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health1721.3K884
211Journal of Learning Disabilities372401920
211Current Rheumatology Reports172461363
211Learning Disability Quarterly272107109
215Journal of Abnormal Psychology171388456
215Brain Structure and Function371494978
215Journal of Andrology171974766
215European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology271120192
219Current Gerontology and Geriatrics Research1695259
220Child Abuse and Neglect268585850
220Human Relations16876121
223Biological Psychology366368786
224Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment and Trauma3656967
225Canadian Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology16426188
225Research in Sports Medicine3647696
228European Journal of Cognitive Psychology1638286
229Pediatric Clinics of North America362181552
229Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice162249158
231International Journal of Selection and Assessment9611253
232Gerontologist, The7601381.0K
232Neurobiology of Learning and Memory360311736
232Aging, Neuropsychology, and Cognition46054181
235American Journal of Gastroenterology1591.7K1.9K
235Journal of Women's Health1591.5K1.1K
235European Journal of Social Psychology259283327
235Alzheimer's Research and Therapy259646987
239Journal of Dental Research1583.4K3.4K
239Journal of Educational Research15815237
239Toxicology and Industrial Health158817367
242Topics in Stroke Rehabilitation257159313
242Business Ethics1575064
245Social Indicators Research156994776
245Current Psychology456451307
245Brain Sciences2562.4K992
245American Journal of Occupational Therapy456284614
249Radiotherapy and Oncology2552.1K2.8K
249Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences1553.4K5.0K
249BMC Neuroscience1559801.1K
249Depression and Anxiety2558951.8K
253Scandinavian Journal of Psychology254288354
253Psychoanalytic Inquiry1549659
253Personal Relationships35432157
256Brain and Cognition253371724
257Epilepsy Research1521.4K1.1K
258Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience251134520
258Journal of Nonverbal Behavior151140189
258Journal of Gambling Studies251185265
261Disability and Rehabilitation2501.2K1.5K
261Reproductive Toxicology2506241.0K
261Health and Social Work1504359
264Behavioural Processes249378449
264Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology149144
266Environmental Psychology and Nonverbal Behavior34829
267Archives of Neurology1476391.1K
267Canadian Journal of Psychiatry2477341.4K
267American Journal of Industrial Medicine2479711.5K
267Death Studies44772294
267Journal of Toxicology: Clinical Toxicology147250223
267AAPS Journal247358773
267Child Maltreatment34743167
267Orthodontics and Craniofacial Research147731575
267Journal of Adult Development2474787
278Early Education and Development246147196
278Journal of Research on Adolescence1467965
280American Journal of Cardiology2451.5K3.0K
280Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal34548137
280Journal of Prevention and Intervention in the Community4452336
283Journal of Physiology1445.2K6.6K
284Journal of Elder Abuse and Neglect44311118
285Psychology, Health and Medicine342199544
285Infant Mental Health Journal54221150
288Multiple Sclerosis Journal1412.0K2.5K
288Current Pain and Headache Reports141250292
288Alzheimer's and Dementia: Diagnosis, Assessment and Disease Monitoring241674988
288Neuropsychology, Development and Cognition Section D: the Clinical Neuropsychologist1412141
288Current Psychology2412741
293Social Science and Medicine3401.2K3.9K
293Health Policy and Planning2405401.1K
296Psychiatric Services1392.4K2.1K
296Brain Research Bulletin2391.0K2.1K
296Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience339231837
299NeuroImage: Clinical2381.9K3.8K
300Psychonomic Bulletin and Review237408592
300Journal of Sex Research437179848
300Journal of Career Assessment23791142
304Critical Care Medicine1364.6K6.7K
304Clinical Pediatrics136866900
306Drug Development Research535128803
308British Journal of Health Psychology133453642
308Journal of Behavioral Decision Making133275429
310European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging1323.0K3.9K
310Journal of Psycholinguistic Research132322291
310Evolutionary Psychology132232258
310School Mental Health232124224
314Brain and Language131657984
314Brain Injury4313771.9K
314General Hospital Psychiatry1318231.0K
314Archives of Environmental Health1317121.2K
314Nature Reviews Rheumatology1315231.2K
314Addiction Research and Theory231155290
314Thinking and Reasoning1317991
321American Journal of the Medical Sciences130920898
321Personality and Individual Differences130120301
321Muscle and Nerve1303.1K3.9K
324Psychological Medicine1294.3K6.8K
324Community Mental Health Journal229420846
324Ethnicity and Disease32962131
327Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology1282.7K3.7K
327Arthritis Research and Therapy1282.4K3.9K
327Annual Review of Psychology128179629
331Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry1279782.0K
331Epilepsy and Behavior1273.0K3.1K
331Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry and Allied Disciplines1271.9K3.2K
331Journal of Neuroimaging2278141.7K
331Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology1272048
331Media Psychology12776130
338Psychology in the Schools326161254
338Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior2263761.1K
338Journal of Youth Studies126186269
341Journal of the American Geriatrics Society2253.9K10.6K
341Human Organization125289267
341Journal of Child Language125256308
345Journal of Neuroscience Research3241.8K7.0K
345Applied Cognitive Psychology124553567
345Pediatric Diabetes1241.5K2.1K
345Environmental Health1249831.8K
345Behavioral Sciences (Basel, Switzerland)224557513
350Journal of Neurochemistry1238.4K13.9K
350International Psychogeriatrics1231.7K2.6K
350Trends in Cognitive Sciences1238101.7K
350Journal of Psychoactive Drugs123433616
350Psychological Assessment123440771
350Journal of Hospital Administration1238114
350Cognitive, Affective and Behavioral Neuroscience22358118
358Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine1222.1K2.6K
358Child Psychiatry and Human Development222399890
358Journal of Community Psychology322106412
358Journal of the National Medical Association222108345
358International Journal of Behavioral Medicine122602914
358Mental Health, Religion and Culture122298277
358European Journal of Personality122248427
358Asian Journal of Social Psychology122139168
358Vulnerable Children and Youth Studies22260126
358JMIR MHealth and UHealth1226641.5K
368Metabolism: Clinical and Experimental1212.4K4.9K
368American Journal of Infection Control1211.5K2.2K
368Science Advances12110.8K21.4K
368Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders1211.8K1.7K
368Journal of Marital and Family Therapy121196306
368SAGE Open Medicine121574423
368Network Neuroscience121346472
375Social and Personality Psychology Compass42025202
375Psychology of Violence1201882
375Basic and Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology120584778
378Psychiatry Research2192.4K5.7K
378Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics1192.9K6.3K
378Psychological Research119584669
378Heart and Lung: Journal of Acute and Critical Care119508758
378Journal of Primary Prevention21986355
378Applied Developmental Science119928
378Npj Science of Learning119116162
386Journal of Clinical Hypertension1181.1K1.4K
386International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism118229341
386Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology218131428
386Current Topics in Behavioral Neurosciences21891475
386Applied Neuropsychology11877225
386Current Epidemiology Reports21872266
386Journal of Muslim Mental Health118617
394Neuroscience Letters2173.8K9.3K
394Journal of Personality and Social Psychology117408820
394Medical Decision Making1171.0K2.1K
394AIDS Patient Care and STDs1177551.4K
394Journal of Educational Measurement1176101.3K
394New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development117266518
394Pain Management117185265
401Behavior Research Methods3162871.1K
401Alcohol and Alcoholism2164611.4K
401Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society116358287
401Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics1161.1K2.3K
401Seminars in Cell and Developmental Biology1161.1K3.5K
401Health and Quality of Life Outcomes1161.5K3.2K
401Omega: Journal of Death and Dying31639271
401Journal of Motor Behavior316161813
409Digestive Diseases and Sciences1153.0K5.5K
409Innovation in Aging615226196
409Climatic Change1151.1K2.3K
409Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology1151.5K2.8K
409Twin Research and Human Genetics1151.1K1.5K
409Brain Imaging and Behavior1151.2K2.0K
409Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology115279433
409Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences115155467
409International Journal of Testing1156480
409Health Psychology and Behavioral Medicine115155201
409Trends in Neuroscience and Education1152797
420International Journal of Obesity1143.1K6.8K
420Occupational Medicine114642944
420American Journal on Addictions1146871.2K
420Child Neuropsychology1145761.1K
424Pediatric Research2133.1K9.3K
424Journal of the American Statistical Association2131.4K4.0K
424Contemporary Clinical Trials1131.2K2.3K
424Psychological Record113291324
424Reading and Writing213241642
424Reflective Practice113166235
424Work, Aging and Retirement1131168
431International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health21215.2K28.7K
431Southern Journal of Philosophy1121.1K584
431Journal of Drug Issues11244155
431Journal of Graduate Medical Education1129141.3K
431Biomarkers in Medicine1126361.5K
431Journal of Early Adolescence1124497
431Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Nursing112246394
431Quarterly Journal of Studies on Alcohol212113409
439BMJ Open1119.1K14.3K
439Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience1111.6K3.9K
439Journal of Creative Behavior11187245
439Developmental Neuropsychology1116011.3K
439Journal of Child Sexual Abuse21142379
439Social Psychological and Personality Science111243495
439Advances in Child Development and Behavior11151128
439Journal of Child and Adolescent Trauma111127215
439Journal of Direct Marketing21128204
439Journal of Well-Being Assessment111621
439Genetic Testing and Molecular Biomarkers111197615
450General and Comparative Endocrinology1101.3K2.4K
450Human and Experimental Toxicology1101.3K2.9K
450Journal of Research in Personality11027114
450Discourse Processes110212426
450Neurology: Clinical Practice1108431.7K
450Journal of Addiction Medicine1105971.4K
450Journal of Population11068
450Cognitive and Behavioral Neurology110220554
458Pediatric Blood and Cancer196.4K9.5K
458Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association1988169
458MCN the American Journal of Maternal Child Nursing19188378
458Academic Psychiatry19326484
458Journal of Nursing Scholarship196361.9K
458Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport195621.1K
458International Journal of Psychology19415942
458Integrative and Comparative Biology199662.5K
458Journal of Mental Health292881.3K
458Clinical Social Work Journal192490
458Journal of Aging and Health29115587
458Journal of Immigrant and Refugee Studies1954178
470Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology182.5K6.1K
470Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology: CJASN181.9K4.2K
470European Journal of Cancer Prevention188172.0K
470Journal of Technology Transfer18159444
470Archives of Women's Mental Health186681.6K
470Heart Failure Reviews182741.1K
470International Journal for the Advancement of Counselling18179303
470Applied Neuropsychology: Child2878392
470Asia Pacific Journal of Counselling and Psychotherapy183622
470Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology - Evoked Potentials18118265
470Journal of Financial Counseling and Planning181445
470Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis and Dynamic Psychiatry1896130
482Current Biology176.1K13.0K
482Hypertension Research171.2K2.6K
482Nature Reviews Endocrinology175851.7K
482Frontiers in Veterinary Science171.2K2.3K
482Brain Topography175901.5K
482American Journal of Men's Health27146977
482Human Resource Management Journal1745230
482Clinical Psychological Science17386917
482Neurology: Genetics171.8K6.0K
482Employee Assistance Quarterly171922
482Couple and Family Psychology: Research and Practice17428
482Journal of Perinatal Medicine179311.8K
494Journal of General Psychology26198480
494Journal of Applied Toxicology161.4K3.9K
494Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment167891.7K
494The Personnel and Guidance Journal46160633
494JAMA Network Open363.4K15.5K
494Journal of Urban Health166321.5K
494Research on Aging16103396
494The Pedagogical Seminary and Journal of Genetic Psychology169998
494Aging Male16383823
494Journal of Beliefs and Values16117157
494Cogent Psychology2674411
494NHS A Dialog: A Research-to-practice Journal for the Early Intervention Field166263
494Research on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology26120349
494Learning and Behavior16156234
508The Journalism Quarterly15166230
508Acta Psychologica155541.2K
508British Journal of Educational Psychology15429978
508Physiological Reports152.6K6.1K
508Performance Improvement15189372
508Journal of Public Health Policy15191598
508Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, The1547148
508Family Journal15147288
508Law and Human Behavior15175451
508Substance Abuse155391.4K
508Journal of Behavioral Health Services and Research15263687
508Emotion Review15183490
508Language, Cognition and Neuroscience15323663
508Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders15191634
508Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being15104346
508Biofeedback and Self-regulation1542144
508Clinical and Translational Science151.1K2.7K
526American Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation147382.8K
526Quality of Life Research241.3K5.9K
526Family Relations1485420
526Journal of Nutrition, Health and Aging148942.7K
526Politics and the Life Sciences3430115
526Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings341621.2K
526Industrial and Organizational Psychology3432101
526Journal of Women and Aging14152641
526Anxiety, Stress and Coping143271.0K
526Performance Improvement Quarterly14113390
526Journal of Positive Psychology14301821
526Residential Treatment for Children and Youth1485200
526American Journal of Audiology14324585
526Psychiatry Research - Neuroimaging141.4K3.4K
526European Psychologist14141492
543Nature Communications1327.0K47.5K
543Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology136811.8K
543Nicotine and Tobacco Research131.5K3.5K
543Public Health Nursing137302.0K
543Black Scholar13135278
543British Journal of Developmental Psychology13271718
543Journal of Social Service Research2339408
543Human Resource Development Quarterly1385280
543Reading Psychology2349333
543Conflict Management and Peace Science1358177
543Human Performance131043
543Applied Environmental Education and Communication1367258
543Work, Aging and Retirement1335120
543International Journal of MS Care2369521
543Journal of Family Trauma, Child Custody and Child Development131327
543International Journal of Sexual Health1337147
560Behaviour Research and Therapy128061.9K
560JAMA Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery121.8K3.8K
560Journal of Social and Personal Relationships1266284
560Journal of Applied Gerontology12206614
560Criminal Behaviour and Mental Health12251872
560Military Psychology12181543
560Inquiry (United States)12200559
560The Journal of College Student Retention: Researchory and Practice1232208
560Multiple Sclerosis International1279343
560Personality Neuroscience1233143
560Comprehensive Results in Social Psychology121567
560Families in Society1237315
574FASEB Journal3111.4K27.5K
574Clinical Therapeutics111.5K4.6K
574International Journal of Neuroscience111.4K4.6K
574Journal of Asthma111.7K4.8K
574BMC Psychiatry113.0K6.8K
574Cancer Medicine115.9K14.3K
574Journal of Religion and Health117302.4K
574Journal of Conflict Resolution11313875
574Women and Health115902.2K
574Archives of Psychiatric Nursing114841.4K
574Human Resource Management113491.1K
574International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction114321.5K
574Alcoholism Treatment Quarterly11136429
574Journal of the American Psychiatric Nurses Association1181291
574Journal of Intellectual and Developmental Disability11152607
574Journal of Social Distress and the Homeless1176267
574Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research11241956
574Policy Insights From the Behavioral and Brain Sciences111293
574Juvenile and Family Court Journal11728
574Journal of Prevention and Intervention in the Community11551
574Biodemography and Social Biology2196615
574Alcohol: Clinical and Experimental Research11202343
596Journal of Education1079191
596ILR Review10141601
596Journal of the American Heart Association105.5K13.2K
596Journal of Vision201.7K3.1K
596Journal of Health Psychology101881.0K
596Educational Theory106361.5K
596World Journal of Biological Psychiatry101.1K3.2K
596Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting10130425
596Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy10298982
596Children's Health Care10200732
596Social Development10190662
596Child and Family Behavior Therapy10129423
596Psychology Learning and Teaching1048145
596Journal of Alzheimer's Disease Reports10197928
596Journal of Personnel Psychology1063249
596Gezinstherapie Wereldwijd1060
596International Journal of Changes in Education1013