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citing journals

Top Journals (by citations)

#JournalArticlesCitationsR ARankR CRank
1Science of the Total Environment646,363391153
2Environmental Pollution413,071176104
3Environment International112,793390105
4Applied Catalysis B: Environmental92,56523061
5Journal of Hazardous Materials332,512251224
6Applied Surface Science112,43749252
7ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces71,9281.8K540
8Environmental Science & Technology251,896592570
9Environmental Research91,599636137
10Frontiers in Psychology961,417124273
11International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health741,294439449
12Cogent Education1321,24023
13Current Psychiatry Reports51,14116526
14Journal of Alloys and Compounds41,0071.3K198
15Computer Assisted Language Learning2295934
16Educational Psychology5395359
17Journal of Colloid and Interface Science7913989425
18Bioresource Technology13912621593
19Environmental Science and Pollution Research42905437463
21Computers and Education13869714
23Journal of Materials Chemistry A58591.3K674
25Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety12779365233
26Chemical Engineering Journal14766322383
27Chinese Journal of Catalysis47376817
28Teaching and Teacher Education1373093
29Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education187022123
30Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development2670015
31Reading and Writing376931136
32Asia-Pacific Education Researcher4767126
33Scientific Reports406512.5K3.1K
34PLoS ONE456282.2K3.6K
35Education Sciences21613355
36Chemical Society Reviews2605841871
37Contemporary Educational Psychology13578218
38Journal of Materials Chemistry C9551808448
39Australasian Journal of Educational Technology155452411
40Journal of Education for Teaching3454337
42Early Education and Development28535420
43Journal of Environmental Management16525419626
44Educational Psychologist45125854
45Current Psychology364962620
46British Journal of Educational Technology184902940
47Asia Pacific Education Review2647488
48Journal of Affective Disorders12471572595
49ACS Catalysis24651.3K664
50Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry84531.2K1.0K
51Nanoscale Horizons144941835
52Policy and Society94481210
53Marine Pollution Bulletin18434258457
54Chemistry of Materials34241.3K967
56Teaching in Higher Education154181620
57Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology641687146
58European Journal of Sport Science641422069
59Journal of Computers in Education1240434
60RELC Journal163951010
62Advanced Materials23861.9K1.5K
63Journal of Medical Internet Research6374454386
64Interactive Learning Environments183731730
65Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters13721.8K677
66British Journal of Educational Psychology173704790
67Water Research13651.7K832
68Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice26354530
69Comparative Education13351914
70International Journal of Inclusive Education113432725
71Chemical Communications53421.8K1.4K
72Early Child Development and Care293411625
73Language Teaching Research12333932
74Child Development5320324384
75Journal of Cleaner Production9319587934
76Higher Education1831747145
77Assessment in Education113091319
78Education and Information Technologies263081166
79International Journal of Nursing Studies1307832257
80Journal of Environmental Sciences5305210139
81Educational and Psychological Measurement7296219172
82Social Science and Medicine8295496649
82Scientific Studies of Reading112951441
84Journal of Sleep Research5294345255
85Educational Technology Research and Development1129059100
86Internet and Higher Education4278412
87Journal of Happiness Studies1227632133
88Annals of Dyslexia92742340
89Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education102702823
89Australian Educational and Developmental Psychologist1270453
91Journal of Adolescence10269134253
92Asia Pacific Journal of Education2926858
93Research in Developmental Disabilities1626786174
94School Psychology International132611431
95Higher Education Policy92522525
95Early Years13252157
97Applied Psychological Measurement192452077
98Nature Human Behaviour2244565438
99Journal of Asian Public Policy2024121
100BMC Public Health122381.1K1.3K
101Journal of Physical Chemistry A11237911964
102Psychiatry Research7236692683
103Journal of Experimental Child Psychology12234107195
103Journal of School Psychology72343770
105Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management52334725
106Child Indicators Research122322130
107Educational Research for Policy and Practice1322933
108Applied Energy6227384612
108Australian Journal of Psychology42276048
110Inorganic Chemistry102261.2K1.3K
111Building and Environment3225276203
112RSC Advances82232.4K2.1K
112Personality and Individual Differences1122397192
114Journal of Personality and Social Psychology3221264337
115Biosensors and Bioelectronics22181.3K1.0K
115Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research5218601422
115Quality of Life Research9218384580
115Journal of Human Kinetics421813240
120Australian Journal of Teacher Education82153320
121European Journal of Psychology of Education112143471
122Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine9213506440
122Journal of Educational Computing Research132132684
124Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment1211536178
125Children and Youth Services Review142095493
126Sex Roles6207299349
127Brain Injury2205740331
128Behavioural Brain Research22041.3K673
129Journals of Gerontology - Series B Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences8201194294
130Journal of Education and Work41985622
131Lecture Notes in Computer Science611961.5K2.0K
131Thinking Skills and Creativity1019625
133Journal of Child and Family Studies14194145231
134IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence3191606684
135Environmental Geochemistry and Health12189100201
136Aging and Mental Health14187114300
137School Effectiveness and School Improvement51863740
138Chemical Engineering Research and Design4185344254
138ECNU Review of Education1118542
140Gender and Education81844040
142Computers in Human Behavior6183169448
143Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin4180335453
144Early Childhood Education Journal131793063
144Journal of Small Business and Entrepreneurship117921013
146Psychology and Aging2177255209
147Journal of Educational Measurement1017675140
147International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education121763260
150Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders10175352697
150JMIR Pediatrics and Parenting1175975
152Journal of Urban Affairs117429177
152Computers and Education Artificial Intelligence317412
154Royal Society Open Science21721.3K382
154Higher Education Quarterly151722428
156British Educational Research Journal151714092
156Educational Psychology Review517194206
158American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry9170171265
159TESOL Quarterly101682789
161World Englishes116426850
162Educational Gerontology131623754
162Instructional Science716264116
164BMC Psychiatry8160544706
165Journal of the American Ceramic Society11572.0K1.0K
165Journal of Education Policy91572968
165Journal of Business and Psychology1157508197
165Educational Media International9157717
170Gait and Posture8156295423
170Aquatic Toxicology6156288443
172Journal of Research in Reading131552271
172Materials Horizons1155698337
172Globalisation, Societies and Education91551629
176Social Science Journal215124940
177Social Indicators Research13150144427
178Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology1149437380
178Nature Climate Change41495771.2K
181International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism121471372
181Career Development Quarterly51478182
181Frontiers of Education in China11147117
181International Journal of Sustainable Built Environment1147237
185International Journal of Children's Spirituality1014653
185Small Structures114635871
188Angewandte Chemie - International Edition31422.2K2.5K
189Nature Communications11416.3K5.4K
190Medicine (United States)12139831957
190Environmental Science: Nano5139245277
190International Journal of Music Education12139713
194China Quarterly51384451
194Teacher Development12138411
196BMC Geriatrics6136593601
196Applied Geography2136144111
196Studies in Higher Education7136141227
200Journal of Computer Assisted Learning1913520189
201Energy and Buildings3133400436
201Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology813394150
201Journal of Psycholinguistic Research2013312145
204British Journal of Sociology of Education513291108
204Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health4132144118
204Policy Design and Practice3132138
207Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research31311.6K1.3K
207Journal of Sports Sciences14131171524
209Educational Review81303757
210Alzheimer's and Dementia81281.2K893
210Technology, Pedagogy and Education10128630
212Cambridge Journal of Education91272873
213Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare2126421271
213Journal of Environmental Psychology31265098
213Research in Science Education812668122
213Music Education Research15126626
217Brain Structure and Function1125924450
218Journal of Learning Disabilities8124149332
219Nano Research2123834649
219International Journal of Science Education6123187297
219Early Childhood Research Quarterly61234696
222Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews21218281.0K
222Intercultural Education8121918
222Journal of Educational Change10121742
222Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning7121711
226Policy Futures in Education61194424
226Social Psychology of Education91192189
228Materials Science and Engineering C41189801.3K
228Journal of Science Education and Technology711869141
228Proceedings of the Association for Information Science and Technology71187020
231International Journal of Psychology1011681261
231Research Papers in Education61162840
233Child: Care, Health and Development6115209316
233Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment1011551119
233Asian Journal of Social Psychology71153471
236Ecological Engineering2114358266
237Sleep Medicine2113804596
237Solar Rrl3113440258
239American Journal of Orthopsychiatry5112117240
239Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering2112653244
239Educational Research and Evaluation71122041
242ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering51111.0K1.4K
242Frontiers in Chemistry4111654594
242Health Policy and Planning4111264301
245Journal of Pain and Symptom Management6110367611
245Youth and Society5110106137
247Food Chemistry41091.3K1.9K
247Journal of Clinical Medicine11093.6K1.3K
247Reliability Engineering and System Safety2109266218
247Learning and Individual Differences81091781
247Policy Sciences2109173131
247School Leadership and Management101091338
253Ageing and Society6107186234
255International Journal of Educational Research10106533
255Perspectives on Psychological Science1106367359
255Policing (Oxford)81062217
255Learning Environments Research41063143
259Journal of American College Health3105308232
260Educational Studies101032659
260Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology8103133567
262Applied Sciences (Switzerland)41023.2K2.0K
262Pain Medicine5102393485
262Educational Philosophy and Theory251021698
262Journal of Gender Studies210214544
262Journal of Positive Psychology1102340216
262Small Methods1102716325
262International Journal of Early Years Education51023445
262Health Economics, Policy and Law110216354
270Information and Management1101211180
270International Journal of Leadership in Education510165
272International Psychogeriatrics899299607
272Citizenship Teaching and Learning239911
274Modern Language Journal498280232
274Catalysis Science and Technology2981.0K811
274Applied Ergonomics398382415
277International Journal of Infectious Diseases3971.1K920
278European Physical Education Review5966182
279Leadership and Policy in Schools8951229
279Journal of Relationships Research195556
281International Journal of STEM Education4945579
282BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth1931.9K846
284IEEE Transactions on Reliability592215273
284BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making1921.2K534
284Energy Storage Materials192323370
284Professional Development in Education6923059
284Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood8922147
289Future Generation Computer Systems191801542
289Research in Higher Education191358223
289Higher Education Research and Development99161119
289Materials Letters1911.4K572
293Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology290810819
293Journal of Global Health190497187
293Environmental Processes19017238
296Journal of Social and Personal Relationships789133277
296Journal of Materiomics1899747
298European Early Childhood Education Research Journal8883352
299Environmental Monitoring and Assessment4871.5K1.4K
299International Journal of Technology and Design Education9872676
299Tertiary Education and Management28710535
303Chemistry - A European Journal5861.5K2.0K
303Modern China2868054
303International Journal of Multilingualism886961
306BMJ, The2858881.4K
306Clinical Infectious Diseases1852.9K2.6K
306Journal of Soils and Sediments885196457
306IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing385154187
306Multilingual Education58513
311Behavior Research Methods784274528
311Education in the Asia-Pacific Region418411
313Depression and Anxiety383467764
313International Tax and Public Finance183318126
313International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education4833029
316Environmental Technology (United Kingdom)482565484
316Language Assessment Quarterly7821637
320Developmental Psychology481241459
320Lancet Planetary Health, The181513481
320International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education2816994
320Journal of Chinese Governance281308
324Lancet, The2802.7K3.8K
324Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews2808251.6K
326Land Degradation and Development379589626
326Sustainable Cities and Society279358555
326Journal of CO2 Utilization47972231
326Aerosol and Air Quality Research579256323
330Physical Review D11781.4K1.9K
331Addictive Behaviors277733727
331Nurse Education Today377457571
331Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry177580435
331International Journal of Human Resource Management277518573
331Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research777295570
331Social Policy and Administration477123112
331IEEE Intelligent Systems277199200
339Text and Talk2766819
340Journal of Clinical Nursing475781966
340Gerontologist, The375420607
340Multivariate Behavioral Research47569131
340Addiction Biology175763461
340Current Issues in Tourism275360375
340Asia Pacific Journal of Management175370284
340Environmental Chemistry Letters275387516
340Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities77570134
340Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being77526119
349Information Processing and Management174223192
349Journal of Advanced Academics1748827
351Green Chemistry3721.0K1.5K
351Medical Image Analysis172681717
351Pedagogy, Culture and Society11721643
351Sex Education5724169
355World Development271264411
355Urban Studies271446513
355Annals of the American Association of Geographers471110125
355Journal of the Formosan Medical Association171253116
355Reviews in Aquaculture171348323
361Developmental Science670220528
361Aggressive Behavior370269393
361Australasian Journal of Early Childhood6703846
364Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society6691.3K1.6K
364Energy & Fuels2691.5K1.4K
364Human Vaccines and Immunotherapeutics869359726
364Psychology of Sport and Exercise369106161
368Current Issues in Language Planning6681139
369Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise11678691.1K
369Energy Policy267514823
369Psychology in the Schools567254334
369IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies10671497
373Journal of Psychosomatic Research266704782
373International Journal of Behavioral Medicine266408377
375Physical Review B4652.6K2.9K
375Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation1651.3K1.1K
375Knowledge-Based Systems265413591
375ACS Chemical Biology1651.1K846
375International Journal of Lifelong Education8652967
375Learning and Instruction36537121
381Analytical Chemistry1643.2K2.9K
381Communications in Computer and Information Science2064873616
381Journal of Educational Research364302260
381Journal of Research in International Education664513
385Health Policy263499527
385International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics763117255
385Judgment and Decision Making163272167
388International Advances in Economic Research16237931
388Applied Health Economics and Health Policy162423183
388Cognitive Computation362151211
391Journal of Physical Chemistry C3612.4K2.7K
391Journal of Physics Condensed Matter1612.1K1.3K
391Applied Catalysis A: General161590508
391Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology4617711.0K
391Nutrition Journal161753671
391Educational Action Research4617080
391Energy Efficiency161348136
391Smart Learning Environments3612151
399Physical Review A1602.9K2.2K
399Waste Management3607071.4K
399CAD Computer Aided Design2609685
399Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry and Allied Disciplines1609801.1K
399Frontiers in Public Health3601.2K1.3K
399Family Process460245401
399Psychology and Health460273513
399Research on Social Work Practice560103193
408Nurse Education in Practice259339316
408Linguistics and Education459924
408Pain Physician159227130
411Quaternary Science Reviews158670627
411Landscape and Urban Planning55869423
411European Journal of Social Psychology358351478
411Journal of Research in Childhood Education65836100
415Neuroscience Letters2571.8K1.8K
415Journal of Youth and Adolescence457357696
415Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching4571438
415Environmental Science and Ecotechnology1571830
415Journal of Numerical Cognition15710230
421Educational Research356104145
421British Journal of Developmental Psychology456142336
421Integrative Cancer Therapies256309307
421Social Psychological and Personality Science456181362
421Social Policy and Society3568991
421Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics456183
421Applied Economics Letters356786446
421European Journal of Psychotraumatology356277319
429Advanced Functional Materials3551.6K2.5K
429Dyes and Pigments355398503
431Journal of Family Issues654137371
432Journal of Molecular Liquids1531.5K1.1K
432Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology1531.5K1.1K
432Quantum Information Processing353555436
432Science China Earth Sciences253237231
432Journal of Studies in International Education35346137
438Rare Metals152524312
438ACM Transactions on Information Systems452107219
440International Journal of Stroke1511.0K866
440Arts Education Policy Review751823
442Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology2501.5K1.2K
442Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing150761479
442Optics and Lasers in Engineering250187253
442Sociology of Education150101148
442Environmental Science and Technology Letters150457430
442Journal of Exercise Science and Fitness650422
449Journal of Materials Chemistry1491.5K1.8K
449Psychological Assessment249297464
449Information Fusion149195296
449Reflective Practice74938100
449Applied Research in Quality of Life94924174
454Physics Letters, Section A: General, Atomic and Solid State Physics248503385
454Analyst, The3481.3K1.8K
454Pure and Applied Chemistry148934747
454Telemedicine Journal and E-Health248550711
454British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology248179191
454Journal of Youth Studies348138202
454Journal of Indian Council of Philosophical Research148374
461Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry3479521.4K
461Journal of Travel Medicine247449426
461Public Administration and Development44784140
461Journal of Moral Education44750117
461English for Specific Purposes1473236
466Health and Quality of Life Outcomes3466651.2K
466Journal of Research in Personality246123205
466Journal of Industrial Ecology146417415
466Language and Education74620119
466Journal of Computing in Higher Education34654121
466Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education104657177
473Natural Hazards2451.2K1.3K
473Journal of Counseling Psychology24596201
473Applied Physiology, Nutrition and Metabolism145765550
473Reading Research Quarterly44581213
473Creativity Research Journal345107251
473Archives of Public Health245332276
473Learning, Media and Technology24581137
480Journal of Health Psychology344446718
480Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking64494611
480International Journal of Disability Development and Education74425149
480Research in Comparative and International Education4442543
485Journal of Sustainable Tourism143442531
485Analysis Mathematica14317217
485Curriculum Journal4436484
485Race Ethnicity and Education343101197
485Public Performance & Management Review14314769
485Quality in Higher Education14313881
485Journal of Central South University443239264
492BMJ Open5422.4K3.3K
492Journal of Clinical Neuroscience242988834
492Psychology, Health and Medicine442261514
492International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology142398277
492Citizenship Studies54256170
492Journal of Ecotourism2425279
492Educational Research Review1423487
492Asian Geographer742516
502Remote Sensing5411.8K2.6K
502Anatomical Record1411.1K735
502Translational Psychiatry5417011.5K
502Journal of Behavioral Medicine141615670
502Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and Practice1417937
502Asian and Pacific Migration Journal2417554
502Asian Ethnicity6411232
502Cross-Cultural Research24199163
510Astrophysical Journal5401.4K2.1K
510European Journal of Education240102106
510Journal of Contemporary China4404296
510Review of Public Personnel Administration140171138
510Children's Geographies240152181
510Mentoring and Tutoring: Partnership in Learning140204107
510International Perspectives on Early Childhood Education and Development5402513
518Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry1391.4K1.5K
518Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture2391.5K1.8K
518Journal of Luminescence339476702
518Physical Therapy1391.1K1.1K
518Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior139472394
518Annals of Epidemiology139666654
518American Educational Research Journal139307411
518Environmental Education Research239215313
518International Political Science Review139231191
518Cognitive, Affective and Behavioral Neuroscience139508488
518Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence639567659
518Studies in Science Education13971124
518High Ability Studies2395658
518Educational Assessment, Evaluation and Accountability3393273
518International Review of Administrative Sciences339143177
518International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning139605168
534Physiology and Behavior3388901.4K
534Analytical Methods2381.5K1.4K
534Risk Analysis138914898
534Journal of Applied Gerontology338250333
534British Journal of Guidance and Counselling438109133
534International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology53864201
534Educational Sciences: Theory and Practice138112
534Zeitschrift Fur Psychologie / Journal of Psychology13814996
534Transactions of the American Mathematical Society1381.0K782
534Zeitschrift Fur Angewandte Mathematik Und Physik938208487
534Journal of Curriculum and Instruction1381610
548BMC Medical Education2371.3K1.1K
548American Journal of Community Psychology337296545
548Health Expectations137857687
548Science and Education337162239
548Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry and Neurology137415408
548ZDM - International Journal on Mathematics Education537136290
548Population, Space and Place137360285
548Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness137113120
556Psychological Reports5368551.2K
556Public Health Nutrition1361.6K1.4K
556Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience336365710
556International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction236355456
556World Wide Web436142294
556Multilingual Education2336117
556Technical and Vocational Education and Training113628
564Physical Review E9351.5K2.8K
564American Journal of Infection Control2359381.1K
564Journal of Adolescent Health1351.0K1.1K
564International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology113587198
564Water Environment Research235426391
564International Journal of Educational Development23566105
564New Media and Society135435485
564Energy and Environment235229195
564Journal of Early Childhood Teacher Education33510082
564Sexuality Research and Social Policy43590207
564Child Development Perspectives235120273
564BJPsych Open235484357
564Journal of Early Childhood Research2355871
564Applied Linguistics Review7351365
564Energy Economics135561706
581Process Biochemistry134496537
581Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture1341.1K985
581Journal of the American Medical Directors Association2348091.1K
581Resources, Conservation and Recycling134531825
581Journal of Operations Management134368522
581Social Development434150365
581Australian Educational Researcher4344779
581Reading and Writing Quarterly33483116
581Annals of Leisure Research13414190
581Asian Englishes5341623
581Australian Journal of Learning Difficulties2342317
581Higher Education in Asia73453
595Child Abuse and Neglect2336731.0K
595Archives of Sexual Behavior533382981
595Advanced Science1331.8K1.6K
595Financial Management133308326
595Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders233155262
595International Journal of Biological Markers333172245
595Journal of NeuroImmune Pharmacology133384435
595ACM Transactions on Internet Technology133317262
595Science Bulletin133790535
595JMIR Public Health and Surveillance233200381
606Energy Conversion and Management2326461.3K
606Expert Systems With Applications1321.1K1.4K
606European Physical Journal C2321.6K1.6K
606Ecology and Evolution4321.3K2.0K
606Climatic Change4326571.6K
606Journal of Physical Therapy Science132651427
606Palliative Medicine132718814
606Sports Medicine1329211.2K
606International Review of Education132229145
606Urban Forestry and Urban Greening332127439
606Climate of the Past232451685
606Journal for the Education of the Gifted132150129
606Assessing Writing2321435
606Research Studies in Music Education7321353
606International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology132112144
606Writing Systems Research2321722
606Journal for STEM Education Research1322815
623Angewandte Chemie3312.2K2.4K
623International Journal of Psychophysiology131766827
623Environmental Research Letters1311.1K1.3K
623International Journal of Behavioral Development531185559
623Education 3-136315264
623Translational Stroke Research131459478
623Studies in Continuing Education4313996
623Language, Cognition and Neuroscience331136192
623Public Organization Review33164109
623Journal of Language, Identity and Education2315384
623Lecture Notes in Educational Technology10312426
623ICME-13 Monographs4315630
636BMC Infectious Diseases1302.8K2.7K
636Multimedia Tools and Applications3301.5K1.7K
636JAMA Pediatrics1301.1K1.4K
636Frontiers in Psychiatry4301.1K1.9K
636Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine130251295
636Applied Psychology230303462
636Journal of Environmental Education130226183
636Molecular Catalysis130372309
636Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology230156287
636Pastoral Care in Education5304262
636Tourism Geographies130254318
636BMC Nursing130818441
636Language, Culture and Curriculum23069114
636Journal of Second Language Writing2302279
636International Studies in Sociology of Education5302785
636Review of Education3304754
636Innovation and Education13051
655Dalton Transactions3291.9K2.6K
655Chronobiology International129735762
655Brain Imaging and Behavior229571799
655Infancia Y Aprendizaje9292663
655Autism Research129762780
655Urban Ecosystems329220552
655Pacific Review129189133
655Ethics and Behavior229100168
655Language Testing22991201
655Reading Psychology229137144
655Global Environmental Politics129205249
655Critical Studies in Education22961101
655Information Sciences1298881.0K
655Asian Journal of Physical Education & Recreation252932
671BMC Health Services Research3281.6K2.4K
671IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics128775758
671Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports3285881.1K
671Science China Mathematics228295231
671Cognitive Science428237498
671Tourism Recreation Research128198197
671British Journal of Music Education3284154
671Global Ecology and Conservation228255379
671Journal of Chinese Political Science3284687
671Journal of Family Social Work12813684
671PsyCh Journal6283297
671International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning32850182
671Web Intelligence228178
671Data Science and Engineering1288264
685BioMed Research International2273.0K4.0K
685Plant and Soil2271.2K1.9K
685Scientific World Journal, The6275942.0K
685Journal of Business Ethics2271.0K1.7K
685Management Science2276531.2K
685Patient Education and Counseling1271.1K1.2K
685Science Bulletin127299386
685Review of Educational Research127222402
685International Journal of Public Administration527180388
685SAGE Open627416835
685Annals of Behavioral Medicine227429768
685Environment and Behavior327152611
685Psychology of Music42793282
685Annali Dell'Universita Di Ferrara12715948
685Global Studies of Childhood3273254
685Journal of Comparative Asian Development627615
685English Teaching and Learning227168
685Journal of China Computer-assisted Language Learning62722
705Perceptual and Motor Skills3261.2K1.3K
705Journal of Nanomaterials1261.1K896
705Biological Psychology126682800
705Electricity Journal4261070
705International Wound Journal126920799
705Violence Against Women226323504
705Journal of Microbiology126421472
705Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly226117146
705Sexuality and Culture226187191
705Changing English5262628
705Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition226178239
705Journal of Technology in Behavioral Science12613869
705Aerosol Science and Engineering2262817
705Education for Sustainability142621
722International Journal of Climatology1251.3K1.4K
722Acta Mathematica Hungarica325372294
722Journal of Banking and Finance125409545
722International Journal of Biometeorology1259961.1K
722Sociology of Health and Illness125499534
722Insurance: Mathematics and Economics225119166
722Journal of Experimental Education425177352
722British Journal of Social Psychology325217484
722Mobile Information Systems125882320
722Journal of Beliefs and Values6252769
722Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology125223315
722Organizational Research Methods125218383
722Musculoskeletal Science and Practice125276215
722Health Psychology Open2255496
736Pediatrics International224559623
736Enzyme and Microbial Technology224361736
736Frontiers in Neuroscience1242.2K2.4K
736Applied Clay Science124511737
736Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Research124976787
736BMC Pediatrics2241.3K1.6K
736Journal of Research in Music Education42492190
736Educational Studies in Mathematics224271452
736International Journal for Equity in Health124883974
736Journal of Family Psychology224217384
736Journal of Career Development224169284
736Urban Policy and Research2245080
736Journal of Educational Administration and History2248758
736International Journal of Social Robotics124323397
736Socio-Ecological Practice Research1245946
752Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics4232.2K3.4K
752Journal of Experimental Botany1231.3K1.7K
752Mathematische Nachrichten323509539
752Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering123615779
752History of Education3237269
752Learning Disability Quarterly42388261
752Asia-Pacific Financial Markets12313591
752Emerging Adulthood32397188
752AERA Open42375160
752Chinese Sociological Review1235046
764IEEE Transactions on Computers2227221.0K
764Nutrition Reviews1226861.0K
764Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology1221.2K1.6K
764Health Education Journal222269298
764Utilities Policy22239148
764Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research222235415
764Disability and Health Journal122346395
764International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology122241247
764Revista Matematica Complutense12213375
764Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics122164181
764Acta Neurochirurgica Supplementum222277354
764Evaluation and Research in Education2222243
764Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications32273153
764Curriculum Perspectives5221419
778Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport321370856
778Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution1211.2K1.6K
778Comprehensive Psychiatry121733965
778Professional Geographer221300389
778Landscape Ecology2216911.2K
778Environmental Science and Policy121428705
778Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy321289835
778Kaohsiung Journal of Medical Sciences121325282
778Journal of Molecular Recognition121586642
778Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal121345122
778Nations and Nationalism221180219
778Forum Mathematicum121461196
778International Journal of Heritage Studies321105225
778Journal of Educational Technology Systems121268146
778Journal of School Nursing221190303
778Journal of Research on Adolescence121364460
778Journal of International Migration and Integration121285190
778Journal of Aging and Social Policy321109229
778Applied Environmental Education and Communication12114694
778Citizenship, Social and Economics Education521924
778Journal of Asian Pacific Communication1216544
778Journal of Current Chinese Affairs2214793
778Landscapes: the Arts, Aesthetics, and Education112158
778New Frontiers of Educational Research421611
778Polymer Degradation and Stability121360588
804Atmospheric Environment1209041.2K
804New Journal of Chemistry2202.3K2.8K
804Childhood Education320163151
804Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation120538603
804European Journal of Cancer Care2206671.1K
804International Journal of Intercultural Relations22062223
804Journal of Environmental Planning and Management120640767
804Studies in Applied Mathematics220283347
804Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry120353317
804Neuropsychological Rehabilitation120416530
804First Language220146249
804American Journal of Men's Health120560522
804International Journal of Sports Science and Coaching220298342
804Journal of Empirical Finance120151236
804International Journal of Social Welfare120285291
804Publications of the Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences220162161
804International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion120285263
804Research in Drama Education2209551
804Vulnerable Children and Youth Studies120224153
804International Journal of Testing1209298
825Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications419409669
825Journal of Biomechanics2199931.5K
825Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications119423284
825Schizophrenia Bulletin1191.1K1.3K
825Journal of Construction Engineering and Management - ASCE119237331
825Journal of Fluorescence119926882
825Clinical Journal of Pain119681927
825Scandinavian Journal of Psychology219290530
825Australian Journal of Public Administration119163125
825Acta Mathematica Scientia319160136
825International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics21985254
825Waste and Biomass Valorization119998919
825Journal of Organizational Behavior119613949
825Public Personnel Management119113123
825Journal of Aging and Health119484634
825Language Learning Journal219102135
825Geographical Research41941132
825International Journal of Applied Linguistics31967172
825Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education119197265
825Journal of Integrative Medicine119177231
825Technology, Knowledge and Learning31935199
825SN Computer Science119808274
825Postdigital Science and Education119104135
825Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry1191.1K1.5K
825Knowledge Management and E-Learning5191325
850Astrophysical Journal Letters1181.1K1.4K
850Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health1181.0K1.2K
850PS - Political Science and Politics218458341
850Computer Graphics Forum318450734
850Journal of Applied Social Psychology2186411.2K
850Human Factors218390730
850International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology1181.5K1.5K
850Journal of Sex Research218377803
850Studies in Second Language Acquisition118328326
850Clinical Psychology Review118393707
850Water International118443433
850Stress and Health218339702
850Asian Studies Review4184395
850European Journal of Personality118308475
850Counselling and Psychotherapy Research318104192
850Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management218184332
850Trauma, Violence, and Abuse218232509
850Asian Politics and Policy3184030
850Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis118315307
850Psychological Methods118144274
850Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis: Research and Practice218117208
850Journal of Multicultural Discourses1188176
850EPJ Data Science118195240
850Multicultural Education Review618329
850Trends in Neuroscience and Education1184882
850Brain Informatics11893136
850Springer Briefs in Education3518112
878Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical2171.1K2.2K
878American Journal of Physics1171.6K1.2K
878International Journal of Theoretical Physics2171.1K972
878Modern Physics Letters B1171.3K842
878Theoretical and Applied Climatology2179331.4K
878International Social Work217230302
878Lancet Psychiatry,the1178161.1K
878Machine Learning117562659
878European Journal of Special Needs Education217139220
878Journal of Regulatory Economics117274343
878Air Quality, Atmosphere and Health117591693
878Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities117181307
878Behavioral Sciences (Basel, Switzerland)111769566
878Journal of Enterprising Culture117151157
878Journal of Research on Technology in Education117170276
878Current Addiction Reports117236274
878Hong Kong Journal of Occupational Therapy1176451
878International Multilingual Research Journal1177697
878International Journal of Computer-Assisted Language Learning and Teaching3171240
878Gene Regulation and Systems Biology1176184
878International Journal of Chinese Education4171118
878Australian Review of Applied Linguistics7172241
878Affective Science117139164
878Clinical Archives of Communication Disorders117498
902International Journal of Food Science and Technology1161.4K1.6K
902Applied Mathematics Letters216269431
902Land Use Policy2164541.1K
902International Journal of Energy Research3169881.8K
902Brain and Language116532744
902Peabody Journal of Education416167208
902Journal of Supercomputing1161.3K1.2K
902Psychonomic Bulletin and Review316425848
902Serials Review216232141
902Child Psychiatry and Human Development316334807
902Information (Switzerland)216698878
902Studies in Art Education3164672
902Marriage and Family Review116255286
902Developmental Neuropsychology216276589
902Basic and Applied Social Psychology216122300
902Environment and Urbanization11695212
902International Journal of Early Childhood31647123
902International Journal of Cultural Studies116169156
902Universitas Psychologica21610194
902Journal of Nonprofit and Public Sector Marketing116196206
902Physics of the Dark Universe31678301
902Contemporary School Psychology116151159
902Rendiconti Del Seminario Matematico Dell 'Universita' Di Padova/Mathematical Journal of the University of Padova11610821
902Journal of Financial Counseling and Planning1165239
927Chemical Physics Letters1151.3K1.4K
927Journal of Mathematical Physics4151.2K1.8K
927Age and Ageing2151.0K1.4K
927Frontiers in Physiology2152.0K3.2K
927European Journal of Internal Medicine115931967
927Frontiers in Human Neuroscience3151.0K2.1K
927Science Education215422631
927Biology and Fertility of Soils1157231.0K
927Medical Engineering and Physics2155511.0K
927Journal of Human Lactation115437640
927Rendiconti Del Circolo Matematico Di Palermo115345153
927Drug and Alcohol Review115560678
927International Journal of Urban and Regional Research115365518
927G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics1151.2K1.4K
927JAMA Network Open4151.3K2.9K
927Visual Computer215540792
927Theory Into Practice115273286
927International Journal of Consumer Studies315255775
927Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Health215372635
927Public Money and Management215154225
927Journal of Curriculum Studies215126228
927Zoologica Scripta115424570
927Educational Management Administration and Leadership1151732
927Motivation and Emotion215272593
927International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance115237302
927Journal of Engineering Education115374605
927Healthcare (Switzerland)5159281.6K
927American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology215313487
927British Journal of Religious Education3153980
927Cultural Studies of Science Education215169261
927Journal of Vocational Education and Training31589194
927Asia Pacific Journal of Social Work and Development3153875
927Ricerche Di Matematica11513687
927World Journal of Clinical Pediatrics1153865
927Psychology, Society and Education2153829
927Springer International Handbooks of Education215393143
927Education Innovation Series515610
927Clinical Interventions in Aging1157041.1K
967Carbohydrate Polymers1142.1K3.1K
967IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology2141.2K1.8K
967Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters5145161.4K
967Journal of Social Psychology214645982
967Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry114734925
967Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology1141.3K1.4K
967Journal of Interpersonal Violence2147821.3K
967International Journal of Audiology314410845
967Experimental Physiology1141.1K1.4K
967International Journal of the History of Sport314174233
967Glasgow Mathematical Journal114513335
967Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology1146921.1K
967Implementation Science1147641.1K
967Language Learning214225486
967Current Sociology114253357
967Prevention Science114476689
967Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences114290244
967International Journal for the Advancement of Counselling214157250
967Music Perception214102242
967Counselling Psychology Quarterly114258291
967Infant and Child Development214237471
967International Journal of Educational Reform6142255
967Journal of Loss and Trauma214126304
967Critical Asian Studies2143786
967World Leisure Journal31454129
967The Housingory and Society114104126
967Climate and Development114304456
967Frontiers in Education114379382
967BMC Sports Science, Medicine and Rehabilitation314178392
967European Journal of Higher Education114107130
967Atti Della Accademia Nazionale Dei Lincei, Classe Di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche E Naturali, Rendiconti Lincei Matematica E Applicazioni2147166
967International Journal of Training Research1146548