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Top Journals (by articles)

#JournalArticlesCitationsR ARankR CRank
1Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice1,504220,31411
2Journal of Business Venturing1,460273,93211
3Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development1,28041,88111
4Entrepreneurship and Regional Development1,08560,73511
5International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal91336,04911
6Journal of Enterprising Culture5767,54111
7Journal of Developmental Entrepreneurship5388,25611
8Venture Capital45215,69711
9Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship4406,42511
10Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal43432,73711
11Journal of International Entrepreneurship37615,75411
12Journal of Entrepreneurship3635,31911
13Entrepreneurship Research Journal3613,69211
14Journal of Global Entrepreneurship Research3044,68511
15New England Journal of Entrepreneurship2662,01011
16International Journal of Entrepreneurial Knowledge22596411
17Journal of Applied Management and Entrepreneurship17646111
18Entrepreneurship at A Glance1653111
19Entrepreneurship Education and Pedagogy1622,03511
20Advances in Entrepreneurship, Firm Emergence and Growth1611,44611
20Journal of Industrial Integration and Management1613,55111
22Advances in the Study of Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and Economic Growth16047611
23International Journal of E-Entrepreneurship and Innovation14250011
24Asia Pacific Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship1402,84211
25Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Emerging Economies10852511
26Journal Women's Entrepreneurship and Education10411811
27Economy and Entrepreneurship96911
27Journal of Business and Entrepreneurial Studie961411
29Journal of Chinese Entrepreneurship891,28011
30Journal of Knowledge-Based Innovation in China8159111
31ZfKE – Zeitschrift Für KMU Und Entrepreneurship503711
32Journal of Media Management and Entrepreneurship2713211
33International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Governance in Cognitive Cities18811