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Top Journals (by citations)

#JournalArticlesCitationsR ARankR CRank
1Medical Teacher193,783428
2Journal of Applied Physiology142,62137978
3New England Journal of Medicine12,0005.3K1.5K
4European Journal of Applied Physiology and Occupational Physiology161,858215
5Academic Medicine371,7794639
6Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise81,67734466
8Journal of Motor Behavior10724288
9Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology370895080
10JAMA - Journal of the American Medical Association35821.8K2.6K
12Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology Section A: Human Experimental Psychology34534023
13Medical Education2843035142
14Sports Medicine3421409284
16Journal of Learning Disabilities3368401166
19BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth10324276226
20AEM Education and Training3731111
21Research Synthesis Methods2264162104
22Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions82611831
23Aggressive Behavior225026099
24Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Canada122479477
25Journal of Graduate Medical Education212401618
26Accounts of Chemical Research12341.7K1.7K
27Anatomical Sciences Education152182090
28Journal of Medical Internet Research3211539475
29Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport3207244169
30Canadian Journal of Emergency Medicine192053146
31PLoS ONE1520112.7K31.6K
32Addictive Behaviors11951.6K417
33Advances in Health Sciences Education131912991
34Journal of School Violence31895322
35Physical Therapy4187520769
36American Journal of Cardiology21791.5K814
37Acta Physiologica Scandinavica2173726537
38Journal of Clinical Epidemiology21701.6K1.2K
41American Journal of Clinical Nutrition11596.0K5.5K
42Lancet, The115410.2K11.3K
44Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry and Allied Disciplines21401.2K1.4K
45ACS Macro Letters11371.1K432
46Angewandte Chemie - International Edition21367.4K8.8K
47Gynecologic Oncology31352.3K2.3K
47Personal Relationships113513756
49Journal of Fungi (Basel, Switzerland)21281.3K222
50Journal of Midwifery and Women's Health3119189141
51Journal of the American Medical Directors Association11172.0K862
52Frontiers in Pediatrics11052.8K403
53Scientific Reports210444.0K27.8K
54Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine1981.2K255
55Arthroscopy - Journal of Arthroscopic and Related Surgery297804841
56Journal of the American Chemical Society19512.0K14.8K
57Muscle and Nerve2911.8K1.7K
57Osteoporosis International1912.6K1.8K
59BMC Pediatrics2901.3K713
60Perspectives on Medical Education9892341
61Annals of Emergency Medicine582170827
61Journal of Pain and Symptom Management4825561.2K
63Journal of Advanced Nursing3819711.7K
65International Review for the Sociology of Sport471511
66British Journal of Social Work169286127
67Canadian Journal of Psychology16779
68Early Human Development1641.0K617
68Higher Education Research and Development164265141
70Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society361189125
71Nurse Education in Practice259236264
72BMC Medical Education758186905
74Journal of the American College of Emergency Physicians Open15724036
75Journal of General Internal Medicine2561.2K2.1K
75Experimental Physiology1561.5K1.1K
77Journal of Hypertension1553.9K1.8K
78Canadian Journal of Surgery554153282
79Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica1532.5K2.9K
79Sociology of Education153105329
81Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research1515.2K4.6K
81Journal of Fish Biology2511.4K1.7K
81Acta Psychologica151554367
81Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare151210124
85International Journal of Mental Health Nursing150549357
87Medical Science Educator7481621
88Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice945881.0K
89Journal of Physical Chemistry A1445.0K4.9K
90Teaching and Learning in Medicine242151253
91Angewandte Chemie2417.3K6.4K
91World Neurosurgery1415.0K2.8K
91Healthcare Management Forum1418658
94Perceptual and Motor Skills240842713
94Canadian Journal of Diabetes240309303
94Psychological Research340252440
97Clinical Otolaryngology1391.6K900
99Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences1363.4K6.0K
99Practical Radiation Oncology136874619
101American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology4352.0K6.2K
101PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases2353.1K6.0K
101Child Neuropsychology135576650
105BMJ Open3343.7K7.5K
105Health Expectations1341.2K1.2K
105Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes1349811.9K
105Advances in Medical Education and Practice134231191
109Journal of Adolescent Health1332.1K2.9K
109Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport1339871.1K
111CMAJ Open4324091.1K
111International Journal for Academic Development1327362
113American Journal of Roentgenology1312.8K4.2K
113Canadian Journal of Cardiology2314851.0K
113Skeletal Radiology1312.0K2.1K
113JAMA Network Open2314.9K7.9K
113Macromolecular Theory and Simulations131298227
113Neuropsychology, Development and Cognition Section A: Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology13163219
113Journal of Psychiatry and Neuroscience1311.1K1.9K
120International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health23015.2K17.0K
121Journal of Physical Chemistry B1297.8K11.4K
121Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology1296.3K9.8K
121Education for Primary Care3293631
125Journal of the American Geriatrics Society2283.9K10.2K
127Journal of Bone and Mineral Research1274.9K9.1K
127Medical Decision Making1271.0K1.7K
129Canadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology1261.2K1.6K
129Canadian Journal of Anaesthesia1269231.2K
129Journal of Pediatric Psychology1269141.7K
129International Journal of Sports Medicine1268971.1K
133Ecology and Evolution2252.6K4.5K
133British Journal of Occupational Therapy125293168
133Ground Water1259611.4K
133Seminars in Nephrology125456859
133Medical Education Online32561381
138Clinical Chemistry1244.0K6.6K
138Journal of Rheumatology1244.3K6.8K
138Research in Developmental Disabilities2245631.6K
138Environmental Microbiology Reports1247671.6K
138Canadian Geriatrics Journal12492115
143International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology3231.4K3.9K
143International Journal of Obesity1233.1K5.9K
146ATLA Alternatives To Laboratory Animals122352486
146Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics and Gynaecology222178757
148Journal of Gastrointestinal Oncology121451462
150Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism12012.8K22.1K
150Applied Physiology, Nutrition and Metabolism2205241.7K
150Health Promotion Practice120199320
153Diabetes Care1195.6K10.3K
154Patient Education and Counseling2188262.8K
154Macromolecular Materials and Engineering1181.1K1.8K
154Health and Social Care in the Community2184421.2K
154American Journal of Physiology - Advances in Physiology Education118475551
158Frontiers in Psychology2174.5K9.4K
158Journal of Orthopaedic Trauma1171.2K1.8K
158American Journal of Human Biology1171.3K1.8K
158Journal of Interprofessional Care217273989
158Developmental Neuropsychology1176011.2K
158Urban Life11711
158Annals of Thoracic Medicine117168279
165Social Science and Medicine1163.0K6.0K
165Journal of Applied Mechanics, Transactions ASME1161.3K1.5K
165Paediatric Anaesthesia1169741.6K
165Canadian Journal on Aging41689304
165Human Resources for Health116368701
165Journal of Surgical Technique and Case Report1162829
173BMC Health Services Research2152.4K5.3K
173Emergency Medicine Journal115380871
173Academic Emergency Medicine1151.5K3.4K
173Chemical Research in Toxicology1152.5K5.3K
173European Surgery - Acta Chirurgica Austriaca115298136
173Fungal Biology1154661.0K
173International Journal of Nursing Education Scholarship1157974
173Journal of Multimorbidity and Comorbidity1158666
181Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging1144.1K7.0K
181Clinical Biomechanics1141.3K2.3K
181Simulation in Healthcare214141884
181International Journal of Disability Development and Education114221297
181Leisure Studies114115292
181International Journal of Pediatrics (United Kingdom)114183613
187Neuroscience Letters1136.3K10.5K
187Journal of Sports Sciences1131.3K2.5K
187Brain and Cognition1137511.7K
187International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care113413718
187Current Psychology1131.6K1.3K
187European Journal of Sport Science2133891.3K
187Journal of Complementary and Integrative Medicine31374282
187Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals113291369
195Anesthesia and Analgesia1122.2K5.5K
195Human Movement Science1124721.1K
195Pediatric Physical Therapy212153596
195American Journal of Alzheimer's Disease and Other Dementias1124021.2K
195Loisir Et Societe1122938
195BMC Medical Ethics1125011.0K
195Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy112193325
195Canadian Medical Education Journal412937
204BMJ, The1111.4K3.8K
204Behavioral and Brain Sciences1112.4K1.7K
204Freshwater Biology1111.3K2.6K
204British Journal of Psychology111442911
204Aging and Mental Health1111.3K2.6K
209Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery1104.2K8.4K
209Gait and Posture1101.4K2.9K
209Supportive Care in Cancer1104.1K6.6K
209Implementation Science1108851.9K
209Canadian Journal of Infectious Diseases and Medical Microbiology210216704
209Journal of Sport and Social Issues1101866
209Journal of Aging Research110109420
209Research Quarterly American Alliance for Health Physical Education and Recreation110113116
209Arts and Health11064175
219Genome Announcements192.5K3.2K
219Telemedicine Journal and E-Health191.0K2.7K
219Clinical Medicine and Research1976205
219Teaching in Higher Education19199547
219Museum Management and Curatorship1963164
219The Cochrane Library194.8K7.4K
225AICHE Journal181.9K3.7K
225Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine182.1K4.2K
225Journal of Intensive Care Medicine188712.0K
225Frontiers in Medicine183.0K6.2K
225HIV Medicine187081.7K
225Canadian Respiratory Journal18336904
225Canadian Association of Radiologists Journal18444730
225International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research186611.5K
233American Journal of Surgery172.7K5.3K
233Neurological Sciences171.8K3.4K
233Canadian Public Policy/ Analyse De Politiques2772190
233Women and Birth173591.0K
233Ophthalmic Epidemiology175251.1K
233Neurology: Neuroimmunology and NeuroInflammation171.7K5.2K
233Family Medicine274297
240Postgraduate Medicine167602.0K
240British Journal of Midwifery26119274
240British Journal of Educational Technology16319872
240Medical Humanities1663212
240Safety and Health at Work16141542
240International Journal for Students As Partners16105
247Innovation in Aging25669505
247Archives of Sexual Behavior151.3K2.8K
247Child: Care, Health and Development254522.6K
247BMC Geriatrics152.4K4.8K
247Evidence-based Nursing1514490
247Journal of Organizational Behavior15242673
247Endocrinology and Metabolism Clinics of North America153001.2K
247Cognitive Science156061.4K
247International Nursing Review154431.3K
247Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy15314599
247Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health155151.3K
247Journal of Medical Education and Curricular Development15189442
247Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention in Canada: Research, Policy and Practice15164271
260Applied and Environmental Microbiology146.6K14.2K
260Pediatric Emergency Care141.1K2.5K
260Prehospital and Disaster Medicine148741.6K
260Journal of Surgical Education148722.3K
260Journal of Nursing Care Quality14271935
260Journal of Hospice and Palliative Nursing1477415
260Microbiology Spectrum241.7K6.4K
260American Journal of Occupational Therapy148952.3K
260Journal of Research in Interprofessional Practice and Education141245
260Research in Sports Medicine1437133
271FASEB Journal2931.4K25.3K
271Journal of School Health131.5K3.4K
271Paediatrics and Child Health23360972
271Clinical Anatomy131.4K3.5K
271Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics13367923
271Brain and Behavior132.3K6.9K
271Clinical Simulation in Nursing13197498
271Medicine, Conflict and Survival1396248
271Social Neuroscience133981.2K
271North American Archaeologist134484
271BMJ Open Quality13164447
271IEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental Systems13270587
271Palliative Medicine Reports1379196
271Conflict Resolution Quarterly1348203
271Global Surgical Education - Journal of the Association for Surgical Education236633
289Journal of Clinical Densitometry124501.5K
289Palliative and Supportive Care127081.9K
289Physiotherapy Canada Physiotherapie Canada4242418
289Pilot and Feasibility Studies127091.9K
289Canadian Journal of Pain12155335
289Journal of Perinatal Medicine129312.5K
296International Journal of Radiation Biology111.5K4.6K
296Canadian Journal of Economics11219489
296SN Applied Sciences111.1K4.3K
296Journal of the Canadian Association of Gastroenterology21153284
296BMJ Open Diabetes Research and Care116342.4K
296Canadian Journal of Kidney Health and Disease11343773
296Journal of Forensic Psychology Practice1174325
296Healthcare Policy11104284
296Australasian Journal of Paramedicine114694
296International Medical Education11621
296Discover Education112750
307American Heart Journal101.0K3.4K
307Medical Care101.7K4.8K
307Natural Product Communications102.0K4.9K
307Journal of Perinatology102.0K5.1K
307Journal of Vision102.4K3.1K
307World Economy104611.2K
307Nagoya Mathematical Journal10273523
307International Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation10160712
307World Psychiatry109272.2K
307SAGE Open Medical Case Reports104301.7K
307Journal of Correctional Health Care10176660
307Revista Brasileira De Cineantropometria E Desempenho Humano101428
307Healthcare Quarterly10172596
307BMJ Open Respiratory Research102471.2K
307Journal of Patient Experience102621.2K
307BMJ Evidence-Based Medicine10271259
307Pediatric Quality & Safety10330972
307Research Involvement and Engagement10181615
307BMJ Leader1050190
307Archives of Rehabilitation Research and Clinical Translation1033195
307Music and Medicine1022103
307Transactions of the American Mathematical Society Series B1010
307Behavior Research Methods10225551
307Journal of Management and Science102725
307Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy101.2K3.2K
307Indian Journal of Continuing Nursing Education101536
307Journal of Community Safety and Well-Being102867
307Annals of Surgery Open10384890
307European Journal of Psychotraumatology109202.3K