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Top Journals (by citations)

#JournalArticlesCitationsR ARankR CRank
1Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology803,81215
3Journal of Clinical Investigation51,356661492
4Circulation Research11715164659
5American Journal of Pathology4708483256
6Journal of Biological Chemistry86763.6K4.3K
8Journal of Lipid Research1253959206
9American Journal of Physiology - Regulatory Integrative and Comparative Physiology3445786161
11ISME Journal14332.6K942
12Nature Neuroscience13573.7K4.3K
13Nature Communications228037.6K28.9K
14Clinical Science3273321216
15American Journal of Physiology - Heart and Circulatory Physiology32721.2K656
17PLoS ONE82387.5K23.8K
18Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology12222.1K461
19Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology12102.1K261
20Journal of Visualized Experiments42025788
21Journal of Vascular Surgery5198584531
22Cardiovascular Research61963191.2K
23American Journal of the Medical Sciences119466248
24Current Atherosclerosis Reports31785961
25EMBO Reports11751.8K1.1K
26Journal of Interferon and Cytokine Research216815082
28Vascular Medicine115533273
29Hypertension Research1151977195
30Methods in Molecular Biology21504.8K655
31Journal of the American Heart Association51431.2K1.7K
32Current Hypertension Reports313994114
34Bioresource Technology11288.4K6.5K
37Trends in Cardiovascular Medicine1113373191
38Journal of Cellular Biochemistry21101.3K1.2K
40Journal of Nutrition2971.9K2.8K
41Building and Environment1962.8K1.6K
42Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics1901.9K1.7K
43Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry3893561.3K
44Journal of High Energy Physics28112.1K13.3K
45Dalton Transactions2798.9K7.4K
45Current Opinion in Ophthalmology179144143
48European Heart Journal1786.1K8.1K
49Journal of Experimental Medicine1765.6K12.9K
50Environmental Health Perspectives1752.3K3.7K
51Journal of Zhejiang University: Science B174320117
52American Journal of Physiology - Endocrinology and Metabolism1732.0K2.1K
53Molecular Metabolism1721.1K1.1K
54International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation171907773
56Scientific Reports46916.5K64.0K
56Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour169641493
56North American Journal of Medicine & Science16931
59Plant Physiology1608.1K12.6K
59Growth and Change16016094
61Liebigs Annalen Der Chemie1578850
62Contributions To Mineralogy and Petrology2545871.3K
63Thrombosis and Haemostasis1512.3K2.8K
63Behavioral Ecology1511.4K1.4K
65Foundations of Physics150354170
66Current Drug Targets146475773
67International Journal of Cancer1459.2K15.1K
68Journal of Internal Medicine1426201.4K
69Analytical Chemistry2398.2K19.5K
69BMC Gastroenterology1391.1K1.4K
71Chemical Communications13826.8K34.7K
72Physiology and Behavior1372.3K3.1K
73Journal of Computational Chemistry1362.1K2.5K
74Regulatory Peptides134497700
74American Journal of Physiology - Cell Physiology1341.8K3.2K
74Ecological Applications1341.9K4.2K
74Plant Species Biology134184120
74Circulation Reports2344816
80Current Pharmaceutical Design1332.3K3.8K
81Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A: Vacuum, Surfaces and Films1302.1K1.6K
81European Physical Journal C23012.2K30.2K
81Arthritis and Rheumatism1302.3K6.7K
84Cancer Immunology, Immunotherapy1291.6K3.7K
84International Journal of Systems Assurance Engineering and Management129328172
86BioMed Research International12712.4K17.2K
86Stem Cells1272.0K6.9K
86European Journal of Oral Sciences1276481.0K
89American Journal of Roentgenology1252.3K3.8K
90Chemistry - A European Journal12420.1K31.8K
91Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine1223.4K9.1K
91American Journal of Industrial Medicine1229151.5K
91Biology of Sex Differences122196714
94Physical Review Letters12141.8K64.9K
94Journal of Food Science1212.4K5.2K
94Molecular Pharmacology1211.6K5.3K
97European Journal of Applied Physiology1202.1K3.9K
97Bioscience Reports2202112.6K
97Journal of Photopolymer Science and Technology = [Fotoporima Konwakai Shi]120325222
100Pediatric Surgery International1197651.2K
101Circulation Journal2181.0K4.0K
101Scientific Data1182.6K8.3K
103Applied Physics Letters11732.8K46.4K
103Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics1177.6K7.1K
103Acta Neurobiologiae Experimentalis1172763
103Future Lipidology117916
108Irish Journal of Medical Science116522501
109Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health - Part A: Current Issues1156811.6K
110Free Radical Biology and Medicine1143.5K11.7K
110Frontiers in Plant Science11411.5K24.9K
110JVS Vascular Science314257
113Tropical Doctor113337266
113Russian Journal of Non-Ferrous Metals11311297
116Lasers in Surgery and Medicine1126642.0K
116Current Opinion in Lipidology71223960
116Phytochemistry Letters1127411.3K
116Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology1122.2K5.6K
120Proteins: Structure, Function and Bioinformatics1112.4K5.8K
120Ecological Indicators1113.5K10.2K
122Acta Pharmacologica Sinica1106003.0K
122Applied Optics1103.2K8.3K
125Biologia Futura193155
125Global Translational Medicine1931
127Frontiers in Endocrinology183.2K11.3K
128European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology172.5K5.6K
128Catheterization and Cardiovascular Interventions172.8K5.8K
128Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity175.1K18.1K
128Earth Sciences History17912
135Frontiers in Immunology1615.3K46.9K
135Optics and Laser Technology161.8K4.6K
135Concurrency Computation Practice and Experience161.6K3.4K
135IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications16272714
139Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology152.0K6.4K
139Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical152.7K4.9K
139Journal of Plant Nutrition158742.2K
139Journal of Basic Microbiology155102.4K
139Cardiology in Review1570386
139Pilot and Feasibility Studies156802.4K
139Science Bulletin151.7K5.0K
146Physical Review C1410.2K15.8K
146Planta Medica141.6K5.4K
146Dental Traumatology144791.7K
146Journal of Bioenergetics and Biomembranes143681.6K
146Annals of Microbiology144112.0K
146Sao Paulo Medical Journal146301.8K
154Proceedings of SPIE1315.6K17.0K
154Physica Status Solidi (B): Basic Research133.4K9.5K
154American Journal of Hypertension131.6K5.3K
154Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology136574.5K
154Coronary Artery Disease232331.5K
154Acque Sotterranee - Italian Journal of Groundwater134253
154Zeitschrift Fur Anorganische Und Allgemeine Chemie131.6K5.0K
154JCI Insight133.8K19.6K
165Journal of the American College of Cardiology223.8K15.8K
165Journal of Thoracic Disease122.7K7.4K
165Indian Journal of Science and Technology123631.0K
165Zeitschrift Fur Kristallographie - New Crystal Structures12879551
165Methods in Molecular Medicine12138835
165Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine122.1K9.3K
165Annals of Indian Academy of Neurology12244644
165IJU Case Reports12215218
165Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedenij Chernaya Metallurgiya1217989
165Revista Eletrônica Em Gestão Educação E Tecnologia Ambiental124540
165Lecture Notes on Multidisciplinary Industrial Engineering12293326
177Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology111.9K6.0K
177Paediatric Anaesthesia119693.3K
177Australian Dental Journal11193891
177Current Developments in Nutrition111.1K2.2K
177Esprit Createur11714
177Medical Science Monitor111.3K6.9K
177Structural Design of Tall and Special Buildings113431.0K
177Applied Computing and Informatics1115179
177Indonesian Journal of Theology1186
186American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology103.5K10.1K
186IFAC Postprint Volumes IPPV / International Federation of Automatic Control102.5K5.1K
186Journal of Hypertension102.5K7.4K
186Computer Aided Chemical Engineering101.2K2.3K
186Pediatric Dermatology101.1K4.5K
186Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan105692.1K
186Journal of Vision102.1K3.8K
186Philosophical Books10822
186Nature Reviews Nephrology104762.0K
186Acta Crystallographica Section E: Crystallographic Communications101.0K2.2K
186Advances in Radiation Oncology105822.1K
186Journal of Infection in Developing Countries106413.8K
186Brain Communications108804.9K
186Smart Computing and Intelligence101128
186Korea Business Review1014
186Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine101153
186University Library at A New Stage of Social Communications Development102429
186Indian Journal of Animal Sciences102074