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Filter by:Articles (Lifetime) (12) | Articles (per year) (41) | Citations (Lifetime) (18) | Citations (per year) (154) | Most Cited Article (Lifetime) (21) | Most Cited Article (per year) (180) | Low Rankings (Lifetime) (5) | Low Rankings (per year) (209) |
1st most cited author in Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit (2022) [with 724 citations of 1 articles]
1st most cited paper in The Neurosciences Institute (lifetime) [with 14,993 citations of an article]
4th most published author in Addenbrooke's Hospital (2007) [with 10 articles having 4,135 citations]
5th most published author in Addenbrooke's Hospital (2004) [with 10 articles having 1,078 citations]
5th most published author in Addenbrooke's Hospital (2005) [with 10 articles having 2,603 citations]
6th most cited author in Queen Elizabeth II Hospital (lifetime) [with 1,143 citations of 5 articles]
7th most published author in Addenbrooke's Hospital (2013) [with 12 articles having 1,487 citations]
9th most cited author in Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit (2009) [with 500 citations of 2 articles]
13th most cited paper in Public Health Institute Ostrava (2020) [with 4,448 citations of an article]
14th most published author in Addenbrooke's Hospital (2011) [with 8 articles having 1,597 citations]
16th most cited paper in Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit (2004) [with 183 citations of an article]
16th most cited paper in Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit (2006) [with 321 citations of an article]
31st most published author in Maudsley Hospital (lifetime) [with 10 articles having 5,441 citations]
36th most published author in Addenbrooke's Hospital (2010) [with 6 articles having 1,171 citations]
36th most cited paper in Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit (2021) [with 176 citations of an article]
40th most cited paper in Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit (2016) [with 173 citations of an article]
43rd most cited paper in Cambridge Biomedical Campus (lifetime) [with 6,545 citations of an article]