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Top Journals (by citations)

#JournalArticlesCitationsR ARankR CRank
1Science Signaling11,0751.3K28
2FASEB Journal35655.9K467
3Antioxidants and Redox Signaling2534654216
4Journal of Biological Chemistry339513.3K8.5K
6Journal of High Energy Physics123319.1K6.9K
7Psychological Science12111.3K1.1K
8Laboratory Investigation11971.0K286
10Cancer Immunology, Immunotherapy11031.6K949
11Plant Physiology and Biochemistry2971.3K1.5K
12Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity4824712.7K
13Nitric Oxide - Biology and Chemistry274219470
14Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology1722.0K1.9K
15American Journal of Pathology1713.5K5.5K
16Journal of Cellular Physiology2672.2K4.4K
17Journal of Applied Physics15524.4K14.8K
18PLoS ONE14652.2K64.6K
19Redox Biology1451.5K3.1K
19Expert Review of Clinical Pharmacology145342272
21Chinese Journal of Chemistry1441.5K576
21Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering2446361.1K
23Canadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology141666623
24Biochemical Pharmacology1383.3K5.6K
25Life Sciences2371.7K5.6K
26ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces13538.5K53.0K
27IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics1342.7K3.6K
27Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences1346581.2K
27Prostate Cancer1342856
30BMJ Open13322.3K16.3K
30Separation and Purification Technology1334.5K6.1K
32Physical Review B23023.2K37.7K
33Optics Letters1299.8K11.6K
33Genetics Selection Evolution129584866
36Experimental Cell Research1262.3K6.1K
37Journal of Ornithology122729809
38Angewandte Chemie - International Edition11928.1K59.7K
39Free Radical Research1187252.1K
40Chemical Communications11726.8K49.8K
40Cardiovascular Drugs and Therapy1175231.3K
42Methods in Molecular Biology11612.7K12.8K
42Molecular Catalysis1161.2K1.5K
44Journal of Physical Chemistry C11526.2K41.8K
44International Journal of Molecular Sciences11559.4K63.2K
44Cellular Signalling1151.3K4.8K
47Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets114352563
48Journal of Materials Science1128.0K21.3K
49Horticulture Environment and Biotechnology110226516
51Accident Analysis and Prevention191.6K4.1K
51Structural Chemistry199111.7K
53Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture181.4K3.9K
53IEEE Pervasive Computing18149482
55Ecological Indicators163.5K11.7K
56Transactions of the Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences Space Technology Japan152420
58Scientific Reports1455.6K64.0K
58Environmental and Ecological Statistics14141551
58Annals of Animal Science14364771
61Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research131.5K4.5K
61Death Studies133401.4K
61Molecular Genetics & Genomic Medicine131.0K5.6K
61Journal of Ion Exchange134663
65International Journal of Legal Medicine129983.1K
65Metabolic Brain Disease128213.6K
65International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery121.0K3.5K
65Special Paper of the Geological Society of America1217202
65Agricultural Science and Technology1212
70Journal of Cardiac Failure111.5K4.0K
70EFSA Journal112471.2K
72Classical Review103559
72Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation104.9K11.2K
72American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse104531.9K
72Enfermería Clínica10220680
72Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Japan1027155
72Research, Society and Development1029.3K35.4K