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Top Journals (by citations)

#JournalArticlesCitationsR ARankR CRank
1IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control13866290243
2IET Control Theory and Applications228456243
3International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control278195441
4Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences454031753
5Biotechnology and Bioengineering13573.4K701
6Neural Networks5316163204
7Applied Physics Letters23076.9K2.6K
8International Journal of Control14282138213
9IEEE Access182439531.2K
10International Journal of Computer Mathematics212032424
11Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations142022960
12Abstract and Applied Analysis61184334
13Mathematical Problems in Engineering4517025202
14Journal of Scientific Computing8165175166
15Polymer International11421.4K290
15Journal of Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics3142246
17Journal of Function Spaces34139918
18Acta Mathematica Sinica, English Series813012542
19Advances in Difference Equations1512196174
20Genome Biology11152.5K2.8K
21International Journal of Systems Science11113138260
22Stochastic Analysis and Applications111113545
23Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh Section A: Mathematics6102128116
24Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society101008985
25Applied Mathematics Letters499127106
25Numerische Mathematik299392295
27Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society3392666
28Journal of Difference Equations and Applications59010976
29Chinese Annals of Mathematics Series B9883128
30Applicable Analysis1086104143
31Journal of Inequalities and Applications1384121131
32Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing13763267
33International Journal of Computational Methods3748757
34International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos in Applied Sciences and Engineering146566535
35International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing364187232
35International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowlege-Based Systems2649278
38IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems462332853
40Asian Journal of Control660115344
41Physical Review A5581.7K2.6K
42Journal of Mathematical Physics1556237918
42IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems656244716
42Forum Mathematicum4567840
45Numerical Linear Algebra With Applications455115182
47Acta Mechanica Sinica/Lixue Xuebao150435166
47Mathematical Modelling and Analysis15016923
49Journal of Biological Systems14919182
50Acta Applicandae Mathematicae248285159
51Communications in Algebra1647182444
51Journal of Applied Mathematics194712170
51Annales Polonici Mathematici7471511
54Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (English Edition)154659226
54ISA Transactions246493848
56RSC Advances7454.0K10.5K
58Algebra Colloquium1544725
59Human Molecular Genetics1418.1K12.6K
59Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society3419357
59Frontiers of Physics141304226
63Open Mathematics5409881
64Aequationes Mathematicae338136111
66International Journal of Biomathematics103715118
66International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering237239413
68Optical Materials Express436277624
68Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society Series A Pure Mathematics and Statistics13611444
68Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis236142199
71Journal of Computational Physics1346595
71European Physical Journal Plus1341.3K733
73Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds333267258
73Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering233138157
73Annali Dell'Universita Di Ferrara13310420
76IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology1321.9K1.9K
76International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids432303849
76Philosophical Transactions Series A, Mathematical, Physical, and Engineering Sciences1321.6K2.3K
80Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization331194255
80Glasgow Mathematical Journal23120293
82Inverse Problems230204371
82Semigroup Forum73089185
82IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis33095222
86BioMed Research International12911.6K12.2K
86International Journal of Neural Systems129450718
88Optics Letters2282.3K3.4K
88Mathematische Nachrichten528166344
88Journal of Mathematical Biology128893962
88RAIRO - Operations Research4285097
92Journal of the Physical Society of Japan227703834
92Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications127980986
92Communications in Theoretical Physics327138153
92JVC/Journal of Vibration and Control127896801
96Acta Mechanica1261.1K936
96IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems1261.8K1.9K
96IET Image Processing426144600
96Mathematica Slovaca5266589
101Nonlinear Dynamics3251.1K2.4K
101Journal of Fixed Point Theory and Applications125338161
101Advanced Nonlinear Studies5253291
106Physical Review D1242.7K2.5K
106Physics of Plasmas1241.9K1.7K
109Advances in Computational Mathematics123456363
110IEEE Photonics Technology Letters2229321.4K
110Journal of Theoretical Biology1222.3K3.0K
110International Journal of Theoretical Physics222658555
113Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications4214971.4K
113IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics2217921.7K
113Applied Mathematics and Nonlinear Sciences32115191
116Forensic Science International: Genetics1208271.2K
117Applied Optics3198451.5K
117Linear and Multilinear Algebra419304453
117Automation and Remote Control5193545
117Numerical Heat Transfer; Part A: Applications119608691
117Numerical Algorithms419222669
122International Journal of Biological Sciences1181.0K2.3K
123New Journal of Chemistry2173.8K6.0K
123Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control, Transactions of the ASME317346951
123Advances in Mathematical Physics51744219
123Communications in Computational Physics117284375
123Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series B4172647
123Studia Mathematica217239284
129Cell Reports11610.4K20.9K
129Computers and Fluids1162257
129Human Vaccines and Immunotherapeutics1162.1K2.9K
129Journal of Mathematical Chemistry116638530
129Journal of Nonparametric Statistics216196313
129Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience2166331.4K
135Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics2156691.4K
135International Journal of Legal Medicine1151.1K1.7K
135European Physical Journal: Special Topics115724916
135IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems2159761.9K
135Results in Mathematics315231316
135Quaestiones Mathematicae315137152
135Cognitive Neurodynamics115288561
135Journal of Function Spaces and Applications1156740
135Communications in Mathematical Sciences115383243
144Computational Mechanics1146881.0K
144Science China Information Sciences114783769
144Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine2144301.7K
144Advances in Nonlinear Analysis41434183
144Fractal and Fractional314386691
144Journal of Physics A114377556
144Resultate Der Mathematik11411186
151Applied Sciences (Switzerland)11317.6K15.5K
151Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical113648782
151Modern Physics Letters B313415889
151Journal of Raman Spectroscopy1131.5K2.7K
151Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica613134249
151Stochastics and Dynamics113159137
151Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization11310427
160Crystal Growth and Design1123.5K5.9K
160OncoTargets and Therapy1121.9K3.7K
160Acta Mathematica Hungarica212453457
160Canadian Mathematical Bulletin312246411
160Radiation Oncology1121.7K2.9K
160Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal1128101.7K
160Fuzzy Information and Engineering11290100
160Journal of Numerical Mathematics21242100
168Optics Express5111.9K6.8K
168Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology2111.6K2.6K
168IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications1111.1K1.6K
168Neural Computing and Applications1112.1K3.5K
168Journal of Global Optimization1117491.0K
168Journal of Chemistry4113021.9K
168International Journal of Mathematics211212332
168Optimal Control Applications and Methods211220630
168Asymptotic Analysis211103139
177European Journal of Operational Research11084334
177Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing3104011.3K
177Annals of Hepatology110188649
177Marine Biotechnology2102991.3K
177Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal41063226
177Studies in Applied Mathematics31038188
177Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras110236194
177Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry210174444
177Waves in Random and Complex Media110295429
177Journal of Mathematics91072346
177Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering3104051.2K
177AIMS Mathematics201079640
189International Journal of Modern Physics B394741.4K
189Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering195851.2K
189Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering19421893
189Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing198221.0K
189Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations5990330
189Journal of Graph Theory19693825
189Science China Mathematics19566560
189IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics191.2K2.2K
189North American Actuarial Journal19213309
189Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering29136437
189Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research2997303
189ANZIAM Journal2993166
189IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems29205466
189Acta Arithmetica39190355
189Boundary Value Problems39290451
206PLoS ONE1863.9K64.8K
206Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences181.1K2.1K
206Zeitschrift Fur Naturforschung - Section A Journal of Physical Sciences18866994
206Multimedia Tools and Applications182.7K3.4K
206Computer Journal28237780
206Communications in Statistics Part B: Simulation and Computation181.4K1.4K
206IEEE Photonics Journal188191.1K
206Journal of Advanced Transportation283181.0K
206International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics18570888
206IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering18568792
206International Journal of Differential Equations283387
206Chinese Journal of Mathematics28415
206Tamkang Journal of Mathematics481839
206Set-Valued and Variational Analysis1861139
206Chinese Physics B18170224
206IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers483151.3K
224Scientific Reports1761.5K64.8K
224Physical Review B176.3K8.8K
224ZAMM Zeitschrift Fur Angewandte Mathematik Und Mechanik373201.2K
224Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications17309442
224Semiconductor Science and Technology175761.0K
224AIP Advances272.1K4.9K
224Genome Biology and Evolution271.2K5.1K
224Journal of Computer Science and Technology17417607
224International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems273231.2K
224International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics17486896
224Georgian Mathematical Journal3787187
224Analysis Mathematica2753125
224Mathematical Physics Analysis and Geometry2734166
224East Asian Journal on Applied Mathematics272795
224Electronic Research Archive17338138
240Journal of Applied Polymer Science167.3K12.7K
240IEEE Transactions on Image Processing161.3K2.6K
240Journal of Supercomputing266491.8K
240Journal of Algebra and Its Applications6697529
240International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics16422541
240IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering167961.3K
240IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence16303454
240IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement261.4K3.0K
240Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society2690131
249International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health1524.0K39.0K
249Chinese Physics B159461.3K
249Journal of Materials Chemistry C154.5K7.6K
249Journal of Construction Engineering and Management - ASCE15316760
249ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis15196435
249Applied Mathematics7529203
249IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences25343391
249Nonlinear Differential Equations and Applications15223308
249Journal of Control Theory and Applications4532248
249Connection Science15158414
249Journal of Applied Mathematics and Stochastic Analysis3545203
249Journal of Medical Imaging and Health Informatics154939
249Journal of Asian Ceramic Societies15198492
249Mathematical Modelling and Algorithms151346
249Fixed Point Theory and Applications15367464
264Physics of Fluids242.3K5.6K
264Scientific World Journal, The443517.9K
264Archiv Der Mathematik14776905
264Israel Journal of Mathematics14633877
264Applied Physics Express14461936
264Science China: Physics, Mechanics and Astronomy146961.2K
264Journal of Systems Science and Complexity24281670
264Molecular Imaging144001.9K
264Mathematical Population Studies1486241
264Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis144832
274International Journal of Quantum Chemistry132.2K4.1K
274Crystal Research and Technology137251.4K
274Astrophysical Journal132.0K3.1K
274Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems231.3K3.6K
274SIAM Journal of Scientific Computing2350109
274International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences631991.2K
274International Journal of Modern Physics C134601.0K
274Canadian Journal of Mathematics13372657
274Laser Physics Letters13310653
274G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics132.2K5.6K
274Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control136971.6K
274International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems137841.6K
274IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics138472.0K
274Advances in Civil Engineering138561.3K
274International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation3365468
274Potential Analysis13283455
274Journal of Interdisciplinary Mathematics23143488
274International Journal of Wavelets, Multiresolution and Information Processing23104497
274Mobile Information Systems331331.1K
274Journal of Control Science and Engineering2336283
274Journal of the Operations Research Society of China3343198
274Advances in Artificial Neural Systems13859
274Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences Mathematics1366103
274AIMS Environmental Science1350109
274Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations4365261
274Journal of Contemporary Educational Research23145
274Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics13399869
274Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, Transactions of the Chinese Institute of Engineers,Series A/Chung-kuo Kung Ch'eng Hsuch K'an13463728
302Physics Teacher12225332
302International Journal of Modern Physics A222841.0K
302Modern Physics Letters A126301.1K
302Chinese Journal of Chemistry121.8K3.5K
302IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters127581.4K
302Manuscripta Mathematica12414723
302Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society12371656
302Wuhan University Journal of Natural Sciences22209395
302Electronics (Switzerland)124.9K8.6K
302IEEE Systems Journal129462.2K
302Journal of Safety Research12225912
302Journal of Geometric Analysis22427814
302Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics2274233
302International Journal of Number Theory12356583
302Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics126101.7K
302Bulletin of the Brazilian Mathematical Society1284207
302Translational Vision Science and Technology121.3K3.3K
302Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena12193581
302Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics12131241
302Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics4235319
302Systems Science and Control Engineering12151420
302AStA Advances in Statistical Analysis12114352
302Advances in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics2258304
302The Proceedings of the Asian Conference on Multibody Dynamics124514
302Frontiers of Nursing12101117
302Zeitschrift Fur Angewandte Mathematik Und Physik225871.5K
302American Journal of Education and Learning121717
302Journal of Systems Science and Information124169
331Lecture Notes in Computer Science212.7K6.6K
331Physical Review E115.7K10.9K
331Journal of Virology117.4K14.8K
331Physica Scripta111.1K2.5K
331Advanced Functional Materials119.1K19.1K
331Statistics in Medicine211.9K6.2K
331Journal of Heat Transfer111.1K2.4K
331SHS Web of Conferences11972710
331IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics111.4K2.8K
331Physica Status Solidi - Rapid Research Letters118542.4K
331IEEE Microwave Magazine11129279
331Technology and Health Care116562.0K
331Journal of Sensors116512.5K
331Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences and Cryptography11355706
331Journal of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering2146381
331Journal of Inverse and Ill-Posed Problems11248493
331European Journal of Applied Mathematics11291714
331Journal of Cancer Research and Therapeutics111.5K3.6K
331International Journal of Applied and Computational Mathematics11451787
331Green Processing and Synthesis11382938
331Lecture Notes in Statistics112033
331Analysis and Mathematical Physics21134461
331IET Cyber-Physical Systems: Theory and Applications1159214
331Interdisciplinary Mathematical Sciences114176
331Education Reform and Development11122
331International Journal of Research in Education Methodology1115
331Science in China Series G: Physics, Mechanics and Astronomy11122293
364AIP Conference Proceedings306.8K15.6K
364Journal of Physics: Conference Series402.4K12.1K
364Microwave and Optical Technology Letters101.8K3.4K
364Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods201.4K4.0K
364Mathematical Notes10156312
364ACS Omega109.2K22.2K
364Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society105561.1K
364Journal of Modern Optics101.2K2.8K
364SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis10171246
364IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters101.1K2.4K
364Journal of Nanomaterials101.8K5.6K
364Chinese Medical Journal102.0K4.5K
364Advances in Mechanical Engineering101.3K3.3K
364International Journal of Modern Physics D105261.2K
364IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs101.1K2.1K
364IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking105621.1K
364IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics109212.1K
364IEEE Transactions on Multimedia10467821
364Demonstratio Mathematica3055502
364ISME Journal102.6K6.6K
364Health and Social Care in the Community109773.4K
364Journal of Geometry10258530
364Vadose Zone Journal301871.3K
364Neural Processing Letters105871.7K
364Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics105941.2K
364Ramanujan Journal10400752
364Journal of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics1033109
364Statistics and Computing104731.1K
364Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics10210643
364Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence10550971
364SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems1079246
364International Journal of Information Technology and Decision Making10193905
364Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society105171.0K
364Journal of Healthcare Engineering107103.4K
364Discrete Mathematics, Algorithms and Applications10232525
364Control Theory and Technology1075276
364Southeast Asian Bulletin of Mathematics1056114
364ISRN Mathematical Analysis1032165
364MicroRNA (Shariqah, United Arab Emirates)1072341
364Colloquium Mathematicum10307710
364Advances in Soft Computing1061163
364British Journal of Mathematics & Computer Science10157355
364Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications10343439
364Advances in Transdisciplinary Engineering10317221
364Annals of Mathematical Sciences and Applications104089
364IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing102.0K3.9K
364Analysis in Theory and Applications105994
364Science in China Series A: Mathematics10284574
364Mathematical and Computational Applications10297923
364Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series S1085235
364Journal of Social Science Research101724
364Journal of Advances in Mathematics and Computer Science106691
364IEEE Transactions on Artificial Intelligence10256564
364International Journal for Uncertainty Quantification1094257
364Journal of Educational Research and Policies1040