2.9(top 6%)
Impact Factor
3.2(top 6%)
extended IF
60(top 7%)
citing journals
citing authors


SchoolInstitutionArticlesCitationsA RankC Rank
Department of Special Education and CounsellingThe Education University of Hong Kong161731326
Department of Applied Foreign LanguagesNational Yunlin University of Science and Technology1316611
Faculty of EducationUniversity of Hong Kong93015627
Faculty of EducationChinese University of Hong Kong96318103
Department of Foreign Languages and LiteratureNational Cheng Kung University85718
Faculty of EducationUniversity of Macau8431660
Department of Foreign Languages and LiteratureNational Cheng Kung University85718
Department of Electrical EngineeringNational Cheng Kung University7273255255
School of Languages and LinguisticsGriffith University718343
Department of Health Promotion and Health EducationNational Taiwan Normal University6904667
School of Languages and Comparative Cultural StudiesUniversity of Queensland66926
School of Languages and LinguisticsGriffith University617223
School of Languages and LinguisticsUniversity of Melbourne523938
Department of English Language and LiteratureRazi University58821
School of Linguistics and Applied Language StudiesVictoria University of Wellington59889
School of Language Studies and LinguisticsNational University of Malaysia56832
Ministry of EducationNanjing Normal University5974539
Ministry of EducationBeijing Normal University553236255
Faculty of EducationUniversity of Cambridge44394173
Center for Teacher EducationNational Tsing Hua University407122
A Rank refers to the ranking of Computer Assisted Language Learning in the given institution according to the number of articles, and C Rank according to the number of citations.