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Top Journals (by citations)

#JournalArticlesCitationsR ARankR CRank
1Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management31547043
2Production Planning and Control1128567235
3Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology11111.1K704
4Journal of Positive Psychology1104340212
5Tourism Recreation Research4907371
6Business Strategy and the Environment267567770
8Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science15712479
9Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity155252153
10British Accounting Review1547365
11Journal of Business Research1458891.0K
11International Journal of Human Resource Management445317802
11Journal of Applied Learning & Teaching1455810
14Australasian Psychiatry143271137
14Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources14314082
14International Journal of Sports Science and Coaching143468213
17Labour & Industry4333239
17Journal of Alternative Investments13313974
19Nurse Education in Practice132537491
20Implementation Science231556888
21International Review of Psychiatry130467544
22Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization129509484
22Pacific-Basin Finance Journal129186193
24Information Systems Frontiers127577679
25International Coaching Psychology Review423833
26Work, Organization, and Employment72122
27Journal of Strategic Marketing220133332
27Australasian Marketing Journal120122164
29Psychology and Marketing2195361.0K
29International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance119237252
29British Journal of Management219290641
32Journal of Global Marketing118221284
33Investment Analysts Journal1174423
34Ethics and Behavior116212278
35Service Industries Journal114517820
36International Advances in Economic Research112379225
37Current Issues in Tourism111584937
37Cogent Economics and Finance111461358
37Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research111480649
40Cogent Business and Management110748621
41Journal of Environmental Assessment Policy and Management19115187
41Social and Environmental Accountability Journal1986103
43Thunderbird International Business Review28230614
43Educational Action Research18247348
45Emerging Markets Finance and Trade17545722
46Tourism and Hospitality Research16125306
47Applied Economics151.7K2.2K
47Financial Review15492602
47Asian Business and Management25105429
50University Development and Administration64179
51Annals of Leisure Research13141303
51Managing Sport and Leisure13111238
51African Evaluation Journal132235
54Business Information Review1255110
54International Review of Finance12203409
54Evaluation Journal of Australasia1247100
54International Journal of Person Centered Medicine1282127
58Journal of Business Ethics111.4K2.2K
58Proceedings (mdpi)111.2K1.2K
58Journal of Marketing Management11383734
58Planning Perspectives11158329
58Advances in Electronic Commerce Series116180
58Springer International Handbooks of Education11684493
58Advances in Higher Education and Professional Development Book Series11842709
66Proceedings - Academy of Management2024691
66Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems104.2K4.1K
66Stress and Health105591.2K
66Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research10377782
66Springer Proceedings in Business and Economics10771866
66Journal of Food Products Marketing10229556
66Teacher Development10191475
66Journal of Leadership Studies1081265
66Gender Issues1094301
66Journal of Risk and Financial Management109851.7K
66Journal of Smoking Cessation10144362
66Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science10109344
66Advances in Finance, Accounting, and Economics10628702
66Advances in Educational Marketing, Administration, and Leadership Book Series10465504
66Developments in Marketing Science: Proceedings of the Academy of Marketing Science20840857
66Palgrave Studies of Marketing in Emerging Economies103350
66Discover Education105996
66Ethics and integrity in educational contexts102051