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citing journals

Top Journals (by citations)

#JournalArticlesCitationsR ARankR CRank
69Astronomy and Astrophysics1476,965239277
110Development (Cambridge)665,060126141
129Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta - Biomembranes674,606137
135Canadian Journal of Gastroenterology & Hepatology2554,52236
157British Journal of Cancer393,808323171
176BMJ: British Medical Journal203,461186155
215Journal of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance432,9293218
218Journal of Travel Research132,8944214
231IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering542,7946256
258IEEE Transactions on Power Systems502,6237179
284Journal of Gambling Studies562,44346
298IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging282,31410799
299Journal of Surgical Oncology862,3073324
300International Journal of Cognitive Informatics and Natural Intelligence492,30611
339IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement662,0867332
347Pflugers Archiv European Journal of Physiology652,0455252
385Experimental Neurology411,8324865
401Annals of Biomedical Engineering511,7374958
405Archives of Internal Medicine141,7225879
447Journal of Neurobiology421,5871534
471International Journal of Geographical Information Science161,5184624
473European Journal of Pharmacology421,512157127
489International Journal of Remote Sensing381,4698475
493IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems Part 1: Regular Papers261,4571114
533IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing541,351118188
639IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion261,0643666
640Journal of Psychiatry and Neuroscience251,062612
682International Journal of Software Science and Computational Intelligence3697311
707Proceedings of the IEEE24940113211
714IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers319306146
747Gut and Liver2864639
769Journal of Medical Internet Research2983976173
824FEMS Microbiology Ecology17781134146
838Recent Patents on Inflammation and Allergy Drug Discovery2377112
856Water, Air, and Soil Pollution3674997125
900Journal of Mammalogy267008175
973Advances in Simulation1364253
978Review of Corporate Finance Studies3635183
981Canadian Geriatrics Journal4763336
986Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism7629116
1043Journal of Trauma2159185141
1080Biological Chemistry155667158
1082Journal of Materials Science23565608622
1102CJC Open8955443
1103Perception & Psychophysics19553109165
1126Drugs in Context2154412
1126Applied Optics18544557514
1132Tissue Barriers654183
1137Veterinary Research175385563
1143IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems Part 2: Express Briefs24536830
1169Annual Review of Plant Biology15214664
1181Academy of Management Journal10515151251
1185Journal of Unmanned Vehicle Systems651331
1194Journal of Environmental Management16510419646
1198Journal of Pathology: Clinical Research10508153
1252DIMACS Series in Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science23479229
1284Emerging Infectious Diseases8462195313
1312Brain and Mind644712
1316IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics19446274552
1319Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology34448114
1374Handbooks of Sociology and Social Research34218711
1378NEJM Evidence341910532
1413Zeitschrift Fur Angewandte Mathematik Und Physik274003740
1463Satellite Navigation4385132
1480Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta Gene Regulatory Mechanisms103787161
1492International Journal of Navigation and Observation1237321
1494CRC Critical Reviews in Microbiology23712821
1512American Journal of Occupational Therapy3364498115
1530Energy Journal26358951
1542Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health - Part A: Current Issues16355147185
1550Journal of Pathology Informatics133531617
1555Nanotechnology for Environmental Engineering13511065
1598Canadian Journal of Higher Education2433652
1598JOGNN - Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic, and Neonatal Nursing63367833
1611Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention in Canada: Research, Policy and Practice2633396
1622IET Circuits, Devices and Systems8330294
1666International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics1931864124
1705SPE Advanced Technology Series2308132
1705Journal of Stroke163082638
1724JCI Insight5304385333
1736Journal of Management Accounting Research43025220
1751Canadian Medical Education Journal6429845
1774Journal of Social Work & Human Sexuality329121
1794IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology11287213237
1800Journal of Interventional Cardiac Electrophysiology192854772
1804International Association of Geodesy Symposia8728427
1811Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry11282470347
1811Journal of Biomedical Science4282222133
1855Current Sports Medicine Reports62737631
1869Antiviral Therapy11270153186
1874Journal of Unconventional Oil and Gas Resources526911
1887Learning and Behavior262666673
1901Nature Reviews Gastroenterology & Hepatology72642429
1950Journal of Porous Media232541714
1950JMIR Mental Health82543544
1950Molecular Genetics and Genomics10254265356
1973IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution112502345
1982Journal of Literacy Research22498022
1982JMIR Research Protocols262492948
2008Ultrasound International Open12436118
2008IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Magazine52436551
2044Molecular Plant5238253372
2051Journal of Trauma Management and Outcomes923612
2090Australasian Journal of Educational Technology32297735
2116Biotechnology Letters11224285374
2125Journal of Inherited Metabolic Disease14223230402
2140Autoimmunity Highlights422086
2159Journal of Physics A2217571183
2183Oral Oncology6214342351
2191Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry8213288429
2202Medical and Pediatric Oncology3321121175
2202Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems12117619
2202Journal of Minimally Invasive Gynecology72112120
2202Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine11211250288
2214Families in Society142093737
2234Acta Orthopaedica7206106146
2239Trends in Immunology3205184268
2250Zeitschrift Fur Anorganische Und Allgemeine Chemie16204159142
2262International Journal of Population Data Science11820244
2262Journal of Clinical Pathology10202216312
2287IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices21199282543
2287Journal of Palliative Care141991849
2297BMJ Simulation and Technology Enhanced Learning6198542
2297Canadian Journal of Respiratory, Critical Care, and Sleep Medicine4919833
2309Sports Medicine - Open71974733
2309International Journal of Sports Medicine11197125225
2325European Stroke Journal131954195
2325Autism in Adulthood8195814
2346Chronic Diseases and Injuries in Canada11192411
2388World Journal of Pediatrics418513842
2409International Journal for Educational Integrity618224
2443Journal of Convention and Event Tourism1178222
2469Journal of Aerosol Medicine and Pulmonary Drug Delivery21755536
2477Brain Communications131749494
2502Annals of General Psychiatry217119355
2502Arthritis Care and Research: the Official Journal of the Arthritis Health Professions Association3171150303
2526Materials for Renewable and Sustainable Energy2168315
2532Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry8167250351
2540Npj Genomic Medicine416611873
2540Proceedings on Privacy Enhancing Technologies71664722
2540Nature Cancer1166411218
2540Energy Economics4166181264
2550International Journal of Bipolar Disorders81654742
2571IEE Proceedings, Part G: Electronic Circuits and Systems6163111
2571The Anatomical Record Part B: the New Anatomist11633314
2577Npj Regenerative Medicine71621840
2577Journal of Testing and Evaluation3162474
2617Information Sciences6157272447
2637Digital Experiences in Mathematics Education3155124
2637Chemical Biology and Drug Design315511246
2637AACN Advanced Critical Care1155443
2651Reviews in Fisheries Science and Aquaculture115415486
2651Ethics and integrity in educational contexts2515411
2664Canadian Liver Journal2615332
2699Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B2149657616
2699Personal and Ubiquitous Computing214985
2720Nature Reviews Earth & Environment3147173376
2720Physical Review Research20147248347
2729Science of Aging Knowledge Environment: SAGE KE41461621
2748International Journal of MS Care51442912
2778Clinical Practice and Epidemiology in Mental Health51412559
2786Health Science Reports121406913
2786Current Developmental Disorders Reports12140311
2786ACR Open Rheumatology231401129
2786IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering2140111176
2800Clinical and Molecular Hepatology31398456
2842Canadian Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning2013633
2842Plenum Series on Human Exceptionality1213624
2854Canadian Journal of Program Evaluation17135134
2873Canadian Journal of Pain23134913
2891Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering2013221
2902Physical Review Fluids14131155195
2921Stroke and Vascular Neurology81292233
2921Substance Use and Misuse5129123117
2921Ultrasound Quarterly51295537
2921BE Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy112931
2939Hong Kong Medical Journal51282213
2951Progress in Molecular Biology and Translational Science21274993
2977Topics in Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation71256963
3004Mutation Research-Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis21238633
3012Journal of Comparative Family Studies15122652
3012TH Open4122508
3022Veterinary Record Open712195
3035Advances in Geo-Energy Research101201417
3049Canadian Journal of Nursing Research1911948
3063Clinical Nephrology211817863
3077International Journal of Image and Data Fusion21172719
3077JMIR MHealth and UHealth4117278378
3086Evaluation Quarterly1116154
3086Health Care and Disease Management7911643
3118Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology2311416
3118Journal of Individual Differences61141142
3131Canadian Journal of University Continuing Education2411341
3131Ophthalmology and Eye Diseases411351
3168Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention4110522253
3168Canadian Family Physician3611098
3168DNA and Cell Biology11104322
3180Arctic Science51094038
3192The Protein Journal810881124
3192Journal of Perinatal Medicine5108254235
3206Tourism and Hospitality Planning and Development1107247
3234International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance31053415
3244Comparative Medicine5104247
3244European Urology Open Science7104135
3244Biotechnic & Histochemistry3104192145
3244Journal of Headache and Pain4104293339
3265NPJ Schizophrenia41033777
3265Bulletin of the New Zealand Society for Earthquake Engineering21035522
3285Canadian Journal of Nursing Leadership91023119
3285BMC Clinical Pathology21024239
3299IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management4101398325
3314Linguistic Variation Yearbook110098
3314Philosophical Transactions Series A, Mathematical, Physical, and Engineering Sciences5100535802
3314Acta Crystallographica Section D: Biological Crystallography9100264438
3329Molecular and Cellular Pediatrics1995716
3329Topics in Current Chemistry59965220
3329Culture and Organization99912
3350Journal of Hepatocellular Carcinoma19811428
3363Neural Regeneration Research697296327
3363Materials Advances597276147
3383Revista De Administracao Publica19616520
3383IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM)4966311
3383Frontiers in Global Women S Health4962111
3383Journal of Enzyme Inhibition and Medicinal Chemistry596299340
3404BBA - Proteins and Proteomics495233323
3424World Journal of Stem Cells19416770
3424World Leisure Journal119411
3424Eurasip Journal on Advances in Signal Processing994141262
3443Open Rheumatology Journal2932010
3459Global Qualitative Nursing Research119248
3459Safety in Health29272
3459Canadian Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice6921514
3479Emerging Themes in Epidemiology19110049
3479Canadian Journal of History1429163
3479Proceedings of the American Thoracic Society29153112
3479PRX Quantum79187136
3492Accounting Historians Journal2909114
3509Advances and Technical Standards in Neurosurgery1896811
3509Life Science Alliance989111160
3509Journal of Research on Technology in Education6891438
3529Biology of Mood & Anxiety Disorders1882530
3529Journal of Computer-Aided Molecular Design488228327
3529Applied Economics Letters788358270
3549primary care companion for CNS disorders, The48713269
3549Plant Signaling and Behavior1187122424
3549Nature Synthesis18716359
3571Journal of Chemical Biology3861330
3571JHEP Reports78680124
3571Clinical and Investigative Medicine2086522
3571International Journal of Oncology486632683
3600Network Modeling Analysis in Health Informatics and Bioinformatics685118
3600IEEE Open Access Journal of Power and Energy585144
3600International Journal of Public Health7853964
3620Npj Parkinson's Disease684120205
3620Behavior Research Methods184374186
3643Lancet Rheumatology, The58393285
3643International Journal of E-Collaboration183877
3659Software Process Improvement and Practice782737
3659IEE Proceedings D: Control Theory and Applications4824845
3659Journal of Forensic Nursing2829522
3659Eurasip Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking1082150305
3659International Journal of the Commons182212
3707Journal of Patient-Reported Outcomes13802166
3707The Korean Journal of Hepatology1804534
3738Current Aging Science3792322
3738Journal of Contemporary Issues in Education97932
3738Perspectives in Public Health479723
3738Journal of Hospital Medicine879160250
3738Nature Aging279198277
3757CRC Critical Reviews in Biochemistry2781046
3757Physical Review Materials1781.1K450
3773Neuron Glia Biology1776772
3773Magnetic Resonance Insights27792
3800Wellcome Open Research476200312
3800Developmental Neurorehabilitation1766556
3800JAMA Pediatrics276290409
3822Pathology Research International175195
3822Nature Machine Intelligence175375335
3822Petroleum Research37585
3854Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning1746326
3854Springer Protocols23742115
3854Health Affairs474440779
3880Clinical Hypertension1739335
3880Genetic Testing and Molecular Biomarkers27311286
3913IEEE Journal on Multiscale and Multiphysics Computational Techniques272458
3913JACC: CardioOncology17215078
3913AV Communication Review3722312
3913IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters572389399
3913Genome Biology172664912
3936Modeling and Simulation in Science, Engineering and Technology4714310
3936Journal of Atrial Fibrillation271495
3952Current Treatment Options in Infectious Diseases3702215
3952JSES International6702410
3952Society and Mental Health3701934
3952ISRN Neurology1703918
3952Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science270129210
3952Health Information Management Journal5702327
3952IET Radar, Sonar & Navigation2707199
3980Journal of Archaeological Research1698888
3980International Journal of Multiple Research Approaches769616
3980Animal Microbiome869836
4012Current Molecular Pharmacology26810048
4012Canadian Journal of Infectious Diseases & Medical Microbiology36812
4040International Journal of Spine Surgery5677560
4040Mutation Research - Reviews in Genetic Toxicology1674058
4040Heart Rhythm O2567339
4040Health Services and Delivery Research16715996
4040Journal of Nuclear Medicine767322822
4091International Journal of Biochemistry & Cell Biology3658761
4091Educational Communication and Technology Journal3651620
4091Journal of Receptors and Signal Transduction4652628
4091International Journal of Pediatric Endocrinology (Springer)3657071
4116Oil and Gas Facilities36473
4116Earth System Science Data664304745
4116BMC Medical Physics16435
4116Resuscitation Plus5641113
4116Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research464213264
4116Australian Journal of Career Development4643417
4144Postdigital Science and Education3633973
4144Journal of Environmental Informatics763521
4180Frontiers in Earth Sciences2622522
4180Journal of Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics162195141
4180Electric Power Components and Systems11622019
4180Proceedings (EAGE)86623621
4206International Journal of Medical Education4612058
4206ACM SIGAPP Applied Computing Review: A Publication of the Special Interest Group on Applied Computing461128
4206JMIR Formative Research86152100
4206Journal of Hospitality Marketing and Management4612249
4206Communications in Statistics2613417
4206Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing, 2009 VL/HCC 2009 IEEE Symposium on26153
4206Clinical and Translational Science861158320
4241Springer Handbook of Auditory Research7601528
4241Journal of Nursing Scholarship160212131
4268Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research75928107
4268International Journal of COPD359468580
4296Rehabilitation Research and Practice2583421
4296Health Psychology and Behavioral Medicine3585335
4296Lecture Notes in Social Networks325812
4296Advances in Social Work4584424
4296Advances in Cellular Neurobiology258110
4296JMIR Public Health and Surveillance45888233
4332Developments in Primatology957412
4332Transplantation and Cellular Therapy85789175
4367Journal of Gerontological Nursing145617115
4367Drug, Healthcare and Patient Safety1565619
4367Review Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders4562780
4367Current Topics in Cellular Regulation2561963
4367Mutation Research - Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis156745633
4367IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference6565253
4367Fundamental and Applied Catalysis225615
4367Zhongguo Kexue Jishu Kexue/Scientia Sinica Technologica6563412
4406Lecture Notes in Earth System Sciences135546
4406IEEE Transactions on Education555134202
4406Natural Product Research25510654
4431Computer Assisted Surgery3542621
4431Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine454144164
4431IEEE Journal of Electromagnetics, RF and Microwaves in Medicine and Biology5541216
4431M/C Journal6543211
4466Journal of Hematotherapy and Stem Cell Research4531952
4466Journal of Applied Corporate Finance453124204
4504Borderline Personality Disorder and Emotion Dysregulation15211360
4504Depositional Record4522327
4504Customer Needs and Solutions1528945
4504Crohn's & Colitis 36011521314
4504Advances in Difference Equations452428361
4534Nature Reviews Physics151253363
4534Mathematical Programming Studies2513362
4534Letters in Mathematical Physics451325288
4534Journal of Structural Biology251910
4534Healthcare Quarterly (Toronto, Ont )165163
4579International Journal of Computer Games Technology1504324
4611Journal of ISAKOS949820
4611International Journal of Contemporary Iraqi Studies174912
4611Computational Toxicology2492231
4611The American Journal of Pediatric Hematology/oncology1497161
4611Accounting and the Public Interest1493411
4611Electrical Engineering & Electromechanics249245
4611JMIR Medical Education14910353
4647World Journal of Cardiology34858125
4647Plant Reproduction2486576
4647Schizophrenia Research: Cognition2485864
4647Experimental Psychology248170178
4647Energy Harvesting and Systems2481511
4647Anxiety Research248929
4647Journal of Lower Genital Tract Disease84893216
4647Series in Machine Perception and Artificial Intelligence648118
4685Recent Patents on Endocrine, Metabolic & Immune Drug Discovery347417
4685Journal of the American Association for Laboratory Animal Science9472026
4685Clinical Medicine Insights: Circulatory, Respiratory and Pulmonary Medicine2471113
4685ISRN Dermatology247722
4685Clocks & Sleep14713939
4685Computer Supported Cooperative Work / Series Ed By: Dan Diaper and Colston Sanger2472612
4722Illinois Journal of Mathematics446144146
4722International Journal of Health Economics and Management1466510
4722JPhys Photonics14682104
4722Journal of Psychophysiology44642111
4722Nature Reviews Methods Primers24693351
4722Current Psychology14614596
4722Journal of Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers and Materials246651442
4766Current Tropical Medicine Reports2455663
4766International Journal of Game-Based Learning2451823
4766Implementation Science Communications11454286
4766Renewables: Wind, Water, and Solar245210
4766Mathematical Geosciences54563165
4766Teaching and Learning Inquiry10451027
4766Communications Earth & Environment745243451
4766BMJ Medicine5451019
4812Evidence - Based Integrative Medicine54422
4812Developing World Bioethics2444952
4812Glycoconjugate Journal244407542
4848European Actuarial Journal1437128
4848Epilepsy and Behavior Reports34386
4848Advances in STEM Education104312
4848Origins of Life and Evolution of Biospheres343157269
4848Therapeutics and Clinical Risk Management143539362
4848Nonconvex Optimization and Its Applications3436238
4895Advances in Bioinformatics2421346
4895Neuronal Signaling2421718
4895The Ultrasound Journal14210398
4895Critical Reviews in Biomedical Engineering142191132
4939EPJ Data Science141196140
4939International Journal of Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork541129
4939Mutation Research - Genetic Toxicology Testing and Biomonitoring of Environmental Or Occupational Exposure141186178
4939Maternal Health, Neonatology and Perinatology2413682
4939Research Integrity and Peer Review1418466
4939Annals of the American Association of Geographers241246439
4939Journal of Geodetic Science741422
4992Primate Conservation240919
4992Journal of Long-Term Effects of Medical Implants94039107
4992Disability Studies Quarterly6403045
4992Annals of General Psychiatry140127
4992JMIR Infodemiology1401540
5032International Journal of Purchasing and Materials Management1397089
5032Current Respiratory Care Reports1393717
5032CTyF - Ciencia, Tecnologia Y Futuro239176
5032Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds539741
5032Conflict Resolution Quarterly4391436
5032Journal of Pipeline Science and Engineering23944
5032Statistics Education Research Journal1396819
5078Advances in School Mental Health Promotion2382440
5078Complex & Intelligent Systems238272254
5078Mathematics and Mechanics of Complex Systems538913
5078Electrochemical Energy Reviews13893161
5078Brain Circulation3382830
5078Journal of the Air Pollution Control Association438124142
5078European Journal of Epidemiology1381.0K1.1K
5126Multiple Sclerosis International2374480
5126Journal of Bone and Joint Infection3374456
5126Translational Sports Medicine937532
5126Npj Precision Oncology437146268
5126F1000prime Reports1371143
5126Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology437163427
5126Flow, Turbulence and Combustion53771126
5126Journal of Plant Biology237189221
5186Evidence-based Spine-care Journal3361425
5186IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Magazine436535
5186Journal of Natural Science, Biology and Medicine13610469
5186European Psychologist136219264
5186IET Cyber-Physical Systems: Theory and Applications1367747
5186State Crime Journal236124
5186Genome Instability & Disease236233
5186Forestry Sciences3366140
5186Journal of Applied Mathematics and Decision Sciences1362617
5186Journal of Gambling Issues7361223
5244Cardiovascular Engineering (Dordrecht, Netherlands)4351649
5244Geospatial Technology and the Role of Location in Science15351134
5244Social Currents2354945
5244Third World Thematics A TWQ Journal2353514
5244Colloids and Interfaces13514555
5244Advanced Quantum Technologies135319192
5244Complicity: an International Journal of Complexity in Education135162
5244BMC Biomedical Engineering1352916
5244Fieldiana: Life and Earth Sciences135108
5244Materials Letters2359811.1K
5244Journal of Graphics Tools435427
5244Exceptionality Education International735913
5294Current Treatment Options in Rheumatology634323
5294Quantum Engineering1343521
5294JMIR Diabetes1345332
5294JMIR Medical Informatics434116327
5294Canadian Journal of Disability Studies1334516
5294Business Ethics and Leadership134553
5294Acta Crystallographica Section B: Structural Science, Crystal Engineering and Materials334177176
5294Journal of Migration and Health2342550
5294Plant Phenomics2345668
5294Alberta Journal of Educational Research383423
5352Journal of Experimental Orthopaedics133298117
5352Current Treatment Options in Psychiatry2335871
5352Cardiovascular & Hematological Disorders Drug Targets13311162
5352European Journal of Housing Policy1332027
5352Journal of Nematology13315966
5352Primatology Monographs1332815
5352Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B - Process Metallurgy and Materials Processing Science233170240
5352Journal of Inclusion Phenomena and Macrocyclic Chemistry133523375
5401Journal of Cancer Policy3322338
5401Evolution Letters232112193
5401Advances in Rheumatology13212452
5401Journal of Innovation in Health Informatics3323157
5401Fractal and Fractional332414289
5401Journal of Biosystems Engineering2322817
5401Acta Arithmetica432184158
5401AIMS Public Health3325890
5401Nuclear Receptor Research1321320
5401JMIR Aging3322575
5401European Journal of Nutrition13298102
5401Wind Energy Science4324477
5401Biodemography and Social Biology232115112
5466Journal of Clinical Medicine Research231223243
5466Kidney Medicine73155116
5466Journal of Location Based Services3311757
5466Journal of Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering3319297
5466Electron Microscopy Reviews131520
5466JTO Clinical and Research Reports6314555
5466Neurovascular Imaging33155
5466NursingPlus Open13112
5466Canadian Oncology Nursing Journal = Revue Canadienne De Nursing Oncologique6312729
5466International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being63164197
5466Fields Institute Monographs731217
5466ISME Communications43197149
5466Neuro-Oncology Practice43188148
5517Geoenvironmental Disasters1308273
5517Journal of Psychosocial Oncology Research and Practice153022
5517Computer Arithmetic, IEEE Symposium on130514
5517Qualitative Sociology Review730723
5517JMIR Cancer2304688
5578Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing2293792
5578Journal of Secondary Gifted Education1291723
5578Biophysics (Nagoya-shi, Japan)3292231
5578Geoscience and Man1292221
5578Geoscience Canada2292529
5578Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiation Oncology229203180
5578International Journal of Peptide Research and Therapeutics7292546
5578Narrative Inquiry2292329
5578Radiation Protection Dosimetry429491647
5578PLOS Global Public Health729254201
5643Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism52825100
5643SIGSPATIAL Special2285029
5643Conservation Science and Practice228377294
5643International Journal of Web-Based Learning and Teaching Technologies1289216
5643International Journal of Applied Metaheuristic Computing1287622
5643Journal of Comorbidity1285980
5643Brain-Computer Interfaces2284069
5643BMJ Leader8282524
5643Journal of Concussion32854
5643The Journal of Global Positioning Systems12844
5643IET Microwaves Antennas and Propagation228123125
5643WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment132867127
5643Applied Microbiology128384383
5643Social Work in Public Health2287661
5643Physica Status Solidi (A) Applications and Materials Science2281.3K1.2K
5703Public Transport42722102
5703Academic Pathology4274673
5703Bladder Cancer32782106
5703Geoscientific Instrumentation, Methods and Data Systems52724102
5703Journal of Family and Community Medicine2273880
5703BMC Hematology1277293
5703Journal of Dance Medicine and Science4273590
5703Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence127216162
5703Journal of Translational Autoimmunity2272557
5703Lipid Insights1271125
5703Cerebral Cortex Communications5271640
5703Bmc Ecology and Evolution22715763
5703Khoa Học ứng Dụng1272218
5773Sustainability: Science, Practice, and Policy126122113
5773Npj Biofilms and Microbiomes226214474
5773One Health22692253
5773Problem Books in Mathematics1626131
5773JBI Evidence Synthesis7265667
5773Historia - Zeitschrift Fur Alte Geschichte2262922
5773Frontiers in Sustainable Cities2265474
5773Geotechnical Testing Journal1265457
5773Alberta Law Review62611
5773Stress and Health126148125
5773IET Communications62641119
5773Happiness Studies Book Series12698
5773Studies of Brain Function142652
5773Journal of Affective Disorders Reports526569
5773Biofuel Research Journal22622129
5843IEEE Transactions on Games2255644
5843International Journal of Health Policy and Management525163383
5843Facial Plastic Surgery and Aesthetic Medicine12514940
5843Current Drug Abuse Reviews1253184
5843Medicine Studies: an International Journal for History, Philosophy, and Ethics of Medicine and Allied Sciences22565
5843Integrative Medicine Insights1251210
5843Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology225195277
5843Orvosi Hetilap4252522
5843Springer International Handbooks of Education232516107
5843Chinese Physics Letters12512144
5843TESOL Journal4253387
5909Treatments in Respiratory Medicine1242977
5909Gynecologic Oncology Case Reports1244212
5909Ophthalmic Surgery Lasers and Imaging Retina124151127
5909Bioelectronic Medicine1246557
5909The Journal of Sustainable Product Design424313
5909Asian Journal of Gambling Issues and Public Health1241818
5909Lung Cancer International12447
5909Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research124232176
5909Journal of Patient-centered Research and Reviews1244235
5909International Journal of Sexual Health1246890
5909Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies1247716
5909Journal of Constructivist Psychology524625
5909Communications Medicine52493209
5909Communications in Kinesiology42411
5909Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society Series B Applied Mathematics12411679
5909International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation124381557
5909Trends in Higher Education124241
5909Nature Mental Health3246868
5990IEE Proceedings, Part G: Circuits, Devices and Systems2235447
5990JSES Open Access1234242
5990Mineral Economics3231861
5990Journal of Electrical Systems and Information Technology3231446
5990Journal of Alzheimer's Disease Reports72311101
5990Advances in Software Engineering1231912
5990Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting3234183
5990OTA International the Open Access Journal of Orthopaedic Trauma6231631
5990Clinical Parkinsonism & Related Disorders323516
5990Developments in Cardiovascular Medicine6234916
5990Human-computer Interaction Series323138109
5990Research on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology42383103
5990IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility223517645
5990Reading Research and Instruction3234672
5990IEEE Transactions on Advanced Packaging123156180
5990Eurasip Journal on Bioinformatics and Systems Biology1233939
5990Canadian Journal of Action Research72377
5990Annals of Surgery Open7233137
6062Psychiatry Investigation222203290
6062Cuadernos De Turismo1223614
6062Mental Lexicon3222770
6062Local and Regional Anesthesia1224569
6062Asia Pacific Journal of Counselling and Psychotherapy122458
6062Engineering Reports3224376
6062Hepatic Medicine: Evidence and Research1223561
6062Turkish Neurosurgery12218981
6062Journal of Biological Methods1224433
6062Endoscopic Ultrasound322159250
6062LIBER Quarterly1222615
6062Journal of Signal Processing Systems42275190
6062International Journal of Tourism Research1223028
6062International Journal of Indigenous Health922519
6062Best Practice and Research: Clinical Haematology2221995
6062Industrial Electronics Series12222
6062Studies in Social Justice4222027
6062Educational Studies - AESA12214092
6062BMC Primary Care12222964
6149Accounting Perspectives5212044
6149Cultural and Pedagogical Inquiry772114
6149Internet of Things (Netherlands)12139128
6149Current Plant Science and Biotechnology in Agriculture10215699
6149Journal of Scleroderma and Related Disorders32162148
6149Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives42110130
6149Advanced Fiber Materials121137211
6149Postdoc Journal12135
6149International Journal of Yoga Therapy3211853
6149LEARNing Landscapes6211220
6149Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry121302136
6149Public Finance Review2218691
6149Annals of Vascular Surgery521555994
6149Advances in Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering12144
6149Urban Planning221108110
6149Educational and Child Psychology1213928
6149SAE technical paper series121275189
6225Obesity Management32086
6225International Journal of Data Warehousing and Mining2204768
6225Infectious Disease Modelling120102164
6225International Journal of Evolutionary Biology2201462
6225Advances in Public Health1207855
6225Environmental Sciences Europe220178496
6225Journal of Second Language Pronunciation420723
6225Journal of Geovisualization and Spatial Analysis1205265
6225ISRN Signal Processing1202016
6225JAC-Antimicrobial Resistance420152213
6225Environmental Microbiomes22067103
6225Culture Unbound2202426
6225Synthesis and Reactivity in Inorganic, Metal Organic, and Nano Metal Chemistry120342241
6225Journal of Software: Evolution and Process22025131
6225Journal of Women, Politics and Policy1207257
6225Revista Brasileira De Geociências2205574
6225The Alkaloids Chemistry and Biology1202248
6225Current Issues in Molecular Biology520139289
6225Critical Social Work92018
6225ECS Meeting Abstracts149207883
6225Social Inclusion220143175
6225Journal of Biomedical Analytics22032
6225Humanities and Social Sciences Communications520295420
6225Journal of Occupational Health120534614
6325Revista Do Hospital Das Clinicas1191212
6325International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education11997148
6325Papers in Palaeontology119209151
6325BMC Rheumatology71917163
6325Journal of Pediatric Pharmacology and Therapeutics119242148
6325International Journal of Stochastic Analysis21987
6325BMJ Health and Care Informatics41935136
6325Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality3193052
6325Osteoarthritis and Cartilage Open2196629
6325Critical Finance Review1194639
6325International Social Security Review11914497
6325Biomedical Reviews4191215
6325The Enabling Power of Assessment1019320
6325Advances in Educational Technologies and Instructional Design Book Series20192894
6325ICME-13 Monographs11922760
6325International Journal of Cardiovascular Imaging119155163
6325Journal of Industrial Microbiology21992216
6421Journal of Virtual Worlds Research2182645
6421Journal of Commonwealth Political Studies118268
6421Scars, Burns & Healing1184235
6421Kidney Cancer3182346
6421Revista Brasileira De Historia2184522
6421Water Research X1183698
6421Current Psychopharmacology1183116
6421Physical Review Physics Education Research118235213
6421Study Abroad Research in Second Language Acquisition and International Education318212
6421International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy51868183
6421Journal of Energy2185448
6421Comprehensive Healthcare Simulation8181410
6421Online Learning Journal31857155
6421Journal of Synchrotron Radiation318452838
6421International Indigenous Policy Journal4182554
6421The International Journal of Alcohol and Drug Research2185055
6421Journal of Systems and Integrative Neuroscience1182527
6421Communications Physics318447749
6421Journal of Forensic Biomechanics11811
6505Health Equity317125213
6505Cancer Treatment and Research Communications31754124
6505Comprehensive Child and Adolescent Nursing1177445
6505Entrepreneurship Research Journal2173790
6505International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction1175294
6505International Journal of Zoology2171761
6505Current Sustainable/Renewable Energy Reports1174968
6505Investigative Genetics11737105
6505Big Data and Cognitive Computing217124229
6505Applied Cancer Research31737
6505CVIR Endovascular11716163
6505Eco-Management and Auditing1173334
6505EPJ Techniques and Instrumentation1174334
6505Schizophrenia Bulletin Open4173788
6505Gates Open Research117215180
6505Proceedings in Life Sciences317127171
6505Advances in Cell Culture11747
6505Critical Studies in Media Communication11763113
6505IBRO Neuroscience Reports4171251
6505Central African Journal of Medicine1172111
6505Physical Review Physics Education Research11791157
6505IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging117243254
6505Journal of the Canadian Association for Curriculum Studies2317311
6608International Journal of Information Systems and Supply Chain Management1167553
6608Neotropical Primates3164057
6608Advances in Anatomy, Embryology and Cell Biology2166395
6608Journal of Craniovertebral Junction and Spine4164992
6608Geomechanics for Energy and the Environment2162367
6608Anaesthesiology Intensive Therapy11610168
6608Journal of Commodity Markets1161547
6608Strategy Science1167982
6608Npj Science of Learning116165150
6608Journal of Mental Health Policy and Economics1162345
6608ACM Transactions on Privacy and Security21638104
6608Journal of Small Business - Canada31621
6608Global Sustainability116109194
6608Molecular Interventions: Pharmacological Perspectives From Biology, Chemistry and Genomics11666143
6608In Silico Plants2161827
6608Cardiology Journal216200280
6608ATS Scholar3166052
6608Catalysis By Metal Complexes3161433
6608Gender and Politics1166519
6608ACS Materials Au316785
6608Marine and Freshwater Behaviour and Physiology31642155
6608Neuropsychology, Development and Cognition Section A: Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology116137257
6608Journal of Hand Surgery116418554
6608Global Health Promotion216208
6608Soils and Foundations1162749
6608International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering216320559
6608Arrhythmia and Electrophysiology Review116106154
6608CCS Chemistry116262352
6608Cerebral Circulation - Cognition and Behavior31635
6608Latin American Research Review116262157
6608Battery Energy1166872
6608ASEE annual conference & exposition9163821
6608Canadian Political Science Review1116310
6716Tanzania Journal of Health Research3151923
6716Journal of Osteoporosis1154689
6716Health Systems3151479
6716Global Health Research and Policy215108230
6716Current Sleep Medicine Reports11510787
6716Journal of Integrated Design and Process Science3152126
6716Journal of Cognitive Education and Psychology2153472
6716Journal in Computer Virology2151549
6716World Journal of Clinical Oncology115149230
6716Cities and Health31545138
6716Hindawi Publishing Corporation215252
6716World Journal of Transplantation11583124
6716NAR Genomics and Bioinformatics115346271
6716Computational Astrophysics and Cosmology1151436
6716Proceedings of the ACM on Measurement and Analysis of Computing Systems11511290
6716Annals of Geophysics215183185
6716Journal of Addiction1153967
6716Partnership: the Canadian Journal of Library and Information Practice and Research2215323
6716Modern Aspects of Electrochemistry1154249
6716Review of Corporate Finance3151028
6716Lecture Notes in Engineering10151143
6716Cognitive and Behavioral Neurology21594220
6833IEEE Journal of Robotics and Automation1142962
6833Stochastics and Partial Differential Equations: Analysis and Computations1149952
6833Operator Theory: Advances and Applications21410645
6833ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems41424193
6833Npj Microgravity214179329
6833SAGE Open Nursing5144999
6833ChemBioEng Reviews21455152
6833Journal of Gaming and Virtual Worlds1146742
6833Open Archaeology2146947
6833IISE Transactions on Healthcare Systems Engineering2143041
6833Neurological Research and Practice21476119
6833Journal of Cutaneous Laser Therapy1141434
6833Writing and Pedagogy2142615
6833Arthroscopy, Sports Medicine, and Rehabilitation31498127
6833Cell Reports Medicine314280723
6833International Journal of the Sociology of Leisure2141518
6833Ideas in Ecology and Evolution1141212
6833Lancet Microbe, The314164627
6833Journal of Forest and Livelihood1141711
6833Evolutionary Human Sciences2146577
6833Bulletin of Glaciological Research2142019
6833Palliative Medicine Reports5141042
6833Journal of Transport and Land Use41431150
6833Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene114187197
6833Brock Education: A Journal of Educational Research and Practice21486
6833Structural Control and Health Monitoring21436106
6833Advances in Computational Intelligence and Robotics Book Series414195122
6833Advances in Higher Education and Professional Development Book Series10148382
6833Evolutionary Studies11492
6833Biological Research214187551
6833Petroleum Science and Technology1149252
6833Journal of Baccalaureate Social Work: Sharing Knowledge, Ideas and Research To Promote1144215
6833Gulf of Mexico Science1144537
6833Computational Imaging and Vision1149458
6833AIMS Materials Science11411486
6833Biologics: Targets and Therapy21423187
6833Canadian Journal of Counselling & Psychotherapy / Revue Canadienne De Counseling Et De Psychothérapie171412
6833Uspekhi Fizicheskikh Nauk1145232
6969Caribbean Journal of Science1139362
6969Open Agriculture113201142
6969Balkan Journal of Medical Genetics1137953
6969Intestinal Research213144278
6969Advances in Neurodevelopmental Disorders2136293
6969International Journal of the Society of Materials Engineering for Resources1136516
6969Biophysics and Physicobiology11310765
6969International Journal of Gaming and Computer-Mediated Simulations513555
6969International Journal of Advanced Corporate Learning1134522
6969Area Development and Policy1134371
6969International Journal of Healthcare813215
6969Journal of Immigrant Health11364145
6969Journal of Pediatric Neuropsychology3131220
6969Blood and Lymphatic Cancer: Targets and Therapy1131020
6969Atmospheric Environment: X2131268
6969International Journal of Anthropology and Ethnology113164
6969Paediatric and Neonatal Pain713233
6969JTCVS Open7132944
6969Frontiers in Toxicology2132668
6969Philosophy and Medicine4136857
6969Cyberpsychology, Behavior and Social Networking113239507
6969Journal of Neurology Research61349
6969Review of Social Sciences21344
6969IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Industrial Electronics213105127
6969Journal of Social Work Education2135353
6969Family Medicine213154148
6969Seminars in Respiratory Infections1132760
6969Science in China Series A: Mathematics113228201
6969Industrial Electronics Society (IECON ), Annual Conference of IEEE113156122
6969Electronic Journal of Combinatorics313228201
6969In Education7131011
6969Interactive Journal of Medical Research11354136
6969European Journal for Research on the Education and Learning of Adults1134532
6969Hydrology Research213292547
6969Annals of the Child Neurology Society41362
7099Critical Reviews in Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine3125177
7099Methods and Protocols31220120
7099BMJ Open Ophthalmology312109256
7099Perioperative Medicine (London, England)31268253
7099Journal of International Biotechnology Law21234
7099ACM SIGSIM Simulation Digest3121719
7099International Journal of Cyber Behavior, Psychology and Learning1125642
7099Journal of Developmental and Life-Course Criminology1128189
7099IZA Journal of Labor Policy1124777
7099Biomarkers in Cancer11232107
7099ISRN Urology1121750
7099World Journal of Gastrointestinal Pathophysiology11244143
7099Comparative Group Studies212210
7099Open Geospatial Data, Software and Standards1121330
7099International Journal of IT Standards and Standardization Research1122018
7099Infection Prevention in Practice1125662
7099Prevention and Control: the Official Journal of the World Heart Federation11211
7099Journal of the Structural Division21295128
7099Polymer-Plastics Technology and Engineering112571674
7099Advanced Sciences and Technologies for Security Applications11220075
7099Springer Proceedings in Mathematics1126936
7099Resistance To Targeted Anti-cancer Therapeutics112482
7099Nano Select21279219
7099Online Journal of Rural Nursing and Health Care: the Official Journal of the Rural Nurse Organization1128245
7099FEMS Yeast Research212368809
7099Current Issues in Sport Science212201
7099Zeitschrift Für Jagdwissenschaft2123042
7099International Journal of Mass Emergencies and Disasters112167174
7224American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology MFM311178334
7224Soil Systems211149287
7224Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Power and Process Engineering2111217
7224Journal of Technology in Behavioral Science21166147
7224Tatra Mountains Mathematical Publications1114717
7224Trends in Neuroscience and Education11148105
7224Recent Patents on DNA & Gene Sequences211438
7224Epilepsy Research & Treatment11143106
7224Medical Ultrasonography111226225
7224Journal of Contemporary Archaeology1115337
7224Journal of Organization Design1115865
7224Cell Reports Physical Science311136324
7224International Journal of Quality Assurance in Engineering and Technology Education21143
7224JMIR Rehabilitation and Assistive Technologies11153154
7224Blood Cancer Discovery211151354
7224Journal of Cannabis Research2113797
7224Journal of Catholic Education211115
7224Mathematical Research Letters211283382
7224Journal of Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves111452334
7224Social Work and Social Sciences Review1113912
7224Aotearoa New Zealand Social Work Review1114823
7224IET Circuits, Devices and Systems211107236
7224IIUM Engineering Journal1117331