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Top Journals (by citations)

#JournalArticlesCitationsR ARankR CRank
1International Journal of Solids and Structures217811960
2Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization1527138147
3Computers and Structures725354112
4Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics8220107234
5Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering10195224736
6International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering9156122492
7Engineering Structures141511151.0K
8International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics5104105209
9Journal of Structural and Construction Engineering319248
10Journal of Constructional Steel Research289568463
11Journal of Structural Engineering349438870
11Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids1491.3K1.3K
13Optimization and Engineering141159113
14Frontiers in Built Environment2397595
16Engineering With Computers227217706
17Thin-Walled Structures1251.7K1.9K
17Advances in Engineering Software225129699
19Structural Optimization1241223
20Composite Structures2202.1K5.4K
20Advanced Engineering Informatics120375896
22Journal of Computational Science and Technology319616
23International Journal of Space Structures1174342
24Journal of Applied Mechanics, Transactions ASME1135741.4K
24Japan Architectural Review513652
26SIAM Journal of Scientific Computing1121.1K1.8K
27Mechanics Research Communications211184896
28Journal of Engineering Mechanics - ASCE1108161.7K
28Structural Safety110206569
30Theoretical Computer Science299712.2K
30Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications196791.4K
30International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics19440857
33Graphs and Combinatorics17490457
33Archive of Applied Mechanics174791.3K
33Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics2747208
36Discrete and Computational Geometry16368634
37Applied Mechanics Reviews1592512
37Journal of the International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures35214
39Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology141.4K4.2K
39CAD Computer Aided Design143991.2K
39Engineering Optimization241601.6K
39AIJ Journal of Technology and Design342650
39International Journal of Computational Methods14187593
44Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence131.5K5.9K
44Engineering Computations133091.1K
44Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering13158476
44Journal of Environmental Engineering (Japan)1394107
44Springer Tracts in Mechanical Engineering135062
49Lecture Notes in Computer Science1254.0K60.4K
49Nihon Kikai Gakkai Ronbunshu, A Hen/Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Part A2292181
49Journal of Mechanical Design, Transactions of the ASME124861.7K
49Science China Technological Sciences121.1K4.7K
49Nihon Kenchiku Gakkai Keikakukei Ronbunshu2260182
49Journal of Advanced Mechanical Design, Systems and Manufacturing12161560
49International Journal of Mechanics and Materials in Design12120621
49The Proceedings of OPTIS6212
57International Journal of Mechanical Sciences111.9K6.1K
57IABSE Symposium Report11291364
59Computational Mechanics106882.5K
59The Proceedings of the Computational Mechanics Conference107120
59Structural Engineering and Mechanics10260963
59Proceedings of the Optimization Symposium2010
59Mathematics for Industry50291