108(top 2%)
3.8K(top 5%)
36(top 2%)
60(top 5%)
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Top Journals (by citations)

#JournalArticlesCitationsR ARankR CRank
1Computers in Human Behavior2417852325
2Journal of Marketing Management52983027
3Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services3255201154
4Technological Forecasting and Social Change2253537390
5Industrial Marketing Management2247288220
6Qualitative Market Research621624
7Bottom Line: Managing Library Finances821322
8Journal of Business Research4206335794
10Business Process Management Journal21648036
11International Journal of Hospitality Management2159296345
12Journal of Strategic Marketing51561338
13Internet Research313843100
14Marketing Intelligence and Planning5135831
15Journal of Brand Management41131174
16Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics21129340
17International Journal of Bank Marketing210773103
18Electronic Markets185146105
19Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing170273250
20International Journal of Consumer Studies26978252
20Asia Pacific Journal of Management169160190
22Journal of Service Theory and Practice1627353
23Journal of Consumer Marketing14966111
23Business Ethics Quarterly1496395
25Journal of Marketing Communications24420107
26The Marketing Review542211
27Active Learning in Higher Education1381854
28International Journal of Technology Management135107135
29Systems Research and Behavioral Science133176149
30International Journal of Services, Economics and Management232117
31Journal of Services Marketing131109277
32Information Technology and Management22912104
33Journal of Marketing for Higher Education1283185
34International Journal of Internet Marketing and Advertising1272919
35Behaviour and Information Technology126298645
36International Journal of Market Research22334114
36Journal of Vacation Marketing12384221
38Employee Relations121150264
39Journal of General Management1203554
41Industrial Management and Data Systems119368693
42International Journal of Electronic Customer Relationship Management1171312
43Technology Analysis and Strategic Management116323732
43Journal of Database Marketing and Customer Strategy Management1161323
45Asia Pacific Business Review11475159
46Journal of Consumer Behaviour113209694
47Journal of Global Marketing11244195
48International Marketing Review111191516
49International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management110332982
49Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management11092268
51Journal of Public Affairs19338588
51Journal of Targeting, Measurement and Analysis for Marketing191872
53Information Technology and People18178754
53Journal of China Tourism Research18101184
55Service Industries Journal172521.1K
56International Studies of Management and Organization1633142
58International Journal of Management and Decision Making1432100
59Social Business131547
60Entrepreneurship Research Journal1241253
60Advances in Marketing, Customer Relationship Management, and E-services Book Series12400342
60Springer Series in Fashion Business12919