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Top Journals (by citations)

#JournalArticlesCitationsR ARankR CRank
1Chemical Reviews11,4551.7K1.1K
2Medicinal Research Reviews162329323
3Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry6349281164
4Dalton Transactions92811.6K1.6K
6Journal of Medicinal Chemistry32274.0K3.1K
7Inorganica Chimica Acta11222294334
8Inorganic Chemistry51894.7K4.7K
9Journal of Organometallic Chemistry7161655748
10Experimental and Molecular Pathology113845794
11Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine11313.4K907
12Carbohydrate Polymers11257.0K4.7K
13Inorganic Chemistry Communication7122211261
15Coordination Chemistry Reviews11131.7K2.7K
16European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging11052.6K1.7K
17Journal of Immunology110213.5K13.4K
18Physics and Chemistry of Minerals1101549191
19British Journal of Management192326294
20Mini-Reviews in Organic Chemistry2893713
21Allergy: European Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology1882.7K2.0K
22European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry2794.1K4.5K
23Nature Genetics17610.2K26.9K
24International Journal of Implant Dentistry17013828
25Anti-Cancer Agents in Medicinal Chemistry168777248
26Applied Organometallic Chemistry367857816
26Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology1672.6K1.2K
28Marine Pollution Bulletin2632.1K3.7K
29Scientific Reports26055.6K64.0K
30Journal of Asthma159991353
31Chemical Communications15526.8K27.0K
32European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry2543.4K3.7K
33Alimentary Pharmacology and Therapeutics1532.5K2.5K
34Dalton Transactions RSC351185763
35Journal of Voice1501.0K478
36Cancer Management and Research1481.7K685
36Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry1488901.0K
38Journal of the Chemical Society Dalton Transactions244598962
41BMC Genomics1427.5K13.6K
43Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry1407951.3K
45Journal of Materials Research1392.9K2.8K
46Energy and Environmental Science1384.4K12.2K
47International Journal of Molecular Sciences4379.9K38.0K
48Biology of the Cell133323758
49Journal of Neuroscience13013.9K29.1K
50Physical Review D32916.7K23.0K
50Expert Opinion on Pharmacotherapy1298851.1K
52Journal of Chemical Physics12718.1K20.2K
53Current Bioactive Compounds2243845
54PLoS ONE12152.2K64.6K
54Brazilian Journal of Microbiology1219021.4K
59Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry2181.4K4.8K
59Pattern Recognition1182.1K4.5K
61New Journal of Chemistry11712.9K18.5K
62Journal of Coordination Chemistry1141.7K2.0K
62Journal of Neurological Surgery Reports1143570
64The Protein Journal11399302
65Supportive Care in Cancer1123.4K7.8K
66AIP Conference Proceedings11123.9K7.6K
66Journal of Phase Equilibria and Diffusion111228349
68Journal of High Energy Physics11019.1K44.9K
68ACI Structural Journal110134257
70Journal of Physics: Conference Series1913.6K9.1K
70Archives of Toxicology191.6K5.2K
70Pediatric Neurology191.2K3.0K
70Journal of Macromolecular Science - Physics19456775
76Helvetica Chimica Acta181.2K3.7K
77Parasitology Research172.6K7.0K
78International Journal of Thermal Sciences161.4K3.8K
79Journal of Fluid Mechanics145.0K9.2K
79Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine141.5K5.5K
79Journal of Functional Analysis141.1K2.3K
79Revista De Pesquisa: Cuidado é Fundamental Online14327313
79Springer Proceedings in Physics141.4K590
84Obstetrics and Gynecology131.5K4.1K
84Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and Frontotemporal Degeneration134971.5K
84Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery13269911
84Journal of the ASEAN Federation of Endocrine Societies1380122
84Environmental Chemistry for A Sustainable World13136375
89Value in Health111.2K3.9K
89International Journal of Infectious Diseases113.0K13.8K
89Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry112.1K7.4K
89Journal of Infection and Public Health115583.4K
89Revista CEFAC: Actualização Científica Em Fonoaudiologia11770757
89Journal of Hospitality Marketing and Management111788
96ZAMM Zeitschrift Fur Angewandte Mathematik Und Mechanik104361.8K
96European Respiratory Journal105.7K14.1K
96European Journal of Radiology102.7K9.6K
96Applicable Analysis105641.9K
96Der Radiologe1075568
96IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics102.2K6.7K
96CSA News101717
96International Surgery10154684
96Journal of Hematopathology10108464
96Archiv Euromedica601843
96Revue Internationale D Onomastique1012
96المجلة الأردنية في الدراسات الإسلامية1010