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Top Journals (by citations)

#JournalArticlesCitationsR ARankR CRank
1Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering744,15038
2Computational Mechanics722,69023
3International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering432,357514
4Finite Elements in Analysis and Design7800141
5Computers and Structures126881730
6Engineering Computations1550455
7Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering53771930
8Computational Materials Science1031973187
9International Journal of Solids and Structures7303221284
10Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering8293411
11Communications in Applied Numerical Methods328642
12Computers and Geotechnics5270217146
13Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids6233193332
14Archive of Applied Mechanics71511739
15GAMM Mitteilungen1130597
16Cement and Concrete Composites2123616717
17Mathematical and Computer Modelling2119189141
18Computational Particle Mechanics6103542
19International Journal of Engineering Science494123257
20Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics51871312
21Materials Science and Engineering C2742.4K4.5K
22Tribology International3695291.0K
23Journal of Applied Mechanics, Transactions ASME264292307
24International Journal for Multiscale Computational Engineering2614033
25Nonlinear Dynamics2591.7K2.1K
26Mechanics Research Communications257184202
27Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials3516751.9K
28SIAM Journal of Scientific Computing1491.1K886
29Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology447102578
30Composite Structures1453.4K3.3K
31Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures144778364
32Applied Sciences (Switzerland)14028.3K8.5K
34International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics134669646
35CISM International Centre for Mechanical Sciences, Courses and Lectures1033220
36Lecture Notes in Applied and Computational Mechanics123115
37International Journal of Geomechanics130863724
37Advanced Modeling and Simulation in Engineering Sciences2302746
40International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics127662758
42Journal of the Royal Society Interface1241.9K4.2K
42International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering124496616
44ZAMM Zeitschrift Fur Angewandte Mathematik Und Mechanik42356258
44Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence1231.5K2.5K
44Computational Methods in Applied Sciences (Springer)423832
47International Journal of Fracture222307852
48International Journal of Artificial Organs121548529
49International Journal of Mechanical Sciences3204933.3K
50Engineering Structures1183.4K5.0K
52Graefe's Archive for Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology1151.9K2.6K
53Journal of Tribology113342542
55Journal of Sound and Vibration1122.2K4.0K
55Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine1121.3K3.7K
55IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis112233449
58Procedia CIRP1111.8K2.5K
58Numerische Mathematik111445873
60Journal of Biomedical Materials Research - Part B Applied Biomaterials1101.4K4.3K
60Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering1103551.2K
60Engineering With Computers1105111.2K
63Acta Mechanica199021.7K
63International Journal of Computational Methods19191362
65Biomedizinische Technik28141554
65Computers in Biology and Medicine182.6K7.4K
65Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology181.9K7.9K
68Communications in Computer and Information Science179.2K4.9K
68Soils and Foundations17332801
68Engineering Optimization174341.3K
68Biomedical Materials (Bristol)176942.8K
68Production Engineering2788456
68HTM - Journal of Heat Treatment and Materials173547
68CMES - Computer Modeling in Engineering and Sciences1752136
75Minerals, Metals and Materials Series16564289
76Applied Mathematical Modelling151.9K6.2K
76Journal of Engineering Mechanics - ASCE158331.9K
76Procedia Manufacturing151.2K2.5K
76Journal of Applied Biomaterials and Functional Materials15179556
76SEMA SIMAI Springer Series155055
81Revista Escola De Minas14104136
82Scientific Reports1353.2K64.9K
82Current Pharmaceutical Design132.5K10.7K
85Physical Review B1230.3K46.6K
85Oberwolfach Reports123214
85Modeling and Simulation in Science, Engineering and Technology1241170
85Materials Letters127.2K19.4K
85Key Engineering Materials121.3K1.9K
91AIP Conference Proceedings416.5K27.8K
91Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance112.0K6.4K
91Mechanisms and Machine Science117601.1K
91Numerical Linear Algebra With Applications11278737
91Structural Engineering and Mechanics11263883
91Solid Mechanics and Its Applications2146196
97Journal of Physics: Conference Series1012.9K26.8K
97Engineering Fracture Mechanics101.6K4.3K
97Clinical Microbiology and Infection101.1K3.9K
97Applicable Analysis105701.8K
97IUTAM Symposium on Cellular, Molecular and Tissue Mechanics1094325