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Filter by:Articles (Lifetime) (36) | Articles (per year) (184) | Citations (Lifetime) (101) | Citations (per year) (899) | Most Cited Article (Lifetime) (96) | Most Cited Article (per year) (1044) | Low Rankings (Lifetime) (34) | Low Rankings (per year) (795) |
1st most published author in University of Bristol (2008) [with 53 articles having 11,667 citations]
1st most published author in University of Bristol (2010) [with 45 articles having 12,218 citations]
1st most published author in University of Bristol (2015) [with 63 articles having 12,728 citations]
1st most published author in University of Bristol (2016) [with 84 articles having 20,950 citations]
1st most cited paper in Belarusian State Medical University (2014) [with 27 citations of an article]
1st most published author in Bristol Medical School (2018) [with 37 articles having 2,211 citations]
1st most published author in Bristol Medical School (2019) [with 63 articles having 7,584 citations]
1st most published author in Bristol Medical School (2020) [with 53 articles having 4,592 citations]
1st most published author in Bristol Medical School (2021) [with 57 articles having 5,542 citations]
1st most published author in Bristol Medical School (2022) [with 67 articles having 2,371 citations]
1st most cited paper in Foundation for Biomedical Research (2004) [with 192 citations of an article]
1st most cited paper in Claude Bernard University Lyon 1 (2010) [with 3,529 citations of an article]
1st most cited paper in Robertson Centre for Biostatistics (2014) [with 593 citations of an article]
3rd most published author in University of Bristol (2017) [with 67 articles having 11,566 citations]
4th most cited paper in Robertson Centre for Biostatistics (2015) [with 647 citations of an article]
4th most cited author in Public Health Foundation of India (2010) [with 436 citations of 2 articles]
8th most cited paper in Robertson Centre for Biostatistics (2010) [with 122 citations of an article]
9th most published author in Addenbrooke's Hospital (2010) [with 10 articles having 7,014 citations]
9th most cited paper in Southampton General Hospital (lifetime) [with 3,467 citations of an article]
10th most cited author in University of Southern Denmark (2014) [with 1,671 citations of 6 articles]
11th most published author in University of Glasgow (2008) [with 12 articles having 1,646 citations]
11th most cited paper in Medical University of Innsbruck (2010) [with 3,675 citations of an article]
11th most cited author in Theodore Roosevelt High School (2017) [with 1,313 citations of 3 articles]
13th most published author in University of Tampere (2016) [with 16 articles having 4,966 citations]
14th most cited paper in Medical University of Innsbruck (2016) [with 2,849 citations of an article]
14th most cited paper in Harvard Pilgrim Health Care (lifetime) [with 2,814 citations of an article]
16th most cited author in University of Southern Denmark (2010) [with 5,543 citations of 3 articles]
16th most cited paper in Public Health Foundation of India (2013) [with 212 citations of an article]
17th most cited paper in Indian Council of Medical Research (2014) [with 67 citations of an article]
19th most published author in University of Bristol (2018) [with 75 articles having 7,243 citations]
19th most cited paper in Research Triangle Park Foundation (2016) [with 741 citations of an article]
19th most cited paper in Research Triangle Park Foundation (2021) [with 230 citations of an article]
20th most published author in University of Glasgow (2010) [with 11 articles having 1,770 citations]
20th most cited paper in Tampere University Hospital (lifetime) [with 8,968 citations of an article]
22nd most cited paper in Queen Mary University of London (2016) [with 5,122 citations of an article]
24th most cited paper in list of universities in Germany (2016) [with 2,859 citations of an article]
26th most cited author in Karolinska University Hospital (2010) [with 1,104 citations of 2 articles]
28th most cited author in University of Cambridge (lifetime) [with 45,846 citations of 147 articles]
30th most cited author in Karolinska University Hospital (2012) [with 1,392 citations of 3 articles]
31st most cited paper in Strangeways Research Laboratory (2010) [with 2,469 citations of an article]
32nd most cited paper in Queen Mary University of London (2010) [with 3,529 citations of an article]
33rd most published author in University of Bristol (2012) [with 45 articles having 6,166 citations]
34th most cited paper in Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust (2009) [with 91 citations of an article]
37th most cited paper in Sahlgrenska University Hospital (2016) [with 2,353 citations of an article]
38th most cited paper in Public Health Foundation of India (2014) [with 224 citations of an article]
40th most cited author in Turku University Hospital (lifetime) [with 9,734 citations of 35 articles]
40th most cited author in Copenhagen University Hospital (2014) [with 1,175 citations of 4 articles]
41st most cited paper in Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics (2012) [with 323 citations of an article]
42nd most cited paper in Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics (2017) [with 776 citations of an article]
43rd most cited paper in Public Health Institute Ostrava (2010) [with 6,084 citations of an article]
46th most cited author in Copenhagen University Hospital (2016) [with 1,118 citations of 7 articles]
49th most cited author in Imperial College London (lifetime) [with 36,368 citations of 137 articles]
51st most published author in Addenbrooke's Hospital (2014) [with 6 articles having 1,467 citations]
56th most cited paper in Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics (2014) [with 768 citations of an article]
59th most cited paper in Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics (2013) [with 286 citations of an article]
61st most cited author in Massachusetts General Hospital (2010) [with 6,144 citations of 5 articles]
62nd most cited paper in Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics (2019) [with 541 citations of an article]
62nd most cited paper in Kuopio University Hospital (lifetime) [with 10,528 citations of an article]
63rd most published author in Gentofte Hospital (lifetime) [with 36 articles having 6,341 citations]
65th most published author in University of Helsinki (2010) [with 7 articles having 6,818 citations]
65th most cited paper in Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics (2021) [with 327 citations of an article]
69th most cited paper in University of Western Australia (2019) [with 1,422 citations of an article]
72nd most cited paper in Sahlgrenska University Hospital (2012) [with 1,028 citations of an article]
76th most cited paper in University of Western Australia (2018) [with 2,271 citations of an article]
79th most cited author in Massachusetts General Hospital (2019) [with 3,335 citations of 9 articles]
82nd most published author in King's College London (2016) [with 22 articles having 8,158 citations]
85th most cited paper in list of universities in Germany (2012) [with 1,399 citations of an article]
86th most cited paper in University of Western Australia (2014) [with 2,189 citations of an article]
88th most cited paper in Public Health Institute Ostrava (2016) [with 3,832 citations of an article]