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18th most published author in University of Bristol (2009) [with 11 articles having 1,184 citations]
21st most published author in University of Bristol (2020) [with 34 articles having 2,332 citations]
22nd most published author in University of Bristol (2021) [with 28 articles having 1,260 citations]
27th most published author in University of Bristol (2011) [with 29 articles having 1,166 citations]
37th most published author in University of Bristol (2019) [with 27 articles having 2,312 citations]
39th most published author in University of Bristol (2012) [with 20 articles having 1,635 citations]
42nd most cited paper in Public Health Institute Ostrava (2020) [with 2,033 citations of an article]
44th most published author in University of Bristol (2013) [with 20 articles having 1,813 citations]
53rd most published author in University of Bristol (2014) [with 21 articles having 1,575 citations]
53rd most published author in University of Bristol (2015) [with 21 articles having 1,277 citations]
53rd most published author in University of Bristol (2016) [with 22 articles having 1,524 citations]
80th most published author in University of Bristol (2017) [with 15 articles having 1,223 citations]