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1st most cited author in Genetics at University of Warwick (2013) [with 286 citations of 1 articles]
1st most cited paper in Toxicology at University of Bristol (2008) [with 90 citations of an article]
1st most cited paper in Toxicology at University of Bristol (2019) [with 46 citations of an article]
1st most cited author in Genomics at University of Warwick (2013) [with 286 citations of 1 articles]
3rd most cited paper in Psychiatry at University of Bristol (2018) [with 63 citations of an article]
3rd most cited paper in Toxicology at University of Bristol (2022) [with 45 citations of an article]
3rd most cited author in Genomics at University of Bristol (2013) [with 286 citations of 1 articles]
4th most cited paper in Psychiatry at University of Oxford (1998) [with 356 citations of an article]
4th most cited paper in Psychology at University of Warwick (2009) [with 98 citations of an article]
5th most cited author in Genetics at University of Bristol (2011) [with 122 citations of 3 articles]
5th most cited paper in Psychiatry at University of Bristol (2010) [with 78 citations of an article]
7th most cited author in Genetics at University of Bristol (2013) [with 286 citations of 1 articles]
11th most cited paper in Oncology at University of York (lifetime) [with 51 citations of an article]
20th most cited author in Psychology at Cardiff University (2013) [with 286 citations of 1 articles]
21st most cited paper in Genetics at University of Bristol (2011) [with 122 citations of an article]
22nd most cited paper in Psychiatry at University of Oxford (2004) [with 88 citations of an article]
30th most cited paper in Psychiatry at University of Oxford (2008) [with 73 citations of an article]
36th most cited paper in Psychiatry at University of Oxford (2005) [with 21 citations of an article]
46th most cited paper in Psychiatry at University of Oxford (2009) [with 70 citations of an article]