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Top Journals (by citations)

#JournalArticlesCitationsR ARankR CRank
1Chemical Engineering Science17626102181
2AICHE Journal13604136137
3Drying Technology154112544
4Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences10366127219
5Sensing and Instrumentation for Food Quality and Safety1297241
6Egyptian Journal of Petroleum12348711
7Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification621577109
8Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research72121.4K1.8K
9Arthritis and Rheumatism12062.3K2.2K
10Journal of Colloid and Interface Science12039.8K2.4K
11Advanced Energy Materials11975.8K5.4K
12Endocrine-Related Cancer11913447
13Journal of Experimental Medicine11855.6K6.9K
14International Journal of Pharmaceutics31391.8K2.0K
15Chemical Engineering Journal71281.6K8.7K
17European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics51102341.0K
18Chemical Engineering Research and Design51072951.0K
19Pharmaceutical Development and Technology291218111
20Veterinary Journal1891.0K470
21Solar Energy1803.2K2.3K
23Journal of Functional Biomaterials176689180
25Chemical Engineering and Technology362189259
26AAPS PharmSciTech1451.1K1.1K
29American Journal of Botany1441.9K2.5K
29International Journal of Refrigeration1441.1K897
31Crystal Growth and Design1426.2K5.7K
32Drug Development and Industrial Pharmacy340186767
33Energy & Fuels1336.9K7.5K
34Journal of High Energy Physics13219.1K27.4K
34Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering232561799
36European Journal of Public Health1311.8K1.8K
36Journal of Food Engineering1312.1K3.4K
38New Journal of Chemistry12812.9K12.5K
39Annalen Der Physik126503889
40Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology125867684
41British Journal of Haematology1246.1K9.8K
42Data in Brief2231.0K1.1K
43Chemical Engineering Communications222206677
43International Journal of Hyperthermia1227781.1K
45Annals of Neurology1214.3K12.2K
46Powder Technology2201.5K5.4K
47Sadhana - Academy Proceedings in Engineering Sciences118442436
47Women's History Review1185418
49Lung Cancer1172.3K4.8K
52Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy1166.3K13.9K
52American Mineralogist1161.4K2.6K
52AAPS Advances in the Pharmaceutical Sciences Series1164414
52Magyar Apróvad Közlemények11672181
56The Chemical Engineering Journal215729
57Applied Catalysis B: Environmental1146.0K13.7K
57Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology1142.2K5.2K
59Nature Communications11137.6K64.9K
59European Journal of Mineralogy1115551.1K
61International Orthopaedics1101.5K3.8K
62Documenta Ophthalmologica19297680
62Journal of Microencapsulation193001.3K
64Canadian Journal of Plastic Surgery181445
65Chinese Journal of Chemistry171.5K4.2K
65Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons of England17126374
65Frontiers in Chemistry171.8K9.4K
68Scientific Reports1655.6K64.0K
68Agronomy Journal161.5K4.0K
70Journal of Structural Geology151.0K2.2K
71Computer Aided Chemical Engineering141.2K1.3K
71Peanut Science141885
71Journal of Technology in Behavioral Science1481314
71Aspirator: Journal of Vector Borne Diseases Studies1495
71NJAS Wageningen Journal of Life Sciences14413
76International Journal of Environmental Studies13186617
76Chemkon - Chemie Konkret, Forum Fuer Unterricht Und Didaktik133859
78PLoS ONE1252.2K64.6K
78Canadian Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies121545
78Contemporary Food Engineering12923
83IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering114.1K10.1K
83Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry113.1K9.3K
83Nature: Physical Science11598
83Chemical Product and Process Modeling11102358
87American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy105812.6K
87Nuclear Physics, Section B, Proceedings Supplements101.1K1.9K
87Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia101.6K4.9K
87Pharmaceutical Research101.7K7.4K
87Pediatric Infectious Diseases Open Access10312
87Dyna (Spain)10412586
87The Child & Family Clinical Psychology Review1012