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Top Journals (by citations)

#JournalArticlesCitationsR ARankR CRank
1Lancet Psychiatry,the4694459461
2Journal of Psychiatric Research3343941315
3Nature Human Behaviour3280318383
4Journal of Affective Disorders32082.4K1.6K
4Molecular Psychiatry32082.0K2.9K
6British Journal of Psychiatry51918221.9K
7Schizophrenia Bulletin31641.1K1.2K
8BJU International21602.5K1.5K
9Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry and Allied Disciplines41416791.4K
10Brain, Behavior, and Immunity31258531.7K
11Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry3119396985
12British Journal of Clinical Psychology399174298
13Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry16624874
14Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy8591993
15JAMA Psychiatry3551.0K3.5K
16The Cognitive Behaviour Therapist5502223
17Development and Psychopathology248343430
18London Journal of Primary Care1453321
19Child and Adolescent Mental Health135260238
20Psychological Medicine3342.1K6.4K
21World Psychiatry3304321.5K
23European Eating Disorders Review1268361.1K
24Audiology Research12221947
25American Journal of Preventive Medicine1211.8K2.8K
26PLoS ONE11963.9K64.8K
27International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health11724.0K24.0K
28Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology1161.5K2.7K
28Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing1167711.2K
30Frontiers in Psychiatry1143.7K5.7K
31Behaviour Research and Therapy1128061.6K
31Journal of Traumatic Stress1121.1K2.1K
33Clinical Psychological Science110386827
34Child Abuse and Neglect191.1K2.5K
34European Journal of Psychotraumatology199201.4K
37Journal of Creativity in Mental Health162061
38Journal of Affective Disorders Reports1522171
39European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry131.4K2.9K
39Journal of Mental Health135541.6K
41Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic1285249
41JCPP Advances22108580
43BJPsych Open111.0K2.7K
43Child Maltreatment Solutions Network1116