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1EasyCodeML: A visual tool for analysis of selection using CodeMLEcology and Evolution2019324
2Functional genomic analysis of Arabidopsis thaliana glycoside hydrolase family 1Plant Molecular Biology2004281
3Titanium as a Beneficial Element for Crop ProductionFrontiers in Plant Science2017221
4Boron deficiency decreases growth and photosynthesis, and increases starch and hexoses in leaves of citrus seedlingsJournal of Plant Physiology2008205
5Haplotype-resolved genome assembly provides insights into evolutionary history of the tea plant Camellia sinensisNature Genetics2021195
6Melatonin Mediates Enhancement of Stress Tolerance in PlantsInternational Journal of Molecular Sciences2019180
7TMK1-mediated auxin signalling regulates differential growth of the apical hookNature2019172
8Interlinked regulatory loops of ABA catabolism and biosynthesis coordinate fruit growth and ripening in woodland strawberryProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America2018159
9Phylloremediation of Air Pollutants: Exploiting the Potential of Plant Leaves and Leaf-Associated MicrobesFrontiers in Plant Science2017137
10CO2assimilation, ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase, carbohydrates and photosynthetic electron transport probed by the JIP-test, of tea leaves in response to phosphorus supplyBMC Plant Biology2009122
11Physiological impacts of magnesium-deficiency in Citrus seedlings: photosynthesis, antioxidant system and carbohydratesTrees - Structure and Function2012121
12Effects of high temperature coupled with high light on the balance between photooxidation and photoprotection in the sun-exposed peel of applePlanta2008120
13An SHR–SCR module specifies legume cortical cell fate to enable nodulationNature2021117
14Effects of manganese-excess on CO2 assimilation, ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase, carbohydrates and photosynthetic electron transport of leaves, and antioxidant systems of leaves and roots in Citrus grandisseedlingsBMC Plant Biology2010113
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17Prospects of endophytic fungal entomopathogens as biocontrol and plant growth promoting agents: An insight on how artificial inoculation methods affect endophytic colonization of host plantsMicrobiological Research2018105
18StMYB44 negatively regulates anthocyanin biosynthesis at high temperatures in tuber flesh of potatoJournal of Experimental Botany2019103
19Aluminum-induced decrease in CO2 assimilation in citrus seedlings is unaccompanied by decreased activities of key enzymes involved in CO2 assimilationTree Physiology200599
20Metabolite Profiling of 14 Wuyi Rock Tea Cultivars Using UPLC-QTOF MS and UPLC-QqQ MS Combined with ChemometricsMolecules201899
21Noncanonical auxin signaling regulates cell division pattern during lateral root developmentProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America201999
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31Genome-wide investigation of superoxide dismutase (SOD) gene family and their regulatory miRNAs reveal the involvement in abiotic stress and hormone response in tea plant (Camellia sinensis)PLoS ONE201977
32An Arabidopsis Nucleoporin NUP85 modulates plant responses to ABA and salt stressPLoS Genetics201776
33Non-targeted metabolomics reveals distinct chemical compositions among different grades of Bai Mudan white teaFood Chemistry201975
34Defensive Responses of Tea Plants (Camellia sinensis) Against Tea Green Leafhopper Attack: A Multi-Omics StudyFrontiers in Plant Science201973
35Phosphorus alleviates aluminum‐induced inhibition of growth and photosynthesis in Citrus grandis seedlingsPhysiologia Plantarum200972
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37Non-targeted metabolomics analysis reveals dynamic changes of volatile and non-volatile metabolites during oolong tea manufactureFood Research International202071
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44Genome-wide identification of WRKY family genes and their response to abiotic stresses in tea plant (Camellia sinensis)Genes and Genomics201962
45De novo Sequencing of the Leaf Transcriptome Reveals Complex Light-Responsive Regulatory Networks in Camellia sinensis cv. BaijiguanFrontiers in Plant Science201661
46A phosphorylation-based switch controls TAA1-mediated auxin biosynthesis in plantsNature Communications202061
47Antagonistic actions of boron against inhibitory effects of aluminum toxicity on growth, CO2 assimilation, ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase, and photosynthetic electron transport probed by the JIP-test, of Citrus grandisseedlingsBMC Plant Biology200960
48Symplastic communication spatially directs local auxin biosynthesis to maintain root stem cell niche in ArabidopsisProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America201760
49Endophytic Actinomycetes from Tea Plants (Camellia sinensis): Isolation, Abundance, Antimicrobial, and Plant-Growth-Promoting ActivitiesBioMed Research International201860
50Mediation of JA signalling in glandular trichomes by the woolly/SlMYC1 regulatory module improves pest resistance in tomatoPlant Biotechnology Journal202160