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1Simulation of three dimensional MHD natural convection using double MRT Lattice Boltzmann methodPhysica A: Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications201964
2Analytical Solution for Thermomechanical Vibration of Double-Viscoelastic Nanoplate-Systems Made of Functionally Graded MaterialsJournal of Thermal Stresses201562
3Magnetic force and radiation influences on nanofluid transportation through a permeable media considering Al2O3 nanoparticlesJournal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry201954
4A Review of Nonlinear Aero-Thermo-Elasticity of Functionally Graded PanelsJournal of Thermal Stresses201150
5Two‐phase electromembrane extraction followed by gas chromatography‐mass spectrometry analysisJournal of Separation Science201347
6Nonlocal divergence and flutter instability analysis of embedded fluid-conveying carbon nanotube under magnetic fieldMicrofluidics and Nanofluidics201645
7On the Stability of Spinning Functionally Graded Cantilevered Pipes Subjected to Fluid-Thermomechanical LoadingInternational Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics201643
8Dynamic stability of fluid-conveying thin-walled rotating pipes reinforced with functionally graded carbon nanotubesActa Mechanica201841
9Surface effect on the biaxial buckling and free vibration of FGM nanoplate embedded in visco-Pasternak standard linear solid-type of foundationMeccanica201740
10Nonlocal and surface effects on the flutter instability of cantilevered nanotubes conveying fluid subjected to follower forcesPhysica B: Condensed Matter201740
11A Comprehensive Review on Multi-Dimensional Heat Conduction of Multi-Layer and Composite Structures: Analytical SolutionsJournal of Thermal Science202140
12Using the modified strain gradient theory to investigate the size-dependent biaxial buckling analysis of an orthotropic multi-microplate systemActa Mechanica201639
13Strain gradient effects on the thermoelastic analysis of a functionally graded micro-rotating cylinder using generalized differential quadrature methodActa Mechanica201738
14SLAM in Dynamic Environments: A Deep Learning Approach for Moving Object Tracking Using ML-RANSAC AlgorithmSensors201937
15Adaptive robust PID control subject to supervisory decoupled sliding mode control based upon genetic algorithm optimizationTransactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control201536
16Nanoscale mass nanosensor based on the vibration analysis of embedded magneto-electro-elastic nanoplate made of FGMs via nonlocal Mindlin plate theoryMicrosystem Technologies201836
17Thermomechanical vibration analysis of FGM viscoelastic multi-nanoplate system incorporating the surface effects via nonlocal elasticity theoryMicrosystem Technologies201735
18Lattice Boltzmann simulation of turbulent natural convection in a square cavity using Cu/water nanofluidJournal of Mechanical Science and Technology201333
19Pareto design of an adaptive robust hybrid of PID and sliding control for a biped robot via genetic algorithm optimizationNonlinear Dynamics201533
20Forced vibrations of fluid-conveyed double piezoelectric functionally graded micropipes subjected to moving loadMicrofluidics and Nanofluidics201733
21Vibration Analysis of Functionally Graded Graphene Reinforced Porous Nanocomposite ShellsInternational Journal of Applied Mechanics201931
22Louvered Fin-and-Flat Tube Compact Heat Exchanger under Ultrasonic ExcitationFire202331
23Nonlocal instability of cantilever piezoelectric carbon nanotubes by considering surface effects subjected to axial flowJVC/Journal of Vibration and Control201829
24Optimal fuzzy adaptive robust PID control for an active suspension systemAustralian Journal of Mechanical Engineering202229
25The effects of buoyancy force on mixed convection heat transfer of MHD nanofluid flow and entropy generation in an inclined duct with separation considering Brownian motion effectsJournal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry201928
26The effects of non-uniform flow velocity on vibrations of single-walled carbon nanotube conveying fluidJournal of Mechanical Science and Technology201527
27Thermo-magnetic analysis of thick-walled spherical pressure vessels made of functionally graded materialsApplied Mathematics and Mechanics (English Edition)201926
28Influence of radiative heat transfer on the thermal characteristics of nanofluid flow over an inclined step in the presence of an axial magnetic fieldJournal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry202026
29Nonlocal, strain gradient and surface effects on vibration and instability of nanotubes conveying nanoflowMechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures202025
30Three-dimensional analysis of entropy generation for forced convection over an inclined step with presence of solid nanoparticles and magnetic forceNumerical Heat Transfer; Part A: Applications202125
31Incompressible SPH modeling and analysis of non-Newtonian power-law fluids, mixing in a microchannel with an oscillating stirrerJournal of Mechanical Science and Technology201624
32Application of the Green function method to flow-thermoelastic forced vibration analysis of viscoelastic carbon nanotubesMicrofluidics and Nanofluidics201823
33Experimental comparison of abrasive and erosive wear characteristics of four wear-resistant steelsWear201823
34Flow-induced vibration and stability analysis of carbon nanotubes based on the nonlocal strain gradient Timoshenko beam theoryJVC/Journal of Vibration and Control201922
35An optimal adaptive hybrid controller for a fourth-order under-actuated nonlinear inverted pendulum systemTransactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control202022
36Gravitational search algorithm-based fuzzy control for a nonlinear ball and beam systemJournal of Control and Decision201820
37Free transverse vibration analysis of orthotropic multi-viscoelastic microplate system embedded in visco-Pasternak medium via modified strain gradient theoryJournal of Sandwich Structures and Materials201920
38Performances of Different Turbulence Models for Simulating Shallow Water Sloshing in Rectangular TankJournal of Marine Science and Application202020
39Energy Feasibility of Hybrid PV/Wind Systems with Electricity Generation Assessment under Iran EnvironmentApplied Solar Energy (English Translation of Geliotekhnika)202020
40Inverse Dynamics Based Optimal Fuzzy Controller for a Robot Manipulator via Particle Swarm OptimizationJournal of Robotics201919
41Aeroelastic Flutter Analysis of Thick Porous Plates in Supersonic FlowInternational Journal of Applied Mechanics201919
42Investigation of parameters influencing erosive wear using DEMFriction202019
43Mechanism of reaction of silica and carbon for producing silicon carbideProgress in Reaction Kinetics and Mechanism202019
44Extruded polymer instability study of the polylactic acid in fused filament fabrication process: Printing speed effects on tensile strengthPolymer Engineering and Science202219
45A New Multi-objective Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm for Optimal Adaptive Robust Controller DesignIETE Journal of Research202218
46Analytical solution for magneto-thermo-elastic responses of an annular functionally graded sandwich disk by considering internal heat generation and convective boundary conditionJournal of Sandwich Structures and Materials202118
47Pareto optimum control of a 2-DOF inverted pendulum using approximate feedback linearization and sliding mode controlTransactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control201417
48Fuzzy adaptive robust proportional–integral–derivative control optimized by the multi-objective grasshopper optimization algorithm for a nonlinear quadrotorJVC/Journal of Vibration and Control202017
49Optimum design of fuzzy controllers for nonlinear systems using multi-objective particle swarm optimizationJVC/Journal of Vibration and Control201615
50Vibration analysis of rotating composite blades with piezoelectric layers in hygrothermal environmentEuropean Physical Journal Plus201915