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1Critical Review on Methacrylate Resin–based Root Canal SealersJournal of Endodontics2010169
2Three-Point Bending Test of Fiber PostsJournal of Endodontics200199
3Influence of Access Cavity Preparation and Remaining Tooth Substance on Fracture Strength of Endodontically Treated TeethJournal of Endodontics201892
4Final Rinse Optimization: Influence of Different Agitation ProtocolsJournal of Endodontics201089
5Efficacy of two Ni‐Ti systems and hand files for removing gutta‐percha from root canalsInternational Endodontic Journal201272
6Comparison of the surface tension of 5.25% sodium hypochlorite solution with three new sodium hypochlorite‐based endodontic irrigantsInternational Endodontic Journal201265
7A comparative study of Endoflare-Hero Shaper and Mtwo NiTi instruments in the preparation of curved root canalsInternational Endodontic Journal200564
8Incidence of periapical lesions and clinical symptoms after pulpectomy—A clinical and radiographic evaluation of 1- versus 2-session treatmentOral Surgery Oral Medicine Oral Pathology Oral Radiology and Endodontics200654
9Apical seal of roots obturated with laterally condensed gutta-percha, epoxy resin cement, and dentin bonding agentJournal of Endodontics199850
10Assessment of the Second Mesiobuccal Root Canal in Maxillary First Molars: A Cone-beam Computed Tomographic StudyJournal of Endodontics201750
11Influence of cervical margin relocation (CMR) on periodontal health: 12-month results of a controlled trialJournal of Dentistry201850
12In Vitro Comparison of Shaping Abilities of ProTaper and GT Rotary FilesJournal of Endodontics200441
13Quantitative and Qualitative Elemental Analysis of Different Nickel–Titanium Rotary Instruments by Using Scanning Electron Microscopy and Energy Dispersive SpectroscopyJournal of Endodontics200840
14Post Space Cleaning Using a New Nickel Titanium Endodontic Drill Combined with Different Cleaning RegimensJournal of Endodontics200840
15In vitro fracture resistance of premolar teeth restored with fibre-reinforced composite posts using a single or a multi-post techniqueAustralian Endodontic Journal201735
16Comparison of Two Techniques for Assessing the Shaping Efficacy of Repeatedly Used Nickel-Titanium Rotary InstrumentsJournal of Endodontics201133
17Stereomicroscopic and scanning electron microscopic study of roots obturated with vertically condensed gutta-percha, epoxy resin cement, and dentin bonding agentJournal of Endodontics199831
18Post-Retained Single Crowns versus Fixed Dental Prostheses: A 7-Year Prospective Clinical StudyJournal of Dental Research201731
19Influence of continuous rotation or reciprocation of Optimum Torque Reverse motion on cyclic fatigue resistance of nickel‐titanium rotary instrumentsInternational Endodontic Journal201829
20Accuracy of a chairside intraoral scanner compared with a laboratory scanner for the completely edentulous maxilla: An in vitro 3-dimensional comparative analysisJournal of Prosthetic Dentistry202026
21Posterior partial crowns out of lithium disilicate (LS2) with or without posts: A randomized controlled prospective clinical trial with a 3-year follow upJournal of Dentistry201925
22Fatigue resistance and structural integrity of different types of fiber postsDental Materials Journal200824
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24Comparison of different intraoral scanning techniques on the completely edentulous maxilla: An in vitro 3-dimensional comparative analysisJournal of Prosthetic Dentistry202020
25Effectiveness of irrigation strategies on the removal of the smear layer from root canal dentinOdontology / the Society of the Nippon Dental University201914
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27Antimicrobial efficacy of cordless sonic or ultrasonic devices on Enterococcus faecalis‐infected root canalsJournal of Investigative and Clinical Dentistry20199
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35Cyclic fatigue and torsional resistance evaluation of Reciproc R25 instruments after simulated clinical useMinerva Dental and Oral Science20224
36Comparison of physico‐chemical properties of zinc oxide eugenol cement and a bioceramic sealerAustralian Endodontic Journal20234
37Evaluation of the fit of zirconia three‐unit fixed partial dentures fabricated by different impression techniquesJournal of Investigative and Clinical Dentistry20193
38Influence of Methodological Variables on Fracture Strength Tests Results of Premolars with Different Number of Residual Walls. A Systematic Review with Meta-AnalysisDentistry Journal20213
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40The Limitations of Periapical X-ray Assessment in Endodontic Diagnosis—A Systematic ReviewJournal of Clinical Medicine20233
41Influence of proper or reciprocating optimum torque reverse kinematics on cyclic fatigue of four single filesJournal of Investigative and Clinical Dentistry20192
42Influence of remaining tooth substance and post-endodontic restoration on fracture strength of endodontically treated maxillary incisorsDental Materials Journal20212
43Endodontic Irrigants and Their Activation Efficacy on Cleansing Post-Space Root Canal WallsProsthesis20212
44Impact of interproximal composite restorations on periodontal tissue health: Clinical and cytokine profiles from a pre‐post quasi‐experimental studyJournal of Periodontology20221
45Influence of Calcified Canals Localization on the Accuracy of Guided Endodontic Therapy: A Case Series StudyDentistry Journal20231
46Influence of Methodological Variables on Fracture Strength Test Results of Intact Premolars: an ex-vivo studyMedical Research Archives20230
47Assessment of bone regeneration after maxillary radicular cyst enucleation with or without bone grafting materials: a retrospective cohort studyClinical Oral Investigations20240
48Management of Calcified Canals with a New Type of Endodontic Static Guide: A Case ReportDentistry Journal20240
49Glide Path in Endodontics: A Literature Review of Current KnowledgeDentistry Journal20240
50Current Endodontic Practices among Romanian Dental Practitioners: A Cross-Sectional StudyDentistry Journal20240