# | Title | Journal | Year | Citations |
2 | A ridge logistic estimator | Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods | 1984 | 184 |
3 | On the Use of a Friedman-Type Statistic in Balanced and Unbalanced Block Designs | Technometrics | 1981 | 144 |
4 | Zipf's Law, Music Classification, and Aesthetics | Computer Music Journal | 2005 | 123 |
5 | A Friedman-Type Rank Test for Main Effects in a Two-Factor ANOVA | Journal of the American Statistical Association | 1980 | 113 |
6 | Characterizations of strict local minima and necessary conditions for weak sharp minima | Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications | 1994 | 96 |
7 | Optimization of site occupancies in minerals using quadratic programming | American Mineralogist | 2000 | 92 |
8 | Alternative estimators in logistic regression when the data are collinear | Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation | 1986 | 89 |
9 | Estimating inhibition concentrations for different response scales using generalized linear models | Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry | 1997 | 87 |
10 | Bias correction in maximum likelihood logistic regression | Statistics in Medicine | 1983 | 81 |
12 | A set of axioms for a value for partition function games | International Journal of Game Theory | 1989 | 71 |
13 | Trail corridors as habitat and conduits for movement of plant species in Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado, USA | Landscape Ecology | 1992 | 68 |
14 | Nonparametric Stepwise Multiple Comparison Procedures | Journal of the American Statistical Association | 1985 | 65 |
15 | Model Uncertainty and Risk Estimation for Experimental Studies of Quantal Responses | Risk Analysis | 2005 | 62 |
16 | Properly colored subgraphs and rainbow subgraphs in edge-colorings with local constraints | Random Structures and Algorithms | 2003 | 59 |
17 | Asymptotic Improvement of the Gilbert–Varshamov Bound on the Size of Binary Codes | IEEE Transactions on Information Theory | 2004 | 55 |
18 | Some examples concerning rotundity in Banach spaces | Mathematische Annalen | 1978 | 54 |
19 | A value for games withn players andr alternatives | International Journal of Game Theory | 1993 | 54 |
20 | Toxicokinetics of sediment‐sorbed benzo[a]pyrene and hexachlorobiphenyl using the freshwater invertebrates Hyalella azteca, Chironomus tentans, and Lumbriculus variegatus | Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry | 2003 | 52 |
21 | Edge-Colorings with No Large Polychromatic Stars | Graphs and Combinatorics | 2002 | 51 |
22 | A Dynamical System for Plant Pattern Formation: A Rigorous Analysis | Journal of Nonlinear Science | 2003 | 49 |
23 | On the Erdős–Simonovits–Sós Conjecture about the Anti-Ramsey Number of a Cycle | Combinatorics Probability and Computing | 2003 | 48 |
24 | GUNDY'S DECOMPOSITION FOR NON-COMMUTATIVE MARTINGALES AND APPLICATIONS | Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society | 2006 | 46 |
25 | Bipartite anti-Ramsey numbers of cycles | Journal of Graph Theory | 2004 | 43 |
26 | Comparing model averaging with other model selection strategies for benchmark dose estimation | Environmental and Ecological Statistics | 2009 | 43 |
27 | Temporal variation in the woody understory of an old-growthFagus-Acerforest and implications for overstory recruitment | Journal of Vegetation Science | 1997 | 40 |
28 | Absolute stable rank and Witt cancellation for noncommutative rings | Inventiones Mathematicae | 1988 | 39 |
29 | On the separation number of a graph | Networks | 1989 | 38 |
30 | Statistical analysis of the Ceriodaphnia toxicity test: Sample size determination for reproductive effects | Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry | 1993 | 38 |
31 | The Chromatic Spectrum of Mixed Hypergraphs | Graphs and Combinatorics | 2002 | 38 |
32 | Primal-Dual Aggregation and Disaggregation for Stochastic Linear Programs | Mathematics of Operations Research | 1994 | 36 |
33 | Isotone tangent cones and nonsmooth optimization | Optimization | 1987 | 34 |
34 | On a two stage shrinkage testimator of the mean of a normal distribution | Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods | 1984 | 33 |
35 | Survival of copper‐exposed juvenile fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas) differs among allozyme genotypes | Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry | 1995 | 33 |
36 | The effects of temperature on the web-building behaviour of the common house spider, Achaearanea tepidariorum | Functional Ecology | 1997 | 33 |
37 | Foreign Language Proficiency of At-Risk and Not-At-Risk Learners Over 2 Years of Foreign Language Instruction | Journal of Learning Disabilities | 1997 | 32 |
38 | Modeling epidemiologic studies of occupational cohorts for the quantitative assessment of carcinogenic hazards | American Journal of Industrial Medicine | 1995 | 31 |
39 | Equivalence of concentration–response relationships in aquatic toxicology studies: Testing and implications for potency estimation | Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry | 1997 | 31 |
40 | Exact solution of the hypergraph Turán problem for k-uniform linear paths | Combinatorica | 2014 | 31 |
41 | An introduction to the use of physiologically based pharmacokinetic models in risk assessment | Statistical Methods in Medical Research | 1997 | 30 |
42 | On Relations Between Vector Optimization Problems and Vector Variational Inequalities | Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications | 2002 | 30 |
43 | Calculus for parabolic second-order derivatives | Set-Valued and Variational Analysis | 1993 | 29 |
44 | Generalized transforms and convolutions | International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences | 1997 | 28 |
45 | Differential survival of fathead minnows, Pimephales promelas, as affected by copper exposure, prior population stress, and allozyme genotypes | Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry | 1997 | 28 |
46 | THE FILTER DICHOTOMY AND MEDIAL LIMITS | Journal of Mathematical Logic | 2009 | 28 |
47 | Critical multipliers in variational systems via second-order generalized differentiation | Mathematical Programming | 2018 | 27 |
48 | A Friedman-Type Rank Test for Main Effects in a Two-Factor ANOVA | Journal of the American Statistical Association | 1980 | 27 |
49 | A consistent value for games with n players and r alternatives | International Journal of Game Theory | 2000 | 26 |
50 | Benchmark Dose Estimation Incorporating Multiple Data Sources | Risk Analysis | 2009 | 26 |