# | Title | Journal | Year | Citations |
1 | ‘Would you eat cultured meat?’: Consumers' reactions and attitude formation in Belgium, Portugal and the United Kingdom | Meat Science | 2015 | 279 |
2 | Associations between green/blue spaces and mental health across 18 countries | Scientific Reports | 2021 | 202 |
3 | ‘They will not control us’: Ingroup positivity and belief in intergroup conspiracies | British Journal of Psychology | 2016 | 191 |
4 | Does Self-Love or Self-Hate Predict Conspiracy Beliefs? Narcissism, Self-Esteem, and the Endorsement of Conspiracy Theories | Social Psychological and Personality Science | 2016 | 191 |
5 | White matter changes and diabetes predict cognitive decline in the elderly | Neurology | 2010 | 173 |
6 | Morality and behavioural regulation in groups: A social identity approach | European Review of Social Psychology | 2013 | 156 |
7 | Lisbon Emoji and Emoticon Database (LEED): Norms for emoji and emoticons in seven evaluative dimensions | Behavior Research Methods | 2018 | 145 |
8 | Bridging the gap between pain and gender research: A selective literature review | European Journal of Pain | 2008 | 124 |
9 | Facial mimicry in its social setting | Frontiers in Psychology | 2015 | 116 |
10 | Social Exchange Processes in Organizational Change: The Roles of Trust and Control | Journal of Change Management | 2006 | 103 |
11 | Collective narcissism and the growth of conspiracy thinking over the course of the 2016 United States presidential election: A longitudinal analysis | European Journal of Social Psychology | 2018 | 98 |
12 | Applying social psychology to the study of environmental concern and environmental worldviews: contributions from the social representations approach | Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology | 2006 | 97 |
13 | The Sudden Devotion Emotion: Kama Muta and the Cultural Practices Whose Function Is to Evoke It | Emotion Review | 2019 | 97 |
14 | Unravelling the genetic basis of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder with GWAS: A systematic review | Journal of Psychiatric Research | 2019 | 86 |
15 | Are Asian cultures really less ageist than Western ones? It depends on the questions asked | International Journal of Psychology | 2017 | 84 |
16 | Lost in processing? Perceived healthfulness, taste and caloric content of whole and processed organic food | Appetite | 2017 | 82 |
17 | Empathy of medical students and personality: Evidence from the Five-Factor Model | Medical Teacher | 2012 | 80 |
18 | Humans adapt to social diversity over time | Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America | 2019 | 80 |
19 | Collective Narcissism and Its Social Consequences: The Bad and the Ugly | Current Directions in Psychological Science | 2020 | 72 |
20 | Emotion processing in words: a test of the neural re-use hypothesis using surface and intracranial EEG | Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience | 2014 | 71 |
21 | Moment-to-moment changes in feeling moved match changes in closeness, tears, goosebumps, and warmth: time series analyses | Cognition and Emotion | 2018 | 70 |
22 | Depressive symptoms predict cognitive decline and dementia in older people independently of cerebral white matter changes: the LADIS study | Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry | 2013 | 69 |
23 | MovingThrough the Literature: What Is the Emotion Often DenotedBeing Moved? | Emotion Review | 2019 | 68 |
24 | School experience, relational justice and legitimation of institutional | European Journal of Psychology of Education | 2003 | 65 |
25 | Old and New Ideas about the Environment and Science | Environment and Behavior | 2001 | 58 |
26 | Providing preoperative information for children undergoing surgery: a randomized study testing different types of educational material to reduce children's preoperative worries | Health Education Research | 2014 | 58 |
27 | ScriptingRT: A Software Library for Collecting Response Latencies in Online Studies of Cognition | PLoS ONE | 2013 | 50 |
28 | The Immersive Virtual Reality Experience: A Typology of Users Revealed Through Multiple Correspondence Analysis Combined with Cluster Analysis Technique | Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking | 2016 | 43 |
29 | Reduced Laughter Contagion in Boys at Risk for Psychopathy | Current Biology | 2017 | 42 |
30 | Beyond solicitousness: a comprehensive review on informal pain-related social support | Pain | 2017 | 42 |
31 | How do hypothalamic nonapeptides shape youth’s sociality? A systematic review on oxytocin, vasopressin and human socio-emotional development | Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews | 2018 | 42 |
32 | International differences in employee silence motives: Scale validation, prevalence, and relationships with culture characteristics across 33 countries | Journal of Organizational Behavior | 2021 | 41 |
33 | Consumers’ avoidance of information on red meat risks: information exposure effects on attitudes and perceived knowledge | Journal of Risk Research | 2016 | 40 |
34 | Emphasizing the losses or the gains: Comparing situational and individual moderators of framed messages to promote fruit and vegetable intake | Appetite | 2016 | 40 |
35 | The effect of psychosis associated CACNA1C, and its epistasis with ZNF804A, on brain function | Genes, Brain and Behavior | 2019 | 40 |
36 | Which Partners Are More Human? Monogamy Matters More than Sexual Orientation for Dehumanization in Three European Countries | Sexuality Research and Social Policy | 2018 | 39 |
37 | Caught in a “Bad Romance”? Reconsidering the Negative Association Between Sociosexuality and Relationship Functioning | Journal of Sex Research | 2017 | 38 |
38 | High emotional contagion and empathy are associated with enhanced detection of emotional authenticity in laughter | Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology | 2018 | 37 |
39 | Testing the affective events theory: The mediating role of affect and the moderating role of mindfulness | Applied Cognitive Psychology | 2021 | 36 |
40 | Relational Justice in Organizations: The Group-Value Model and Support for Change | Social Justice Research | 2002 | 35 |
41 | Psycho‐Social Processes in Dealing with Legal Innovation in the Community: Insights from Biodiversity Conservation | American Journal of Community Psychology | 2011 | 35 |
42 | Development of strategies for effective communication of food risks and benefits across Europe: Design and conceptual framework of the FoodRisC project | BMC Public Health | 2011 | 35 |
43 | Lisbon Symbol Database (LSD): Subjective norms for 600 symbols | Behavior Research Methods | 2016 | 35 |
44 | Understanding the Reasons for Behavioral Failure: A Process View of Psychosocial Barriers and Constraints to Pro-Ecological Behavior | Sustainability | 2013 | 34 |
45 | The many faces of a face: Comparing stills and videos of facial expressions in eight dimensions (SAVE database) | Behavior Research Methods | 2017 | 34 |
46 | Using an Educational Multimedia Application to Prepare Children for Outpatient Surgeries | Health Communication | 2015 | 33 |
47 | Eliciting Nicotine Craving with Virtual Smoking Cues | Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking | 2014 | 32 |
48 | How coping styles, cognitive distortions, and attachment predict problem gambling among adolescents and young adults | Journal of Behavioral Addictions | 2017 | 32 |
49 | Collective narcissism as a framework for understanding populism | Journal of Theoretical Social Psychology | 2021 | 32 |
50 | Oral approach‐avoidance: A replication and extension for European–Portuguese phonation | European Journal of Social Psychology | 2016 | 30 |