# | Title | Journal | Year | Citations |
1 | World’s largest macroalgal bloom caused by expansion of seaweed aquaculture in China | Marine Pollution Bulletin | 2009 | 462 |
2 | Pollution exacerbates China’s water scarcity and its regional inequality | Nature Communications | 2020 | 308 |
3 | The Effect of Economic Growth, Urbanization, and Industrialization on Fine Particulate Matter (PM2.5) Concentrations in China | Environmental Science & Technology | 2016 | 297 |
4 | Impacts of industrial structure and technical progress on carbon emission intensity: Evidence from 281 cities in China | Technological Forecasting and Social Change | 2020 | 253 |
5 | Recurrence of the world’s largest green-tide in 2009 in Yellow Sea, China: Porphyra yezoensis aquaculture rafts confirmed as nursery for macroalgal blooms | Marine Pollution Bulletin | 2010 | 234 |
6 | Assessment and analysis of agricultural non-point source pollution loads in China: 1978–2017 | Journal of Environmental Management | 2020 | 205 |
7 | Exploring the roles of high-speed train, air and coach services in the spread of COVID-19 in China | Transport Policy | 2020 | 202 |
8 | Spatial-temporal characteristics and determinants of PM2.5 in the Bohai Rim Urban Agglomeration | Chemosphere | 2016 | 176 |
9 | Emission Characteristics of Carbonaceous Particles from Various Residential Coal-Stoves in China | Environmental Science & Technology | 2008 | 169 |
10 | Water Resources Flows Related to Urbanization in China: Challenges and Perspectives for Water Management and Urban Development | Water Resources Management | 2012 | 152 |
11 | Towards the progress of ecological restoration and economic development in China's Loess Plateau and strategy for more sustainable development | Science of the Total Environment | 2021 | 142 |
12 | Exploring spatiotemporal changes in ecosystem-service values and hotspots in China | Science of the Total Environment | 2016 | 139 |
13 | Nanomaterial/Ionophore-Based Electrode for Anodic Stripping Voltammetric Determination of Lead: An Electrochemical Sensing Platform toward Heavy Metals | Analytical Chemistry | 2009 | 137 |
14 | Global impacts of future urban expansion on terrestrial vertebrate diversity | Nature Communications | 2022 | 137 |
15 | Tracking job and housing dynamics with smartcard data | Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America | 2018 | 127 |
16 | A future climate scenario of regional changes in extreme climate events over China using the PRECIS climate model | Geophysical Research Letters | 2006 | 126 |
17 | Exploring the relationship between air pollution and meteorological conditions in China under environmental governance | Scientific Reports | 2020 | 126 |
18 | Water-Soluble Brown Carbon in Atmospheric Aerosols from Godavari (Nepal), a Regional Representative of South Asia | Environmental Science & Technology | 2019 | 121 |
19 | Modelling net primary productivity of terrestrial ecosystems in East Asia based on an improved CASA ecosystem model | International Journal of Remote Sensing | 2009 | 118 |
20 | How Human Activities Affect Heavy Metal Contamination of Soil and Sediment in a Long-Term Reclaimed Area of the Liaohe River Delta, North China | Sustainability | 2018 | 108 |
21 | CO 2 , economic growth, and energy consumption in China's provinces: Investigating the spatiotemporal and econometric characteristics of China's CO 2 emissions | Ecological Indicators | 2016 | 107 |
22 | Changing and Differentiated Urban Landscape in China: Spatiotemporal Patterns and Driving Forces | Environmental Science & Technology | 2016 | 107 |
23 | Empirical estimation of total phosphorus concentration in the mainstream of the Qiantang River in China using Landsat TM data | International Journal of Remote Sensing | 2010 | 105 |
24 | Major Function Oriented Zone: New method of spatial regulation for reshaping regional development pattern in China | Chinese Geographical Science | 2012 | 103 |
25 | Composite Film of Vanadium Dioxide Nanoparticles and Ionic Liquid–Nickel–Chlorine Complexes with Excellent Visible Thermochromic Performance | ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces | 2016 | 101 |
26 | Reflections on the Catastrophic 2020 Yangtze River Basin Flooding in Southern China | Innovation(China) | 2020 | 100 |
27 | Deployment of Coal Briquettes and Improved Stoves: Possibly an Option for both Environment and Climate | Environmental Science & Technology | 2009 | 95 |
28 | The impacts of urbanization on fine particulate matter (PM2.5) concentrations: Empirical evidence from 135 countries worldwide | Environmental Pollution | 2019 | 93 |
29 | Poverty alleviation through land assetization and its implications for rural revitalization in China | Land Use Policy | 2021 | 90 |
30 | Antioxidant peptides isolated from sea cucumber Stichopus Japonicus | European Food Research and Technology | 2012 | 88 |
31 | Urban ecological land and natural-anthropogenic environment interactively drive surface urban heat island: An urban agglomeration-level study in China | Environment International | 2021 | 85 |
32 | Synthesis of VO2 nanoparticles by a hydrothermal-assisted homogeneous precipitation approach for thermochromic applications | RSC Advances | 2014 | 78 |
33 | The impact of anthropogenic emissions and meteorological conditions on the spatial variation of ambient SO2 concentrations: A panel study of 113 Chinese cities | Science of the Total Environment | 2017 | 77 |
34 | Hollow villages and rural restructuring in major rural regions of China: A case study of Yucheng City, Shandong Province | Chinese Geographical Science | 2011 | 75 |
35 | Provincial and sector-level material footprints in China | Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America | 2019 | 74 |
36 | Understanding molecular mechanisms for improving phytoremediation of heavy metal-contaminated soils | Critical Reviews in Biotechnology | 2010 | 73 |
37 | Spread of COVID-19 in China: analysis from a city-based epidemic and mobility model | Cities | 2021 | 72 |
38 | Spatial access to residential care resources in Beijing, China | International Journal of Health Geographics | 2012 | 70 |
39 | Roles of microRNA in plant defense and virus offense interaction | Plant Cell Reports | 2008 | 68 |
40 | Oxidative stress-mediated selective antimicrobial ability of nano-VO2against Gram-positive bacteria for environmental and biomedical applications | Nanoscale | 2016 | 67 |
41 | Spatial and Temporal Variation of NDVI in Response to Climate Change and the Implication for Carbon Dynamics in Nepal | Forests | 2018 | 65 |
42 | Changes in Synaptic Transmission, Calcium Current, and Neurite Growth by Perfluorinated Compounds Are Dependent on the Chain Length and Functional Group | Environmental Science & Technology | 2009 | 64 |
43 | Effect of Rainfall Regime and Slope on Runoff in a Gullied Loess Region on the Loess Plateau in China | Environmental Management | 2008 | 63 |
44 | Current-Driven Ion Fluxes of Polymeric Membrane Ion-Selective Electrode for Potentiometric Biosensing | Journal of the American Chemical Society | 2009 | 63 |
45 | Temporal changes in suspended sediment transport in a gullied loess basin: the lower Chabagou Creek on the Loess Plateau in China | Earth Surface Processes and Landforms | 2008 | 62 |
46 | City shrinkage in China: scalar processes of urban and hukou population losses | Regional Studies | 2018 | 60 |
47 | The Challenges and Strategies of Food Security under Rapid Urbanization in China | Sustainability | 2019 | 59 |
48 | A new biologic paleoaltimetry indicating Late Miocene rapid uplift of northern Tibet Plateau | Science | 2022 | 57 |
49 | How to reconcile land use conflicts in mega urban agglomeration? A scenario-based study in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, China | Journal of Environmental Management | 2021 | 55 |
50 | Study on the Decomposition of Factors Affecting Energy-Related Carbon Emissions in Guangdong Province, China | Energies | 2011 | 52 |