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36(top 2%)
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Top Journals (by citations)

#JournalArticlesCitationsR ARankR CRank
2Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems14381.2K153
3Meteoritics and Planetary Science134379177
4Systematic Biology3299435574
5Ecology Letters12631.9K1.4K
6Functional Ecology2216947564
7Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America219625.4K36.3K
8Soil Science Society of America Journal2149792613
9Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution21141.2K1.0K
10Evolution; International Journal of Organic Evolution3981.2K2.0K
11History and Theory18653
12Biology Letters1831.4K961
13Journal of Geophysical Research E: Planets175574276
15Limnology and Oceanography2661.2K1.9K
16American Antiquity259276379
17Sexuality and Disability15617382
18Plant Journal1483.4K5.2K
18Entomologia Experimentalis Et Applicata148836674
20Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences4471.5K6.0K
20Nomadic Peoples14713443
22Molecular Ecology1443.9K5.5K
23Conservation Biology1401.6K2.6K
24American Mineralogist139623621
24Journal of the History of Biology23997138
26Medieval History Journal23864
27Journal of Interdisciplinary History137127142
28Quarterly Review of Film and Video136328
29Modern Asian Studies1329173
30Gender and History3301937
31Middle East Policy12812847
32Trends in Ecology and Evolution1271.3K2.6K
33Molecular Ecology Resources1241.6K2.9K
33Social Studies of Science124136323
35Comparative Studies in Society and History12384125
35Slavery and Abolition1237277
38Journal of American History1189453
38Annals of the Entomological Society of America118514665
40RBM: A Journal of Rare Books, Manuscripts, and Cultural Heritage2175427
40Pigment Cell & Melanoma Research117348670
42Critical Asian Studies1161832
44British Journal for the History of Science115172196
46Journal of Morphology1131.6K2.7K
46Journal of American Culture, The21349117
46Disability and Society113243534
49Journal of Molluscan Studies112211367
49Journal of Borderlands Studies21252134
51PLoS Computational Biology1116.2K11.7K
51Journal of Family History11167137
51Systematics and Biodiversity111287621
54Journal of Latin American Studies11071184
54Global Environment2105417
56Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society295111.7K
56Journal of Tourism History192636
56Revista Chilena De Salud Pública1911
59Journal of Psychoactive Drugs184331.1K
60Pacific Historical Review172539
60Business History Review4794327
62Russian Review1660102
62Ground Water Monitoring and Remediation161.0K2.6K
64Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics156901.6K
64Patterns of Prejudice153741
64Journal of North African Studies2522145
64Medical Anthropology: Cross Cultural Studies in Health and Illness15260677
64Journal of Architecture15114104
64Science As Culture1581249
64Rethinking History1559101
72Church History14144214
72Journal of Anatomy249714.9K
74Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte134172
74East Asian Science, Technology and Society1396145
76Reference Librarian122273
76Design Issues123931.7K
76Mexican Studies/Estudios Mexicanos22360
79National Municipal Review1110653
79Western Historical Quarterly1144130
79Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology117861.7K
79Journal of Homosexuality115711.9K
79HAHR - Hispanic American Historical Review113417
79Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A11144459
79Journal of Cultural Economy1152189
88Microscopy and Microanalysis103.2K5.1K
88Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society10417
88Historische Zeitschrift105022
88Ground Water109613.0K
88International Journal of Middle East Studies7036519
88Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences10144356
88International Journal of the History of Sport10230578
88International Review of Social History1077179
88Journal of Systematic Palaeontology10273765
88Senses and Society1074442
88American Archivist1052100
88History Education Research Journal10210
88ISME Communications103491.4K