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1Biological nitrogen fixation associated with sugar canePlant and Soil1991194
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3Brazilian Microbiome Project: Revealing the Unexplored Microbial Diversity—Challenges and ProspectsMicrobial Ecology2014120
4Aboveground biomass variability across intact and degraded forests in the Brazilian AmazonGlobal Biogeochemical Cycles2016116
5Diurnal Oscillations of Soybean Circadian Clock and Drought Responsive GenesPLoS ONE2014109
6Genetic Architecture of Palm Oil Fatty Acid Composition in Cultivated Oil Palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) Compared to Its Wild Relative E. oleifera (H.B.K) CortésPLoS ONE2014107
7Dinitrogen fixation and infection of grass leaves byPseudomonas rubrisubalbicans andHerbaspirillum seropedicaePlant and Soil199198
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38Structural and functional changes in coffee trees after 4 years under free air CO2 enrichmentAnnals of Botany201837
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40Genetic dissection of Al tolerance QTLs in the maize genome by high density SNP scanBMC Genomics201435
41Overexpression of BdMATE Gene Improves Aluminum Tolerance in Setaria viridisFrontiers in Plant Science201735
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47Transcriptome-Wide Identification of Reference Genes for Expression Analysis of Soybean Responses to Drought Stress along the DayPLoS ONE201533
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