# | Title | Journal | Year | Citations |
1 | Fire in the Earth System | Science | 2009 | 2,435 |
2 | Estimating Absolute Rates of Molecular Evolution and Divergence Times: A Penalized Likelihood Approach | Molecular Biology and Evolution | 2002 | 1,872 |
3 | Regional vegetation die-off in response to global-change-type drought | Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America | 2005 | 1,813 |
4 | Bayesian Phylogenetic Analysis of Combined Data | Systematic Biology | 2004 | 1,650 |
5 | Considering evolutionary processes in conservation biology | Trends in Ecology and Evolution | 2000 | 1,590 |
6 | Crop pollination from native bees at risk from agricultural intensification | Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America | 2002 | 1,416 |
7 | Soil-carbon response to warming dependent on microbial physiology | Nature Geoscience | 2010 | 1,249 |
8 | The minimum information about a genome sequence (MIGS) specification | Nature Biotechnology | 2008 | 1,076 |
10 | Quantifying global soil carbon losses in response to warming | Nature | 2016 | 943 |
11 | A global quantitative synthesis of local and landscape effects on wild bee pollinators in agroecosystems | Ecology Letters | 2013 | 920 |
12 | Emended description of the order Chlamydiales, proposal of Parachlamydiaceae fam. nov. and Simkaniaceae fam. nov., each containing one monotypic genus, revised taxonomy of the family Chlamydiaceae, including a new genus and five new species, and standards for the identification of organisms | International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology | 1999 | 897 |
13 | Frequentist Properties of Bayesian Posterior Probabilities of Phylogenetic Trees Under Simple and Complex Substitution Models | Systematic Biology | 2004 | 825 |
14 | geiger v2.0: an expanded suite of methods for fitting macroevolutionary models to phylogenetic trees | Bioinformatics | 2014 | 798 |
15 | A cross-ecosystem comparison of the strength of trophic cascades | Ecology Letters | 2002 | 790 |
16 | ABSOLUTE DIVERSIFICATION RATES IN ANGIOSPERM CLADES | Evolution; International Journal of Organic Evolution | 2001 | 787 |
17 | mtDNA mutations increase tumorigenicity in prostate cancer | Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America | 2005 | 774 |
18 | Potential Applications and Pitfalls of Bayesian Inference of Phylogeny | Systematic Biology | 2002 | 726 |
19 | Isolation by environment | Molecular Ecology | 2014 | 684 |
20 | Molecular phylogenetics: principles and practice | Nature Reviews Genetics | 2012 | 594 |
21 | Phylogenetic approaches in comparative physiology | Journal of Experimental Biology | 2005 | 590 |
22 | Pollinator shifts drive increasingly long nectar spurs in columbine flowers | Nature | 2007 | 569 |
23 | WHAT CAN WE LEARN FROM RESOURCE PULSES | Ecology | 2008 | 495 |
24 | Acoustic monitoring in terrestrial environments using microphone arrays: applications, technological considerations and prospectus | Journal of Applied Ecology | 2011 | 475 |
25 | Mercury Methylation by Dissimilatory Iron-Reducing Bacteria | Applied and Environmental Microbiology | 2006 | 458 |
26 | Invasive Rodent Eradication on Islands | Conservation Biology | 2007 | 451 |
27 | Strong latitudinal patterns in the elemental ratios of marine plankton and organic matter | Nature Geoscience | 2013 | 451 |
28 | Management of novel ecosystems: are novel approaches required? | Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment | 2008 | 443 |
29 | Grassland productivity limited by multiple nutrients | Nature Plants | 2015 | 427 |
30 | Field metabolic rate and body size | Journal of Experimental Biology | 2005 | 420 |
31 | Addition of multiple limiting resources reduces grassland diversity | Nature | 2016 | 381 |
32 | Physiological Mechanisms of Evolved Desiccation Resistance in Drosophila Melanogaster | Journal of Experimental Biology | 1997 | 374 |
33 | Locomotor forces on a swimming fish: three-dimensional vortex wake dynamics quantified using digital particle image velocimetry | Journal of Experimental Biology | 1999 | 367 |
34 | A global method for calculating plant CSR ecological strategies applied across biomes world‐wide | Functional Ecology | 2017 | 360 |
35 | Toward a Science of Transdisciplinary Action Research | American Journal of Community Psychology | 2006 | 359 |
36 | Phylogenetic diversity metrics for ecological communities: integrating species richness, abundance and evolutionary history | Ecology Letters | 2010 | 350 |
37 | Life at Stable low Oxygen Levels: Adaptations of Animals to Oceanic Oxygen Minimum Layers | Journal of Experimental Biology | 1998 | 346 |
38 | Flies and flowers: taxonomic diversity of anthophiles and pollinators | Canadian Entomologist | 2001 | 344 |
39 | Inclusive fitness theory and eusociality | Nature | 2011 | 344 |
40 | Mutual Feedbacks Maintain Both Genetic and Species Diversity in a Plant Community | Science | 2007 | 335 |
41 | More than a meal… integrating non‐feeding interactions into food webs | Ecology Letters | 2012 | 332 |
42 | Multilocus Analysis of Nucleotide Variation of Oryza sativa and Its Wild Relatives: Severe Bottleneck during Domestication of Rice | Molecular Biology and Evolution | 2007 | 330 |
43 | Food limitation leads to behavioral diversification and dietary specialization in sea otters | Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America | 2008 | 329 |
44 | Anthropogenic noise affects risk assessment and attention: the distracted prey hypothesis | Biology Letters | 2010 | 329 |
45 | Rainfall reliability, a neglected factor in explaining convergence and divergence of plant traits in fire-prone mediterranean-climate ecosystems | Global Ecology and Biogeography | 2005 | 328 |
46 | Mitochondrial DNA phylogeography and population history of the grey wolf Canis lupus | Molecular Ecology | 1999 | 321 |
47 | Ecological differentiation in xylem cavitation resistance is associated with stem and leaf structural traits | Plant, Cell and Environment | 2011 | 318 |
48 | Consumer versus resource control of producer diversity depends on ecosystem type and producer community structure | Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America | 2007 | 309 |
49 | Evolution in black and white: genetic control of pigment patterns in Drosophila | Trends in Genetics | 2003 | 298 |
50 | The making of a pest: the evolution of a fruit-penetrating ovipositor inDrosophila suzukiiand related species | Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences | 2014 | 288 |