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Top Journals (by citations)

#JournalArticlesCitationsR ARankR CRank
1Journal of Physiology151,058472410
2European Journal of Applied Physiology137889547
3Journal of Applied Physiology13698414450
4American Journal of Physiology - Regulatory Integrative and Comparative Physiology5663855176
5PLoS ONE1662611.8K11.1K
6Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports286212188
7Sports Medicine2469583256
8Frontiers in Physiology11413212219
9British Journal of Sports Medicine4405454433
10International Journal of Obesity4314902848
12Acta Physiologica726399154
14Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise8188344987
15Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research3181978505
16Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences21741.9K1.7K
17Experimental Physiology5163305295
18International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health41478.5K4.1K
18Frontiers in Psychology51472.1K1.9K
20Fertility and Sterility11394.1K2.0K
21Respiratory Physiology and Neurobiology1128853192
22High Altitude Medicine and Biology31278232
23Annals of Biomedical Engineering11221.9K840
25American Journal of Physiology - Endocrinology and Metabolism11143.1K1.8K
27International Journal of Sports Medicine5101155300
30Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice2839787
31Frontiers in Endocrinology1813.6K1.6K
32Applied Physiology, Nutrition and Metabolism276524488
32Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology176532271
34Redox Biology2757752.0K
35Free Radical Research1731.4K1.0K
36Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism1725053
37Journal of Experimental Biology1683.6K3.2K
38Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport164987651
39Scientific Reports36134.3K39.5K
40Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism1583.5K4.3K
42Free Radical Biology and Medicine1533.8K5.0K
43Journal of Systems Science and Complexity250281100
44American Journal of Physiology - Heart and Circulatory Physiology1473.8K4.2K
45British Journal of Nutrition1464.2K4.8K
46Pain Medicine245602917
47Clinical Endocrinology1424.1K4.9K
48International Journal of Molecular Sciences14039.5K25.9K
49European Journal of Sport Science435168616
50Social Indicators Research1349941.1K
51Journal of Sports Sciences3334901.6K
54Human Movement Science125472688
55Teaching and Teacher Education1201662
55European Review of Aging and Physical Activity12063175
57Physiological Reports1152.6K3.5K
58Osteoporosis International1142.6K5.0K
58Trends in Endocrinology and Metabolism1148972.8K
58School Effectiveness and School Improvement114116240
61Pediatric Research1135.3K9.3K
61Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology2133.0K7.0K
63Journal of Theoretical Biology1122.3K4.2K
64Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry2101.7K3.8K
65Journal of Andrology199742.4K
65Population Health Metrics19237669
67American Annals of the Deaf1890200
67Educational Technology Research and Development28155733
69Early Child Development and Care176821.1K
70Journal of Clinical Densitometry164501.2K
70European Journal of Psychology of Education16280644
72Scientific World Journal, The152.5K7.5K
72Calcified Tissue International152.1K5.2K
72Journal of Anatomy151.8K4.7K
72International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport25141507
72Revista Andaluza De Medicina Del Deporte153437
72Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity1593358
78Procedia Engineering147951.7K
78Journal of Clinical Medicine1417.6K26.1K
78Frontiers in Pediatrics142.8K6.8K
78Social Sciences243181.5K
82Academic Radiology121.8K4.3K
82Journal of Clinical Hypertension121.1K3.0K
82International Journal of Rehabilitation Research12209946
82Sports Health123181.1K
82German Journal of Exercise and Sport Research1247172
82Lancet Haematology,the128202.3K
82Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness221651.1K
91Education and Information Technologies115661.9K
92FASEB Journal507.8K30.5K
92Clinical Nutrition103.0K8.3K
92Science Advances1010.8K28.5K
92International Journal of the History of Sport10230578
92Cogent Education104441.3K