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1Mountain-block hydrology and mountain-front rechargeWater Science and Application2004162
2Riparian vegetation as a primary control on channel characteristics in multi-thread riversWater Science and Application2004120
3A Geological Framework for Interpreting Downstream Effects of Dams on RiversWater Science and Application076
4Advances in assessing the mechanical and hydrologic effects of riparian vegetation on streambank stabilityWater Science and Application200468
5Flow and boundary shear stress in channels with woody bank vegetationWater Science and Application200465
6Root-soil mechanics and interactionsWater Science and Application200443
7One-Dimensional Estimation Techniques for Discharges of Paleofloods and Historical FloodsWater Science and Application030
8The Scientific and Societal Value of Paleoflood HydrologyWater Science and Application028
9Climate Variability and Flood Frequency at Decadal to Millennial Time ScalesWater Science and Application027
10Effects of riparian vegetation on stream channel stability and sediment budgetsWater Science and Application200424
11Riparian vegetation and fluvial geomorphology: Problems and opportunitiesWater Science and Application200423
12Reliability of Paleostage Indicators for Paleoflood StudiesWater Science and Application022
13Constraining mountain-block recharge to the eastern Salt Lake Valley, Utah with dissolved noble gas and tritium dataWater Science and Application200420
14A depth-averaged two-dimensional numerical model of flow and sediment transport in open channels with vegetationWater Science and Application200420
15Transport mechanics of stream-borne logsWater Science and Application200420
16Tectonic, climatic, and land-use controls on groundwater recharge in an arid alluvial basin: Amargosa Desert, U.S.A.Water Science and Application200418
17Vegetation propagule dynamics and fluvial geomorphologyWater Science and Application200417
18Robust Determination of Stage and Discharge: An Example from an Extreme Flood on the Verde River, ArizonaWater Science and Application201317
19Sedimentation in floodplains of selected tributaries of the Chesapeake BayWater Science and Application200416
20Semi-discrete dynamical model for mountain-front recharge and water balance estimation, Rio Grande of southern Colorado and New MexicoWater Science and Application200415
21Floodplain stabilization by woody riparian vegetation during an extreme floodWater Science and Application200415
22Processes controlling recharge beneath ephemeral streams in southern ArizonaWater Science and Application200415
23Dendrochronologic Evidence for the Frequency and Magnitude of PaleofloodsWater Science and Application201315
24The Geology and Geography of FloodsWater Science and Application014
25Watershed Scale and the Stratigraphic Record of Large FloodsWater Science and Application201312
26Hydrologic processes in deep vadose zones in interdrainage arid environmentsWater Science and Application200411
27The Influence of trees on stream bank erosion: Evidence from root-plate abutmentsWater Science and Application200411
28Historical Flood and Paleoflood Chronology of the Lower Verde River, Arizona: Stratigraphic Evidence and Related UncertaintiesWater Science and Application201311
29Groundwater Hydrology of the Upper Deschutes Basin and Its Influence on StreamflowWater Science and Application011
30Paleofloods and the Estimation of Long Term Transmission Losses and Recharge to the Lower Nahal Zin Alluvial Aquifer, Negev Desert, IsraelWater Science and Application010
31Effects of environmental change on groundwater recharge in the desert southwestWater Science and Application20049
32Paleohydrologic BoundsWater Science and Application09
33Spatial pattern of turbulence kinetic energy and shear stress in a meander bend with large woody debrisWater Science and Application20048
34Initial Motion of Boulders in Bedrock ChannelsWater Science and Application08
35Effects of emergent riparian vegetation on spatially averaged and turbulent flow within an experimental channelWater Science and Application20047
36Paleoflood Hydrology of the Paria River, Southern Utah and Northern Arizona, USAWater Science and Application20137
37Overview of Geology, Hydrology, Geomorphology, and Sediment Budget of the Deschutes River Basin, OregonWater Science and Application07
38Bias and Information Content of Paleoflood Data in Flood-Frequency AnalysisWater Science and Application05
39Downstream Effects of the Pelton-Round Butte Hydroelectric Project on Bedload Transport, Channel Morphology, and Channel-Bed Texture, Lower Deschutes River, OregonWater Science and Application20135
40Channel changes and habitat diversity in a warm-water, gravel-bed streamWater Science and Application20014
41Patterns of wood and sediment storage along debris-flow impacted headwater channels in old-growth and industrial forests of the western Olympic Mountains, WashingtonWater Science and Application20044
42Caves and their Potential Use in Paleoflood StudiesWater Science and Application03
43Paleoflood Reconstruction on Floodplains Using Geophysical Survey Data and Hydraulic ModelingWater Science and Application03
44Cosmogenic3He Ages and Geochemical Discrimination of Lava-Dam Outburst-Flood Deposits in Western Grand Canyon, ArizonaWater Science and Application20133
45Evaluation of Glacial Outburst Flood Hypothesis for the Big Lost River, IdahoWater Science and Application03
46The Outhouse Flood: A Large Holocene Flood on the Lower Deschutes River, OregonWater Science and Application03
47A comparison of multi-disciplinary methods for measuring physical conditions of streamsWater Science and Application20012
48Controls on the Distribution and Life History of Fish Populations in the Deschutes River: Geology, Hydrology, and DamsWater Science and Application02
49Holocene Paleoflood Hydrology of the Lower Deschutes River, OregonWater Science and Application20132
50Formation and Evolution of Valley-Bottom and Channel Features, Lower Deschutes River, OregonWater Science and Application20132