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Most Cited Articles of Systemic Practice and Action Research

Notes on the theory of the actor-network: Ordering, strategy, and heterogeneity19921.3K
Kurt Lewin's change theory in the field and in the classroom: Notes toward a model of managed learning1996247
The sacred and profane in critical systems thinking1992106
Systems thinking, systems practice, and practical philosophy: A program of research1988104
The origins and nature of critical systems thinking199193
Some difficulties of ecological thinking, considered from a critical systems perspective: A plea for critical holism199387
Methodological foundations of systems methodologies198885
Pluralism and the legitimation of systems science199276
Testament to conversations on critical systems thinking between two systems practitioners199074
Discordant pluralism: A new strategy for critical systems thinking199659
Total systems intervention: A practical face to critical systems thinking199148
An introduction to autopoiesis—Implications and applications198948
Situated learning theory versus traditional cognitive learning theory: Why management education should not ignore management learning199747
Six scenarios for the future of systems “problem solving”198947
Dealing with coercion: Critical Systems Heuristics and beyond199746
Multiple perspectives: Concept, applications, and user guidelines198946
Churchman's “process of unfolding”—Its significance for policy analysis and evaluation198846
Developing the methodology of TSI: From the oblique use of methods to creative design199743
Enhancing the process of methodology choice in total systems intervention (TSI) and improving chances of tackling coercion199542
Truth and openness: an epistemology for interpretive systemology199139
The biocybernetic approach as a basis for planning our environment198838
The roots of reductionism: A counter-ontoepistemology for a systems approach199136
The case for “holon”198834
The road to emancipation is through organizational development: A critical evaluation of total systems intervention199333
Management as a technical practice: Professionalization or responsibilization?199732