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Most Cited Articles of IASSIST Quarterly

Information Literacy, Statistical Literacy, Data Literacy200535
The Wisconsin Longitudinal Study: Adults As Parents And Children At Age 50199217
Methodological and Ethical Dilemmas of Archiving Qualitative Data201114
Research Data Repositories: Review of Current Features, Gap Analysis, and Recommendations for Minimum Requirements201612
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: Issues in the Secondary Use of Research Data200610
The Challenges of Integrating Data Literacy into the Curriculum in an Undergraduate Institution200510
The Research-Data-Centre in Research-Data-Centre Approach: A First Step Towards Decentralised International Data Sharing20129
The Evolution of Data Citation: From Principles to Implementation20148
The Pedagogical Data Reference Interview20107
Are we ready to share qualitative research data? Knowledge and preparedness among qualitative researchers, IRB Members, and data repository curators20207
Principles- Versus Rules-Based Output Statistical Disclosure Control In Remote Access Environments20156
An Overview of Publicly Available Quantitative Cross-National Crime Data20086
Qualitative Archiving and Data Sharing: Extending the Reach and Impact of Qualitative Data20065
Using ReproZip for Reproducibility and Library Services20185
The ARL GIS Literacy Project: Support for Government Data Services in the Digital Library20005
CoreTrustSeal: From academic collaboration to sustainable services20195
DataStaR: An Institutional Approach to Research Data Curation20094
Qualitative and Qualitative Longitudinal Resources in Europe20114
A Practical Approach to Data Citation: The Special Interest Group on Data Citation and Development of the Quick Guide to Data Citation20144
Climate Indices for Use in Social and Behavioural Research19994
Data Visualization and Information Literacy20154
Understanding Academic Patrons’ Data Needs through Virtual Reference Transcripts: Preliminary Findings from New York University Libraries20164
Computer Assisted Personal Interviewing: A Method of Capturing Sensitive Information19994
Documenting Religion Worldwide: Decreasing the Data Deficit20064
Bringing method to the madness: An example of integrating social science qualitative research methods into NVivo data analysis software training20194