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Most Cited Articles of Frontiers in Political Science

Encouraging COVID-19 Vaccine Uptake Through Effective Health Communication202141
The Effect of Frames on COVID-19 Vaccine Resistance202125
What Is Youth Political Participation? Literature Review on Youth Political Participation and Political Attitudes202018
Blockchain Technology for Sustainable Waste Management202011
The UK Government’s COVID-19 Policy: What Does “Guided by the Science” Mean in Practice?20218
Political Trust in the “Places That Don't Matter”8
Political Preferences, Knowledge, and Misinformation About COVID-19: The Case of Brazil8
Social Media, Cognitive Reflection, and Conspiracy Beliefs20218
I Do it My Way: Understanding Policy Variation in Pandemic Response Across Europe20217
Political Polarization During the COVID-19 Pandemic20217
Citizens' Assemblies for Referendums and Constitutional Reforms: Is There an “Irish Model” for Deliberative Democracy?20217
Three Is a Crowd? Podemos, Ciudadanos, and Vox: The End of Bipartisanship in Spain20216
Different Pasts for Different Political Folk: Political Orientation Predicts Collective Nostalgia Content20215
From Pandemic Control to Data-Driven Governance: The Case of China’s Health Code20215
Political Regimes and External Voting Rights: A Cross-National Comparison20215
COVID-19 Crisis and Labor Migration Policy: A Perspective From Estonia20204
The Politics of Vulnerability in Refugee Admissions Under the EU-Turkey Statement20214
Challenging Climate Strikers' Youthfulness: The Evolution of the Generational Gap in Environmental Attitudes Since 199920214
COVID-19 in Italy: Performing Power and Emotions20214
Different Conspiracy Theories Have Different Psychological and Social Determinants: Comparison of Three Theories About the Origins of the COVID-19 Virus in a Representative Sample of the UK Population20214
Political Performances of Control During COVID-19: Controlling and Contesting Democracy in Germany4
Youth Attitudes and Participation in Climate Protest: An International Cities Comparison Frontiers in Political Science Special Issue: Youth Activism in Environmental Politics20214
Is It Interests, Ideas or Institutions? Explaining Elected Representatives' Positions Toward Democratic Innovations in 15 European Countries20203
Moral Collapse and State Failure: A View From the Past20203
Youth Strike for Climate: Resistance of School Administrations, Conflicts Among Students, and Legitimacy of Autonomous Civil Disobedience—The Case of Québec20213