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1イソアワモチの多重光受容系:(1)4種類の光受容細胞の特徴と光応答Hikaku Seiri Seikagaku(Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry)20085
2Sugar aversion: A newly-acquired adaptive change in gustatory receptor neurons in the German cockroachHikaku Seiri Seikagaku(Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry)20144
3A brief note on allometric scaling in biology, with special reference to energy metabolismHikaku Seiri Seikagaku(Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry)20084
4Three-dimensional reconstruction from serial sections using DeltaViewerHikaku Seiri Seikagaku(Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry)20073
5Temperature domestication of fish muscular movement.Hikaku Seiri Seikagaku(Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry)19923
6Mechanoreceptors of arthropods. The comparative biology.Hikaku Seiri Seikagaku(Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry)19983
7ATP metabolism in muscle after death of fish/shellfish and related items.Hikaku Seiri Seikagaku(Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry)19982
8A new recording system for locomotor and neural activities of freely walking insectsHikaku Seiri Seikagaku(Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry)20122
9Enzymes for melanin synthesis in insect cuticleHikaku Seiri Seikagaku(Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry)20132
10(null)Hikaku Seiri Seikagaku(Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry)20072
11Structural color of the lepidopteran scale: optical effects of microstructure, curvature and overlap of the scalesHikaku Seiri Seikagaku(Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry)20082
12鳥類におけるメラニンを用いた体色発現システムの分子機構Hikaku Seiri Seikagaku(Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry)20092
13Behavioral and physiological analyses for fish using miniature archival tags and transmittersHikaku Seiri Seikagaku(Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry)20142
14Swimming motion of fishes : Their adaptation to water.Hikaku Seiri Seikagaku(Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry)19932
15Substance of the animal spiritual ether was ascertained in this way. 4. Substance of the animal spiritual ether.Hikaku Seiri Seikagaku(Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry)19972
16The microcirculation adjustment in the activated brain.Hikaku Seiri Seikagaku(Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry)19992
17Melatonin and AgingHikaku Seiri Seikagaku(Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry)20172
18錐体オプシン遺伝子と色覚の進化多様性:魚類と霊長類に注目してHikaku Seiri Seikagaku(Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry)20091
19Oriental orchid (Cymbidium floribundum) attracts the Japanese honeybee (Apis cerana japonica) with a mixture of 3-hydroxyoctanoic acid and 10-hydroxy-(E)-2-decenoic acidHikaku Seiri Seikagaku(Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry)20131
20Origin and evolution of the nervous system considered from the diffuse nervous system of cnidarians.Hikaku Seiri Seikagaku(Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry)20161
21Molecular and ecophysiological aspects of semilunar synchronized spawning migration in the grass pufferHikaku Seiri Seikagaku(Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry)20181
22poster presentation 1Hikaku Seiri Seikagaku(Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry)19981
23分光イメージングの記録と発展性についてHikaku Seiri Seikagaku(Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry)20101
24無脊椎動物神経細胞データベース (iNeuron)Hikaku Seiri Seikagaku(Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry)20011
25消化管の比較生物学Hikaku Seiri Seikagaku(Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry)20011
26昆虫の触覚行動Hikaku Seiri Seikagaku(Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry)20021
27神経活動にともなう脳血流増加のメカニズムHikaku Seiri Seikagaku(Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry)20021
28ゴキブリを中心とした昆虫のアンテナ指示行動Hikaku Seiri Seikagaku(Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry)20041
29松果体の光感覚と紫外光受容Hikaku Seiri Seikagaku(Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry)20041
30ロドプシン類の分子進化と多様性Hikaku Seiri Seikagaku(Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry)20041
31味覚情報受容のメカニズムHikaku Seiri Seikagaku(Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry)20041
32感覚性介在ニュー口ンの樹状突起における情報抽出および統合処理機構Hikaku Seiri Seikagaku(Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry)20051
33遠近の識別: ハンミョウの幼虫の視覚行動を中心にHikaku Seiri Seikagaku(Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry)20051
34線虫の化学感覚と行動Hikaku Seiri Seikagaku(Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry)20061
35コオロギの匂い学習と記憶Hikaku Seiri Seikagaku(Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry)20081
36Relationships between the diversity of the opsins and that of photoreceptive systemsHikaku Seiri Seikagaku(Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry)20081
37脂肪細胞から分泌される生理活性物質アディポカイン遺伝子発現制御Hikaku Seiri Seikagaku(Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry)20091
38軟体動物腹足類の長期記憶形成に関わる分子メカニズムHikaku Seiri Seikagaku(Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry)20091
39その2:細胞はいかにして興奮するかHikaku Seiri Seikagaku(Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry)20121
40Neural circuit mechanisms for controlling voluntary behavior in crayfishHikaku Seiri Seikagaku(Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry)20121
41Trends in metabolic scaling toward integrating comparative physiology and ecology: ecological theory of metabolismHikaku Seiri Seikagaku(Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry)20141
42Applications of multivariate analysis techniques in biology.Hikaku Seiri Seikagaku(Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry)19901
43Carotenoid of fishes and its metabolism.Hikaku Seiri Seikagaku(Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry)19921
44Synapse integration action of crustacean non-spiking interstitial nerve.Three-dimensional structure of dendrite and its functional significance.Hikaku Seiri Seikagaku(Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry)19951
45Comparative biology of electric sensory tracts. I. Diversity of electric organ and electricity generating mechanism.Hikaku Seiri Seikagaku(Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry)19961
46動物精気の実体はこうしてつきとめられた 2. 異種金属による筋収縮Hikaku Seiri Seikagaku(Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry)19961
47On the catching mechanism of adductor muscle.Hikaku Seiri Seikagaku(Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry)19961
48Navigators in the desert and navigators in the grassland. Mechanisms of normal position by sky compass.Hikaku Seiri Seikagaku(Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry)19961
49動物精気の実体はこうしてつきとめられた 1. 導線なしの筋収縮Hikaku Seiri Seikagaku(Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry)19961
50Osmoregulation and hormone of the heart.Hikaku Seiri Seikagaku(Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry)19971