1.7(top 10%)
Impact Factor
1.9(top 10%)
extended IF
45(top 9%)
citing journals
citing authors


SchoolInstitutionArticlesCitationsA RankC Rank
Hospital de PediatríaMexican Social Security Institute471411178
Department of MedicineUniversity of California672255255
School of Public HealthUniversity of California69255255
Arnold School of Public HealthUniversity of South Carolina640139255
Arnold School of Public HealthUniversity of South Carolina51750211
Department of MedicineIcahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai517255255
Keck School of MedicineUniversity of Southern California427255255
Center for Demography and EcologyUniversity of Wisconsin–Madison4571633
Department of Forest and Wildlife EcologyUniversity of Wisconsin–Madison457108195
Hospital Regional 1° de OctubreInstitute for Social Security and Services for State Workers4191763
Harvard Medical SchoolEuropean University Association42735
Hospital Universitario Dr José Eleuterio GonzálezUniversidad Autónoma de Nuevo León32198163
School of Public HealthUniversity of Texas at Austin314163255
Institute for Molecular Biology in Medicine and Gene TherapyUniversity of Guadalajara3248255
Nutrition and Metabolism SectionInternational Agency for Research on Cancer3363266
Department of EpidemiologyJohns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health35255255
Department of Internal MedicineUniversity of Texas Medical Branch320255255
Vascular Sciences and Public HealthUniversity of Padua21139255
Epidemiology and Public HealthUniversity of Padua2123179
Department of MedicineMcGill University2255255
A Rank refers to the ranking of Salud Publica De Mexico in the given institution according to the number of articles, and C Rank according to the number of citations.