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Most Cited Articles of Health Services and Outcomes Research Methodology

Using Propensity Scores to Help Design Observational Studies: Application to the Tobacco Litigation20011K
Estimation of Causal Effects using Propensity Score Weighting: An Application to Data on Right Heart Catheterization2001589
Using propensity scores in difference-in-differences models to estimate the effects of a policy change2014204
A Literature Review of the Use of GIS-Based Measures of Access to Health Care Services2004168
Using Generalized Linear Models to Assess Medical Care Costs2000138
Choosing Between and Interpreting the Heckit and Two-Part Models for Corner Solutions2003110
Using the Nominal Group Technique: how to analyse across multiple groups2014109
The Analysis of Social Networks2008108
Comparing Alternative Methods of Measuring Geographic Access to Health Services2000106
Using the Census Bureau’s surname list to improve estimates of race/ethnicity and associated disparities2009105
Estimating causal effects: considering three alternatives to difference-in-differences estimation201691
A Comparison of Statistical Modeling Strategies for Analyzing Length of Stay after CABG Surgery200284
Intraclass correlation coefficients: clearing the air, extending some cautions, and making some requests201782
Meta-analysis of Cohen’s kappa201172
Analytic Methods for Constructing Cross-Sectional Profiles of Health Care Providers200066
The role of GIS for health utilization studies: literature review200965
Identifying types of nursing facility stays using medicare claims data: an algorithm and validation201057
Causal Inference in the Health Sciences: A Conceptual Introduction200156
Modeling Clustered Count Data with Excess Zeros in Health Care Outcomes Research200247
Adjusting for Health Status in Non-Linear Models of Health Care Disparities200946
Systematic self-report bias in health data: impact on estimating cross-sectional and treatment effects201141
Causal Mediation Analyses for Randomized Trials200836
Causal Effect of Ambulatory Specialty Care on Mortality Following Myocardial Infarction: A Comparison of Propensity Score and Instrumental Variable Analyses200136
Near/far matching: a study design approach to instrumental variables201235
Comparison of risk adjustment measures based on self-report, administrative data, and pharmacy records to predict clinical outcomes200635