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Most Cited Articles of Advances in Microbial Physiology

Dissimilatory Fe(III) and Mn(IV) reduction2004992
The role and regulation of energy reserve polymers in micro-organisms1973642
The envelope layers of mycobacteria with reference to their pathogenicity1998558
The extracytoplasmic function (ECF) sigma factors2002538
Autotrophic nitrification in bacteria1989509
The beta-lactamases of gram-negative bacteria and their possible physiological role1973495
Cellulose hydrolysis by bacteria and fungi1995465
Fungal production of citric and oxalic acid: importance in metal speciation, physiology and biogeochemical processes1999455
Geobacter: the microbe electric's physiology, ecology, and practical applications2011399
The outer membrane of Gram-negative bacteria1979375
Effects of alcohols on micro-organisms1984347
Compatible solutes and extreme water stress in eukaryotic micro-organisms1978322
The adaptive responses of Escherichia coli to a feast and famine existence1971301
Cytoplasmic pH measurement and homeostasis in bacteria and archaea2009297
The histidine protein kinase superfamily1999295
Physiology of osmotolerance in fungi1992289
Hydrophobins: proteins that change the nature of the fungal surface1997283
The effects of fermentation acids on bacterial growth1998279
Polyphosphate metabolism in micro-organisms1983277
Maturation of hydrogenases2006275
Structure and biosynthesis of the mannan component of the yeast cell envelope1976253
Iron storage in bacteria1998251
Bacterial viability and culturability1999249
Bacterial exopolysaccharides1972248
Nitrogen catabolite repression in yeasts and filamentous fungi1985247