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1Family Rejection as a Predictor of Suicide Attempts and Substance Misuse Among Transgender and Gender Nonconforming AdultsLGBT Health2016279
2From Bias to Bisexual Health Disparities: Attitudes Toward Bisexual Men and Women in the United StatesLGBT Health2014275
3Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Data Collection in Clinical Settings and in Electronic Health Records: A Key to Ending LGBT Health DisparitiesLGBT Health2014247
4Differences in Healthcare Access, Use, and Experiences Within a Community Sample of Racially Diverse Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Questioning Emerging AdultsLGBT Health2016242
5Typologies of Social Support and Associations with Mental Health Outcomes Among LGBT YouthLGBT Health2015210
6Mental Health and Medical Health Disparities in 5135 Transgender Veterans Receiving Healthcare in the Veterans Health Administration: A Case–Control StudyLGBT Health2016202
7Transgender Health Disparities: Comparing Full Cohort and Nested Matched-Pair Study Designs in a Community Health CenterLGBT Health2014172
8Tobacco Use Among Adults by Sexual Orientation: Findings from the Population Assessment of Tobacco and Health StudyLGBT Health2018167
9The Influence of Families on LGBTQ Youth Health: A Call to Action for Innovation in Research and Intervention DevelopmentLGBT Health2019165
10Inclusion of Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity in Stage 3 Meaningful Use Guidelines: A Huge Step Forward for LGBT HealthLGBT Health2016163
11Discrimination, Mental Health, and Substance Use Disorders Among Sexual Minority PopulationsLGBT Health2016161
12Geographic and Individual Differences in Healthcare Access for U.S. Transgender Adults: A Multilevel AnalysisLGBT Health2016147
13Transgender Medicare Beneficiaries and Chronic Conditions: Exploring Fee-for-Service Claims DataLGBT Health2017145
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15Parental Rejection Following Sexual Orientation Disclosure: Impact on Internalized Homophobia, Social Support, and Mental HealthLGBT Health2015134
16Substance Use to Cope with Stigma in Healthcare Among U.S. Female-to-Male Trans Masculine AdultsLGBT Health2015132
17Mental Health Concerns and Insurance Denials Among Transgender AdolescentsLGBT Health2017125
18Measuring Sexual and Gender Minority Populations in Health SurveillanceLGBT Health2017125
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20Effects of Victimization and Violence on Suicidal Ideation and Behaviors Among Sexual Minority and Heterosexual AdolescentsLGBT Health2016120
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22Sexual Orientation-Based Discrimination, Excessive Alcohol Use, and Substance Use Disorders Among Sexual Minority AdultsLGBT Health2017109
23Strengthening Our Schools to Promote Resilience and Health Among LGBTQ Youth: Emerging Evidence and Research Priorities fromThe State of LGBTQ Youth Health and WellbeingSymposiumLGBT Health2019105
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25Risks, Benefits, and Importance of Collecting Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Data in Healthcare Settings: A Multi-Method Analysis of Patient and Provider PerspectivesLGBT Health201795
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29Disparities in Exposure to Intimate Partner Violence Among Transgender/Gender Nonconforming and Sexual Minority Primary Care PatientsLGBT Health201787
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31The Time Is Now: Attention Increases to Transgender Health in the United States but Scientific Knowledge Gaps RemainLGBT Health201586
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34Mortality Among Veterans with Transgender-Related Diagnoses in the Veterans Health Administration, FY2000–2009LGBT Health201484
35Non-Prescribed Hormone Use and Barriers to Care for Transgender Women in San FranciscoLGBT Health201582
36Exploring Cross-Sectional Predictors of Suicide Ideation, Attempt, and Risk in a Large Online Sample of Transgender and Gender Nonconforming Youth and Young AdultsLGBT Health201881
37Operational Definitions of Sexual Orientation and Estimates of Adolescent Health Risk BehaviorsLGBT Health201479
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39Characteristics of Transgender Women Living with HIV Receiving Medical Care in the United StatesLGBT Health201578
40Outcome and Impact Evaluation of a Transgender Health Course for Health Profession StudentsLGBT Health201776
41Sexual Orientation Group Differences in Perceived Stress and Depressive Symptoms Among Young Adults in the United StatesLGBT Health201876
42The Health and Well-Being of Transgender Australians: A National Community SurveyLGBT Health202176
43Coverage for Gender-Affirming Care: Making Health Insurance Work for Transgender AmericansLGBT Health201775
44The Transgender Identity Survey: A Measure of Internalized TransphobiaLGBT Health202075
45Sexual Minority Stress Theory: Remembering and Honoring the Work of Virginia BrooksLGBT Health202075
46Transsexual Surgery May Be Covered By MedicareLGBT Health201471
47Predictors of Suicidal Ideation in a Statewide Sample of Transgender IndividualsLGBT Health201571
48Perspectives from Transgender and Gender Diverse People on How to Ask About GenderLGBT Health202071
49The National LGBT Cancer Action Plan: A White Paper of the 2014 National Summit on Cancer in the LGBT CommunitiesLGBT Health201670
50Specialty Choice Among Sexual and Gender Minorities in Medicine: The Role of Specialty Prestige, Perceived Inclusion, and Medical School ClimateLGBT Health201670