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1Drought-tolerant plant growth promotingBacillusspp.: effect on growth, osmolytes, and antioxidant status of maize under drought stressJournal of Plant Interactions2011476
2Plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria reduce adverse effects of salinity and osmotic stress by regulating phytohormones and antioxidants in Cucumis sativusJournal of Plant Interactions2014345
3Role of plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria and their exopolysaccharide in drought tolerance of maizeJournal of Plant Interactions2014303
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5Salinity-resistant plant growth promoting rhizobacteria ameliorates sodium chloride stress on tomato plantsJournal of Plant Interactions2010293
6Effects of salinity stress on some growth, physiological, biochemical parameters and nutrients in two pistachio (Pistacia vera L.) rootstocksJournal of Plant Interactions2018252
7Growth of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) in response to salicylic acid under water stressJournal of Plant Interactions2008198
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9Endophytic bacteriumBacillus subtilis(BERA 71) improves salt tolerance in chickpea plants by regulating the plant defense mechanismsJournal of Plant Interactions2018164
10Effects of plant-growth-promoting rhizobacteria and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus on plant growth, stevioside, NPK, and chlorophyll content of Stevia rebaudianaJournal of Plant Interactions2014153
11Coordination betweenBradyrhizobiumandPseudomonasalleviates salt stress in soybean through altering root system architectureJournal of Plant Interactions2017145
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13Mitigation of sodium chloride toxicity inSolanum lycopersicumL. by supplementation of jasmonic acid and nitric oxideJournal of Plant Interactions2018139
14Effect of PEG-induced drought stress on seed germination of four lentil genotypesJournal of Plant Interactions2014137
15Effects of exogenously applied plant growth regulators in combination with PGPR on the physiology and root growth of chickpea (Cicer arietinum) and their role in drought toleranceJournal of Plant Interactions2018130
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37Bacterial endophytes from arid land plants regulate endogenous hormone content and promote growth in crop plants: an example of Sphingomonas sp. and Serratia marcescensJournal of Plant Interactions201790
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45Integrated phytohormone production by the plant growth-promoting rhizobacterium Bacillus tequilensis SSB07 induced thermotolerance in soybeanJournal of Plant Interactions201982
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48Ascorbic acid improves the tolerance of wheat plants to lead toxicityJournal of Plant Interactions201880
49Stimulation of crop productivity, photosynthesis and artemisinin production inArtemisia annuaL. by triacontanol and gibberellic acid applicationJournal of Plant Interactions201078
50Influence of silicon on antioxidant mechanisms and lipid peroxidation in chickpea (Cicer arietinumL.) cultivars under drought stressJournal of Plant Interactions200777