# | Title | Journal | Year | Citations |
1 | The Paris Agreement: a new beginning? | Journal of Energy and Natural Resources Law | 2016 | 184 |
2 | Climate change caused by human activities is happening and it already has major consequences | Journal of Energy and Natural Resources Law | 2018 | 111 |
3 | Potential environmental impacts of lithium mining | Journal of Energy and Natural Resources Law | 2020 | 85 |
4 | Reflections on the 20th anniversary of the term ‘social licence’ | Journal of Energy and Natural Resources Law | 2017 | 82 |
5 | The UN's new sustainable development agenda and renewable energy: the challenge to reach SDG7 while achieving energy justice | Journal of Energy and Natural Resources Law | 2018 | 74 |
6 | The Marine Strategy Framework Directive: A New European Approach to the Regulation of the Marine Environment, Marine Natural Resources and Marine Ecological Services | Journal of Energy and Natural Resources Law | 2011 | 64 |
7 | Poverty in the Midst of Plenty: Aboriginal People, the ‘Resource Curse’ and Australia’s Mining Boom | Journal of Energy and Natural Resources Law | 2008 | 62 |
8 | Extreme weather event attribution science and climate change litigation: an essential step in the causal chain? | Journal of Energy and Natural Resources Law | 2018 | 58 |
9 | Rethinking Global Environmental Law and Governance in the Anthropocene | Journal of Energy and Natural Resources Law | 2014 | 54 |
10 | Renewable and citizen energy communities in the European Union: how (not) to regulate community energy in national laws and policies | Journal of Energy and Natural Resources Law | 2020 | 46 |
11 | Indigenous Employment in the Australian Mining Industry | Journal of Energy and Natural Resources Law | 2008 | 35 |
12 | Oil, Energy Poverty and Resource Dependence in West Africa | Journal of Energy and Natural Resources Law | 2013 | 35 |
13 | Regulating the social aspects of mine closure in three Australian states | Journal of Energy and Natural Resources Law | 2019 | 34 |
14 | The importance of lithium for achieving a low-carbon future: overview of the lithium extraction in the ‘Lithium Triangle’ | Journal of Energy and Natural Resources Law | 2020 | 34 |
15 | Examining the Complications of Global Energy Governance | Journal of Energy and Natural Resources Law | 2012 | 33 |
16 | Energy Law as an Academic Discipline | Journal of Energy and Natural Resources Law | 1996 | 27 |
17 | A Human Dimension to the Energy Debate: Access to Modern Energy Services | Journal of Energy and Natural Resources Law | 2008 | 26 |
18 | How voluntary carbon markets can drive climate ambition | Journal of Energy and Natural Resources Law | 0 | 26 |
19 | Recent US Trade Restrictions Affecting Cuba, Iran and Libya—a View from Outside the US | Journal of Energy and Natural Resources Law | 1997 | 25 |
20 | Development Forum in Papua New Guinea: Upsides and Downsides | Journal of Energy and Natural Resources Law | 2008 | 25 |
21 | A climate change litigation precedent: Urgenda Foundation v The State of the Netherlands | Journal of Energy and Natural Resources Law | 2016 | 25 |
22 | Electric vehicle law and policy: a comparative analysis | Journal of Energy and Natural Resources Law | 2017 | 24 |
23 | Accommodating Interests in Resource Extraction: Indigenous Peoples, Local Communities and the Role of Law in Economic and Social Sustainability | Journal of Energy and Natural Resources Law | 2008 | 23 |
24 | Some Recent Developments in the Law Relating to the Continental Shelf | Journal of Energy and Natural Resources Law | 1988 | 22 |
25 | Memoranda of understanding and the social licence to operate in Colorado’s unconventional energy industry: a study of citizen complaints | Journal of Energy and Natural Resources Law | 2017 | 20 |
26 | Energy Transit under the Energy Charter Treaty and the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade | Journal of Energy and Natural Resources Law | 2009 | 19 |
27 | The Future of Hydropower in Chile | Journal of Energy and Natural Resources Law | 2014 | 19 |
28 | Environmental Policies Towards Mining in Developing Countries | Journal of Energy and Natural Resources Law | 1992 | 18 |
29 | Transparency in Extractive Revenues in Developing Countries and Economies in Transition: a Review of Emerging Best Practices | Journal of Energy and Natural Resources Law | 2006 | 18 |
30 | From technology transfer to technology absorption: addressing climate technology gaps in Africa | Journal of Energy and Natural Resources Law | 2018 | 18 |
31 | Trends in International Environmental Law Affecting the Minerals Industry | Journal of Energy and Natural Resources Law | 1999 | 17 |
32 | ‘One environmental system’: aligning the laws on the environmental management of mining in South Africa | Journal of Energy and Natural Resources Law | 2015 | 17 |
33 | Indigenous Peoples, Energy and Environmental Justice: The Pangue/Ralco Hydroelectric Project in Chile's Alto BíoBío | Journal of Energy and Natural Resources Law | 2005 | 16 |
34 | Ghana's Public Interest and Accountability Committee: an elusive quest for ‘home-grown’ transformation in the oil industry | Journal of Energy and Natural Resources Law | 2016 | 16 |
35 | Situating Urgenda v the Netherlands within comparative climate change litigation | Journal of Energy and Natural Resources Law | 2016 | 16 |
36 | Climate justice and corporate responsibility: taking human rights seriously in climate actions and projects | Journal of Energy and Natural Resources Law | 2016 | 16 |
37 | REDD+: climate justice and indigenous and local community rights in an era of climate disruption | Journal of Energy and Natural Resources Law | 2016 | 16 |
38 | Framework for petroleum revenue management in Ghana: current problems and challenges | Journal of Energy and Natural Resources Law | 2019 | 16 |
39 | Governance and Accountability in Extractive Industries: Theory and Practice at the World Bank | Journal of Energy and Natural Resources Law | 2012 | 15 |
40 | The Spectre of Perpetuity Liability for Treating Acid Water on South Africa’s Goldfields: Decision inHarmony II | Journal of Energy and Natural Resources Law | 2013 | 15 |
41 | How to improve the EU legal framework in view of the circular economy | Journal of Energy and Natural Resources Law | 2020 | 15 |
42 | The identification and impact of justice risks to commercial risks in the energy sector: post COVID-19 and for the energy transition | Journal of Energy and Natural Resources Law | 2021 | 15 |
43 | A Review of the Concept of Security of Mineral Tenure: Issues and Challenges | Journal of Energy and Natural Resources Law | 2001 | 14 |
44 | Gas Transit in Eurasia: Transit Issues between Russia and the European Union and the Role of the Energy Charter | Journal of Energy and Natural Resources Law | 2009 | 14 |
45 | Application of Most-Favoured-Nation Clauses to the Dispute Settlement Provisions of Bilateral Investment Treaties: an Assessment of the Jurisprudence | Journal of Energy and Natural Resources Law | 2009 | 14 |
46 | A Common Russia–EU Energy Space: The New EU–Russia Partnership Agreement, Acquis Communautaire and the Energy Charter | Journal of Energy and Natural Resources Law | 2009 | 14 |
47 | Brexit and the future of UK environmental law | Journal of Energy and Natural Resources Law | 2016 | 14 |
48 | Ghana’s Minerals Development Fund Act: addressing the needs of mining communities | Journal of Energy and Natural Resources Law | 2020 | 14 |
49 | Pre-Colonial Methods of Gold Mining and Environmental Protection in Ghana | Journal of Energy and Natural Resources Law | 1995 | 13 |
50 | Legal Aspects of Exploration and Mining: a Comparative Table of Mining Law in Asia | Journal of Energy and Natural Resources Law | 1999 | 13 |