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Most Cited Articles of Journal of Sex Education and Therapy

The PLISSIT Model: A Proposed Conceptual Scheme for the Behavioral Treatment of Sexual Problems1976324
Romance in Cyberspace: Understanding Online Attraction1997157
Lust, Attraction, Attachment: Biology and Evolution of the Three Primary Emotion Systems for Mating, Reproduction, and Parenting2000121
Acquaintance Rape: The Influence of Alcohol, Fraternity Membership, and Sports Team Membership1993121
Gender Identity Disorders: Evaluation and Treatment199075
Motherhood and Female Sexuality Beyond One Year Postpartum: A Study of Military Wives199269
Sexual Risk Reduction and Anger Management Interventions for Incarcerated Male Adolescents: A Randomized Controlled Trial of Two Interventions199960
Cognitive Distortions Among Child Sexual Offenders199257
The Role of Masturbation in Marital and Sexual Satisfaction: A Comparative Study of Female Masturbators and Nonmasturbators199151
Sex and the Net: Clinical Implications199749
The Psychophysiological Assessment of Female Sexual Function200049
Media exposure and the sexual attitudes and behaviors of college students198749
Sex on the Internet: College Students' Emotional Arousal When Viewing Sexually Explicit Materials On-Line200047
Sex, Intimacy, and the Internet199741
Homophobia, Irrationality, and Christian Ideology: Does a Relationship Exist?200041
The Effects of a Gay/Lesbian Panel Discussion on College Student Attitudes Toward Gay Men, Lesbians, and Persons with AIDS (PWAs)199341
Using Visual Media to Reduce Homophobia: A Classroom Demonstration199441
Treatment Rationale for Internet Infidelity199740
Dyadic Adjustment in Couples with Hypoactive Sexual Desire199336
Outcomes of Treatment for Gender Dysphoria199933
College Student Attitudes Toward Forcible Date Rape: Changes After Taking a Human Sexuality Course198633
Psychological and Social Difficulties of Adolescents Living With HIV: A Qualitative Analysis200032
The Effects of Selected Sexuality Education Programs: Toward a More Realistic View198532
Strange Bedfellows: Homosexuality, Gay Liberation, and the Internet199731
Object Lessons: Romance, Violation, and Female Adolescent Sexual Desire200030