7.6(top 1%)
Impact Factor
8.4(top 1%)
extended IF
75(top 5%)
citing journals
citing authors


SchoolInstitutionArticlesCitationsA RankC Rank
Department of BiologyUniversity of Copenhagen452.6K2329
Institute of Genetics and Developmental BiologyChinese Academy of Sciences271.7K253101
State Key Laboratory of Freshwater Ecology and BiotechnologyChinese Academy of Sciences16242255255
Natural History Museum of DenmarkUniversity of Copenhagen155162740
Natural History Museum of DenmarkUniversity of Copenhagen155162640
Department of Computer ScienceUniversity of Freiburg1479756
Department of Computer ScienceUniversity of Freiburg1479756
Natural History Museum of DenmarkCentre for Geogenetics135041021
Yunnan Laboratory of Molecular Biology of Domestic AnimalsKunming Institute of Zoology13194714
Natural History Museum of DenmarkCentre for Geogenetics135041021
Institute of ChemistryUniversity of Chinese Academy of Sciences121.4K278
Department of Internal MedicineUniversity of Michigan1183255255
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular BiologyUniversity of Florida1178212980
Department of BiologyChina National GeneBank1138213
Faculty of Health and Medical SciencesUniversity of Copenhagen10285255255
Institute of Genetics and Developmental BiologyChinese Academy of Sciences101.2K12939
Stanford University School of MedicineStanford University9122255255
Department of Medical Cell BiologyUppsala University9283203239
Department of Molecular and Cell BiologyUniversity of California8318255255
Department of Agriculture and EcologyUniversity of Copenhagen83934226
A Rank refers to the ranking of GigaScience in the given institution according to the number of articles, and C Rank according to the number of citations.