# | Title | Journal | Year | Citations |
1 | The impact of online user reviews on hotel room sales | International Journal of Hospitality Management | 2009 | 986 |
2 | Developing an extended Theory of Planned Behavior model to predict consumers’ intention to visit green hotels | International Journal of Hospitality Management | 2014 | 972 |
3 | Service quality, customer satisfaction, and customer value: A holistic perspective | International Journal of Hospitality Management | 1999 | 740 |
4 | An investigation of green hotel customers’ decision formation: Developing an extended model of the theory of planned behavior | International Journal of Hospitality Management | 2010 | 689 |
5 | Sharing economy: A review and agenda for future research | International Journal of Hospitality Management | 2016 | 676 |
6 | What can big data and text analytics tell us about hotel guest experience and satisfaction? | International Journal of Hospitality Management | 2015 | 674 |
7 | CSR and customer loyalty: The roles of trust, customer identification with the company and satisfaction | International Journal of Hospitality Management | 2013 | 667 |
8 | New consumer behavior: A review of research on eWOM and hotels | International Journal of Hospitality Management | 2014 | 629 |
9 | The effect of green human resource management on hotel employees’ eco-friendly behavior and environmental performance | International Journal of Hospitality Management | 2019 | 627 |
10 | The impact of e-word-of-mouth on the online popularity of restaurants: A comparison of consumer reviews and editor reviews | International Journal of Hospitality Management | 2010 | 568 |
11 | Building a model of local food consumption on trips and holidays: A grounded theory approach | International Journal of Hospitality Management | 2009 | 560 |
12 | Empirical investigation of the roles of attitudes toward green behaviors, overall image, gender, and age in hotel customers’ eco-friendly decision-making process | International Journal of Hospitality Management | 2009 | 544 |
13 | The impact of website quality on customer satisfaction and purchase intentions: Evidence from Chinese online visitors | International Journal of Hospitality Management | 2008 | 543 |
14 | The relationships among overall quick-casual restaurant image, perceived value, customer satisfaction, and behavioral intentions | International Journal of Hospitality Management | 2008 | 536 |
15 | Consumers’ willingness to pay for green initiatives of the hotel industry | International Journal of Hospitality Management | 2012 | 523 |
16 | Effect of experiential value on customer satisfaction with service encounters in luxury-hotel restaurants | International Journal of Hospitality Management | 2009 | 501 |
17 | Developing and validating a service robot integration willingness scale | International Journal of Hospitality Management | 2019 | 498 |
18 | Factors of satisfaction and intention to use peer-to-peer accommodation | International Journal of Hospitality Management | 2016 | 491 |
19 | Web reviews influence on expectations and purchasing intentions of hotel potential customers | International Journal of Hospitality Management | 2013 | 484 |
20 | Impacts of positive and negative corporate social responsibility activities on company performance in the hospitality industry | International Journal of Hospitality Management | 2010 | 479 |
21 | Determinants of hotel guests’ satisfaction and repeat patronage in the Hong Kong hotel industry | International Journal of Hospitality Management | 2001 | 477 |
22 | Restaurant experiences triggering positive electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM) motivations | International Journal of Hospitality Management | 2011 | 470 |
23 | The impacts of perceived organizational support and psychological empowerment on job performance: The mediating effects of organizational citizenship behavior | International Journal of Hospitality Management | 2012 | 467 |
24 | Customers’ cognitive, emotional, and actionable response to the servicescape: A test of the moderating effect of the restaurant type | International Journal of Hospitality Management | 2009 | 464 |
25 | Customer loyalty: the future of hospitality marketing | International Journal of Hospitality Management | 1999 | 460 |
26 | Generational differences: An examination of work values and generational gaps in the hospitality workforce | International Journal of Hospitality Management | 2008 | 456 |
27 | The business value of online consumer reviews and management response to hotel performance | International Journal of Hospitality Management | 2014 | 455 |
28 | Employee satisfaction, customer satisfaction, and financial performance: An empirical examination | International Journal of Hospitality Management | 2009 | 454 |
29 | An investigation of the role of justice in turnover intentions, job satisfaction, and organizational citizenship behavior in hospitality industry | International Journal of Hospitality Management | 2010 | 448 |
30 | Perceptions of Chinese restaurants in the U.S.: What affects customer satisfaction and behavioral intentions? | International Journal of Hospitality Management | 2009 | 443 |
31 | Are lodging customers ready to go green? An examination of attitudes, demographics, and eco-friendly intentions | International Journal of Hospitality Management | 2011 | 443 |
32 | The role of the rural tourism experience economy in place attachment and behavioral intentions | International Journal of Hospitality Management | 2014 | 426 |
33 | COVID-19 and China’s Hotel Industry: Impacts, a Disaster Management Framework, and Post-Pandemic Agenda | International Journal of Hospitality Management | 2020 | 418 |
34 | The impact of the SARS outbreak on Taiwanese hotel stock performance: An event-study approach | International Journal of Hospitality Management | 2007 | 410 |
35 | Effects of service quality and food quality: The moderating role of atmospherics in an ethnic restaurant segment | International Journal of Hospitality Management | 2010 | 399 |
36 | eWOM effects on hotel booking intentions, attitudes, trust, and website perceptions | International Journal of Hospitality Management | 2015 | 398 |
37 | Price determinants of sharing economy based accommodation rental: A study of listings from 33 cities on Airbnb.com | International Journal of Hospitality Management | 2017 | 394 |
38 | Effects of tourists’ local food consumption value on attitude, food destination image, and behavioral intention | International Journal of Hospitality Management | 2018 | 387 |
39 | An epistemological view of consumer experiences | International Journal of Hospitality Management | 2011 | 384 |
40 | High-performance work practices and hotel employee performance: The mediation of work engagement | International Journal of Hospitality Management | 2013 | 383 |
41 | Factors influencing tourist food consumption | International Journal of Hospitality Management | 2012 | 379 |
42 | Corporate social responsibility reporting by the global hotel industry: Commitment, initiatives and performance | International Journal of Hospitality Management | 2012 | 376 |
43 | Evaluating a servicescape: the effect of cognition and emotion | International Journal of Hospitality Management | 2004 | 371 |
44 | Measuring festival quality and value affecting visitors’ satisfaction and loyalty using a structural approach | International Journal of Hospitality Management | 2010 | 364 |
45 | Assessing Airbnb as a disruptive innovation relative to hotels: Substitution and comparative performance expectations | International Journal of Hospitality Management | 2017 | 364 |
46 | Hospitality and tourism industry amid COVID-19 pandemic: Perspectives on challenges and learnings from India | International Journal of Hospitality Management | 2021 | 363 |
47 | Perceived values, satisfaction, and behavioral intentions: The role of familiarity in Korean restaurants | International Journal of Hospitality Management | 2010 | 360 |
48 | Predicting overall customer satisfaction: Big data evidence from hotel online textual reviews | International Journal of Hospitality Management | 2019 | 358 |
49 | Hotel customers’ environmentally responsible behavioral intention: Impact of key constructs on decision in green consumerism | International Journal of Hospitality Management | 2015 | 352 |
50 | Influence of institutional DINESERV on customer satisfaction, return intention, and word-of-mouth | International Journal of Hospitality Management | 2009 | 350 |