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4.4(top 3%)
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111(top 3%)
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SchoolInstitutionArticlesCitationsA RankC Rank
Ministry of EducationJiangnan University981.6K610
Ministry of EducationJiangnan University921.5K1411
College of BiotechnologyTianjin University of Science and Technology4374076
School of Materials Science and EngineeringEast China University of Science and Technology37610121143
College of BiotechnologyTianjin University of Science and Technology3754356
Ministry of EducationTianjin University of Science and Technology354711013
State Key Laboratory of Freshwater Ecology and BiotechnologyChinese Academy of Sciences305064879
State Key Laboratory of Food Science and TechnologyJiangnan University306695456
School of Chemical Engineering and TechnologyTianjin University26300115154
School of Chemical Engineering and TechnologyTianjin University26300255255
School of Chemical and Material EngineeringJiangnan University253105997
Institute of MicrobiologyChinese Academy of Sciences2438958104
Institute of Process EngineeringChinese Academy of Sciences23270255255
School of Chemical Engineering and TechnologyTianjin University2024889136
School of Chemical Engineering and TechnologyTianjin University202481639
Department of AgricultureAgricultural Research Service201.7K12737
Department of Biological EngineeringInha University17107946
Department of Mechanical EngineeringInha University17107134255
State Key Laboratory of Materials-Oriented Chemical EngineeringNanjing Tech University17239167174
Department of Applied Chemistry and MicrobiologyUniversity of Helsinki163462467
A Rank refers to the ranking of Journal of Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology in the given institution according to the number of articles, and C Rank according to the number of citations.