2.3(top 7%)
Impact Factor
2.4(top 7%)
extended IF
102(top 3%)
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SchoolInstitutionArticlesCitationsA RankC Rank
Graduate School of Agricultural and Life SciencesUniversity of Tokyo408405397
Ministry of AgricultureChinese Academy of Fishery Sciences373602219
Ministry of EducationOcean University of China343573352
Institute of Biochemistry and Department of BiologyCarleton University3354065
Ministry of AgricultureShanghai Ocean University33216610
Department of BiologyUniversity of Ottawa278212035
Department of BiologyCarleton University273702477
State Key Laboratory of Freshwater Ecology and BiotechnologyChinese Academy of Sciences2529364140
Institute of Genetics and Developmental BiologyChinese Academy of Sciences23227255255
State Key Laboratory of Freshwater Ecology and BiotechnologyChinese Academy of Sciences22268233255
Ministry of AgricultureChinese Academy of Fishery Sciences211961718
School of Life SciencesSun Yat-sen University202873891
Ministry of AgricultureHuazhong Agricultural University202522638
Institute of General and Inorganic ChemistryBulgarian Academy of Sciences1918471128
Institute of Organic Chemistry with Centre of PhytochemistryBulgarian Academy of Sciences191842656
Ministry of EducationShanghai Ocean University18741334
Department of Molecular and Cell BiologyUniversity of California17751255255
Center for Disease Biology and Integrative MedicineUniversity of Tokyo1632997177
Department of Marine Life SciencesJeju National University16196722
Key Laboratory of Experimental Marine BiologyChinese Academy of Sciences161203162
A Rank refers to the ranking of Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology - B Biochemistry and Molecular Biology in the given institution according to the number of articles, and C Rank according to the number of citations.