# | Title | Journal | Year | Citations |
1 | Reliability of the Visual Analog Scale for Measurement of Acute Pain | Academic Emergency Medicine | 2001 | 1,470 |
2 | Deliberate Practice and Acquisition of Expert Performance: A General Overview | Academic Emergency Medicine | 2008 | 1,267 |
3 | The Effect of Emergency Department Crowding on Clinically Oriented Outcomes | Academic Emergency Medicine | 2009 | 939 |
4 | Logistic Regression: A Brief Primer | Academic Emergency Medicine | 2011 | 703 |
5 | Communicating in the “Gray Zone”: Perceptions about Emergency Physician–hospitalist Handoffs and Patient Safety | Academic Emergency Medicine | 2007 | 692 |
6 | Resuscitating the Microcirculation in Sepsis: The Central Role of Nitric Oxide, Emerging Concepts for Novel Therapies, and Challenges for Clinical Trials | Academic Emergency Medicine | 2008 | 665 |
7 | Debriefing as Formative Assessment: Closing Performance Gaps in Medical Education | Academic Emergency Medicine | 2008 | 598 |
8 | Validation of a Verbally Administered Numerical Rating Scale of Acute Pain for Use in the Emergency Department | Academic Emergency Medicine | 2003 | 594 |
9 | Statistical Methodology: I. Incorporating the Prevalence of Disease into the Sample Size Calculation for Sensitivity and Specificity | Academic Emergency Medicine | 1996 | 553 |
10 | Does the Clinically Significant Difference in Visual Analog Scale Pain Scores Vary with Gender, Age, or Cause of Pain? | Academic Emergency Medicine | 1998 | 544 |
11 | Frequent Overcrowding in U.S. Emergency Departments | Academic Emergency Medicine | 2001 | 513 |
12 | Emergency Department Workplace Interruptions Are Emergency Physicians “Interrupt‐driven” and “Multitasking”? | Academic Emergency Medicine | 2000 | 507 |
13 | International Perspectives on Emergency Department Crowding | Academic Emergency Medicine | 2011 | 478 |
14 | Correlation of Optic Nerve Sheath Diameter with Direct Measurement of Intracranial Pressure | Academic Emergency Medicine | 2008 | 476 |
15 | Reliability and Validity of a New Five‐level Triage Instrument | Academic Emergency Medicine | 2000 | 473 |
16 | The Association Between Length of Emergency Department Boarding and Mortality | Academic Emergency Medicine | 2011 | 468 |
17 | Achieving Quality in Clinical Decision Making: Cognitive Strategies and Detection of Bias | Academic Emergency Medicine | 2002 | 450 |
18 | The Importance of First Pass Success When Performing Orotracheal Intubation in the Emergency Department | Academic Emergency Medicine | 2013 | 431 |
19 | Validation of the Wong‐Baker FACES Pain Rating Scale in Pediatric Emergency Department Patients | Academic Emergency Medicine | 2010 | 425 |
20 | Caffeinated Cocktails: Energy Drink Consumption, High‐risk Drinking, and Alcohol‐related Consequences among College Students | Academic Emergency Medicine | 2008 | 406 |
21 | The Golden Hour: Scientific Fact or Medical “Urban Legend”? | Academic Emergency Medicine | 2001 | 384 |
22 | Delirium in Older Emergency Department Patients: Recognition, Risk Factors, and Psychomotor Subtypes | Academic Emergency Medicine | 2009 | 375 |
23 | Prediction of In‐hospital Mortality in Emergency Department Patients With Sepsis: A Local Big Data–Driven, Machine Learning Approach | Academic Emergency Medicine | 2016 | 360 |
24 | A Prospective Comparison of Supine Chest Radiography and Bedside Ultrasound for the Diagnosis of Traumatic Pneumothorax | Academic Emergency Medicine | 2005 | 322 |
25 | Epidemiologic Analysis of an Urban, Public Emergency Department's Frequent Users | Academic Emergency Medicine | 2000 | 318 |
26 | Early Self‐Proning in Awake, Non‐intubated Patients in the Emergency Department: A Single ED’s Experience During the COVID‐19 Pandemic | Academic Emergency Medicine | 2020 | 317 |
27 | CPR Training and CPR Performance: Do CPR-trained Bystanders Perform CPR? | Academic Emergency Medicine | 2006 | 304 |
28 | HINTS Outperforms ABCD2 to Screen for Stroke in Acute Continuous Vertigo and Dizziness | Academic Emergency Medicine | 2013 | 298 |
29 | Traumatic Brain Injuries Evaluated in U.S. Emergency Departments, 1992‐1994 | Academic Emergency Medicine | 2000 | 287 |
30 | Estimating the Degree of Emergency Department Overcrowding in Academic Medical Centers: Results of the National ED Overcrowding Study (NEDOCS) | Academic Emergency Medicine | 2004 | 283 |
31 | Elevated Intracranial Pressure Detected by Bedside Emergency Ultrasonography of the Optic Nerve Sheath | Academic Emergency Medicine | 2003 | 280 |
32 | The Effect of Emergency Department Crowding on Patient Satisfaction for Admitted Patients | Academic Emergency Medicine | 2008 | 278 |
33 | A Systematic Review of the Impact of Physician Implicit Racial Bias on Clinical Decision Making | Academic Emergency Medicine | 2017 | 278 |
34 | Demonstration of High‐fidelity Simulation Team Training for Emergency Medicine | Academic Emergency Medicine | 1999 | 277 |
35 | Outcome in Cardiac Arrest Patients Found to Have Cardiac Standstill on the Bedside Emergency Department Echocardiogram | Academic Emergency Medicine | 2001 | 275 |
36 | The Tokyo Subway Sarin Attack: Disaster Management, Part 1: Community Emergency Response* | Academic Emergency Medicine | 1998 | 271 |
37 | Communicating Information to Patients: The Use of Cartoon Illustrations to Improve Comprehension of Instructions | Academic Emergency Medicine | 1996 | 270 |
38 | See One, Do One, Teach One: Advanced Technology in Medical Education | Academic Emergency Medicine | 2004 | 270 |
39 | Prospective Multicenter Evaluation of Cocaine‐associated Chest Pain | Academic Emergency Medicine | 1994 | 267 |
40 | Advanced Statistics: Bootstrapping Confidence Intervals for Statistics with "Difficult" Distributions | Academic Emergency Medicine | 2005 | 262 |
41 | Does Team Training Work? Principles for Health Care | Academic Emergency Medicine | 2008 | 262 |
42 | The Tokyo Subway Sarin Attack: Disaster Management, Part 2: Hospital Response* | Academic Emergency Medicine | 1998 | 258 |
43 | The Minimum Clinically Important Difference in Physician–assigned Visual Analog Pain Scores | Academic Emergency Medicine | 1996 | 253 |
44 | Reliability and Validity of Scores on the Emergency Severity Index Version 3 | Academic Emergency Medicine | 2004 | 253 |
45 | Clinically Important Change in the Visual Analog Scale after Adequate Pain Control | Academic Emergency Medicine | 2003 | 252 |
46 | Risk Factors and Screening Instruments to Predict Adverse Outcomes for Undifferentiated Older Emergency Department Patients: A Systematic Review and Meta‐analysis | Academic Emergency Medicine | 2015 | 252 |
47 | An Alternative Hemostatic Dressing: Comparison of CELOX, HemCon, and QuikClot | Academic Emergency Medicine | 2008 | 251 |
48 | The Association Between Emergency Department Crowding and Adverse Cardiovascular Outcomes in Patients with Chest Pain | Academic Emergency Medicine | 2009 | 251 |
49 | Sensitivity of Bedside Ultrasound and Supine Anteroposterior Chest Radiographs for the Identification of Pneumothorax After Blunt Trauma | Academic Emergency Medicine | 2010 | 251 |
50 | Point-of-care Ultrasonography for the Diagnosis of Acute Cardiogenic Pulmonary Edema in Patients Presenting With Acute Dyspnea: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis | Academic Emergency Medicine | 2014 | 251 |