# | Title | Journal | Year | Citations |
1 | Higher-order sliding modes, differentiation and output-feedback control | International Journal of Control | 2003 | 3,203 |
2 | Flatness and defect of non-linear systems: introductory theory and examples | International Journal of Control | 1995 | 2,657 |
3 | Sliding order and sliding accuracy in sliding mode control | International Journal of Control | 1993 | 2,652 |
4 | All optimal Hankel-norm approximations of linear multivariable systems and theirL,∞-error bounds† | International Journal of Control | 1984 | 2,632 |
5 | Tracking control of non-linear systems using sliding surfaces, with application to robot manipulators† | International Journal of Control | 1983 | 1,617 |
6 | Output feedback H∞ control of systems with parameter uncertainty | International Journal of Control | 1996 | 1,483 |
7 | The general problem of the stability of motion | International Journal of Control | 1992 | 1,397 |
8 | Delay-dependent robust stabilization of uncertain state-delayed systems | International Journal of Control | 2001 | 1,377 |
9 | Orthogonal least squares methods and their application to non-linear system identification | International Journal of Control | 1989 | 1,320 |
10 | Input-output parametric models for non-linear systems Part I: deterministic non-linear systems | International Journal of Control | 1985 | 1,177 |
11 | Sliding controller design for non-linear systems | International Journal of Control | 1984 | 1,019 |
12 | Non-linear system identification using neural networks | International Journal of Control | 1990 | 990 |
13 | Robust pole assignment in linear state feedback | International Journal of Control | 1985 | 960 |
14 | Survey of gain-scheduling analysis and design | International Journal of Control | 2000 | 771 |
15 | Iterative learning control and repetitive control for engineering practice | International Journal of Control | 2000 | 757 |
16 | Representations of non-linear systems: the NARMAX model | International Journal of Control | 1989 | 735 |
17 | Model-free control | International Journal of Control | 2013 | 731 |
18 | Design of unknown input observers and robust fault detection filters | International Journal of Control | 1996 | 728 |
19 | New methodologies for adaptive sliding mode control | International Journal of Control | 2010 | 700 |
20 | Output feedback stabilization of fully linearizable systems | International Journal of Control | 1992 | 698 |
21 | Analysis of event-driven controllers for linear systems | International Journal of Control | 2008 | 686 |
22 | Extended H 2 and H norm characterizations and controller parametrizations for discrete-time systems | International Journal of Control | 2002 | 681 |
23 | Delay-dependent stability and H ∞ control: Constant and time-varying delays | International Journal of Control | 2003 | 671 |
24 | Observing the state of non-linear dynamic systems | International Journal of Control | 1973 | 660 |
25 | A Survey of Model Reduction by Balanced Truncation and Some New Results | International Journal of Control | 2004 | 639 |
26 | Subspace model identification Part 1. The output-error state-space model identification class of algorithms | International Journal of Control | 1992 | 637 |
27 | A survey of applications of second-order sliding mode control to mechanical systems | International Journal of Control | 2003 | 631 |
28 | Neural networks for nonlinear dynamic system modelling and identification | International Journal of Control | 1992 | 627 |
29 | Input-output parametric models for non-linear systems Part II: stochastic non-linear systems | International Journal of Control | 1985 | 583 |
30 | A Luenberger-like observer for nonlinear systems | International Journal of Control | 1993 | 582 |
31 | Measurement of the Wiener Kernels of a Non-linear System by Cross-correlation† | International Journal of Control | 1965 | 554 |
32 | Canonical form observer design for non-linear time-variable systems | International Journal of Control | 1983 | 539 |
33 | Robust control of dynamically interacting systems | International Journal of Control | 1988 | 502 |
34 | Stabilisation of infinitesimally rigid formations of multi-robot networks | International Journal of Control | 2009 | 482 |
35 | Adaptive sliding controller synthesis for non-linear systems | International Journal of Control | 1986 | 477 |
36 | Identification of MIMO non-linear systems using a forward-regression orthogonal estimator | International Journal of Control | 1989 | 472 |
37 | Poles and zeros of linear multivariable systems : a survey of the algebraic, geometric and complex-variable theory | International Journal of Control | 1976 | 460 |
38 | Synthesis of feedback systems with large plant ignorance for prescribed time-domain tolerances† | International Journal of Control | 1972 | 456 |
39 | A new class of finite-time nonlinear consensus protocols for multi-agent systems | International Journal of Control | 2014 | 442 |
40 | Distributed leaderless consensus algorithms for networked Euler–Lagrange systems | International Journal of Control | 2009 | 439 |
41 | Observer design for a class of nonlinear systems | International Journal of Control | 1994 | 425 |
42 | Adaptive dynamic surface control: A simplified algorithm for adaptive backstepping control of nonlinear systems | International Journal of Control | 1998 | 424 |
43 | Stable adaptive tracking of uncertain systems using nonlinearly parametrized on-line approximators | International Journal of Control | 1998 | 412 |
44 | The generalized Nyquist stability criterion and multivariable root loci | International Journal of Control | 1977 | 409 |
45 | On the development of discontinuous observers | International Journal of Control | 1994 | 407 |
46 | Control of nonlinear systems with partial state constraints using a barrier Lyapunov function | International Journal of Control | 2011 | 397 |
47 | On- and off-line identification of linear state-space models | International Journal of Control | 1989 | 382 |
48 | Dynamic inversion: an evolving methodology for flight control design | International Journal of Control | 1994 | 382 |
49 | On the stability problem caused by finite actuator dynamics in the collocated control of large space structures | International Journal of Control | 1985 | 373 |
50 | Hierarchical fuzzy control | International Journal of Control | 1991 | 367 |