# | Title | Journal | Year | Citations |
1 | A New Depression Scale Designed to be Sensitive to Change | British Journal of Psychiatry | 1979 | 11,935 |
2 | Detection of Postnatal Depression | British Journal of Psychiatry | 1987 | 10,912 |
3 | A Rating Scale for Mania: Reliability, Validity and Sensitivity | British Journal of Psychiatry | 1978 | 7,361 |
4 | A New Clinical Scale for the Staging of Dementia | British Journal of Psychiatry | 1982 | 6,299 |
5 | The Association Between Quantitative Measures of Dementia and of Senile Change in the Cerebral Grey Matter of Elderly Subjects | British Journal of Psychiatry | 1968 | 4,047 |
6 | Resilience in the Face of Adversity | British Journal of Psychiatry | 1985 | 2,648 |
7 | Suicide as an outcome for mental disorders | British Journal of Psychiatry | 1997 | 2,305 |
8 | A Rating Scale for Drug-Induced Akathisia | British Journal of Psychiatry | 1989 | 2,098 |
9 | Cross-national prevalence and risk factors for suicidal ideation, plans and attempts | British Journal of Psychiatry | 2008 | 2,079 |
10 | CAMDEX: A Standardised Instrument for the Diagnosis of Mental Disorder in the Elderly with Special Reference to the Early Detection of Dementia | British Journal of Psychiatry | 1986 | 2,019 |
11 | The SCL-90 and the MMPI: A Step in the Validation of a New Self-Report Scale | British Journal of Psychiatry | 1976 | 2,001 |
12 | Conceptual framework for personal recovery in mental health: systematic review and narrative synthesis | British Journal of Psychiatry | 2011 | 2,000 |
13 | Childhood adversities and adult psychopathology in the WHO World Mental Health Surveys | British Journal of Psychiatry | 2010 | 1,955 |
14 | The Work and Social Adjustment Scale: a simple measure of impairment in functioning | British Journal of Psychiatry | 2002 | 1,883 |
15 | The Making and Breaking of Affectional Bonds | British Journal of Psychiatry | 1977 | 1,809 |
16 | Influence of Family Life on the Course of Schizophrenic Disorders: A Replication | British Journal of Psychiatry | 1972 | 1,712 |
17 | Gender differences in depression | British Journal of Psychiatry | 2000 | 1,700 |
18 | Excess mortality of mental disorder | British Journal of Psychiatry | 1998 | 1,660 |
19 | The Influence of Family and Social Factors on the Course of Psychiatric Illness | British Journal of Psychiatry | 1976 | 1,636 |
20 | Global burden of depressive disorders in the year 2000 | British Journal of Psychiatry | 2004 | 1,458 |
21 | Using the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) to screen for child psychiatric disorders in a community sample | British Journal of Psychiatry | 2000 | 1,425 |
22 | Mental health literacy | British Journal of Psychiatry | 2000 | 1,377 |
23 | The Symptoms of Chronic Schizophrenia | British Journal of Psychiatry | 1987 | 1,371 |
24 | A Hundred Cases of Suicide: Clinical Aspects | British Journal of Psychiatry | 1974 | 1,251 |
25 | Autism screening questionnaire: Diagnostic validity | British Journal of Psychiatry | 1999 | 1,242 |
26 | Prevalence and correlates of adult attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder: meta-analysis | British Journal of Psychiatry | 2009 | 1,241 |
27 | A Scale for the Assessment of Hedonic Tone the Snaith–Hamilton Pleasure Scale | British Journal of Psychiatry | 1995 | 1,232 |
28 | Stigmatisation of people with mental illnesses | British Journal of Psychiatry | 2000 | 1,193 |
29 | Psychometric properties of the Social Phobia Inventory (SPIN) | British Journal of Psychiatry | 2000 | 1,163 |
30 | Cross-national prevalence and correlates of adult attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder | British Journal of Psychiatry | 2007 | 1,138 |
31 | The Biochemistry of Affective Disorders | British Journal of Psychiatry | 1967 | 1,100 |
32 | Mental ill-health in adults with intellectual disabilities: prevalence and associated factors | British Journal of Psychiatry | 2007 | 1,074 |
33 | Health of the Nation Outcome Scales (HoNOS) | British Journal of Psychiatry | 1998 | 1,057 |
34 | Fatal and non-fatal repetition of self-harm | British Journal of Psychiatry | 2002 | 1,055 |
35 | The Scale for the Assessment of Negative Symptoms (SANS): Conceptual and Theoretical Foundations | British Journal of Psychiatry | 1989 | 1,031 |
36 | Epidemiology of Puerperal Psychoses | British Journal of Psychiatry | 1987 | 1,022 |
37 | Cognitive deficits in depression: Possible implications for functional neuropathology | British Journal of Psychiatry | 2001 | 1,006 |
38 | Late-life depression and risk of vascular dementia and Alzheimer's disease: systematic review and meta-analysis of community-based cohort studies | British Journal of Psychiatry | 2013 | 988 |
39 | Review of community prevalence of depression in later life | British Journal of Psychiatry | 1999 | 983 |
40 | The Social Functioning Scale the Development and Validation of a New Scale of Social Adjustment for use in Family Intervention Programmes with Schizophrenic Patients | British Journal of Psychiatry | 1990 | 977 |
41 | Insight and Psychosis | British Journal of Psychiatry | 1990 | 966 |
42 | Causes of the excess mortality of schizophrenia | British Journal of Psychiatry | 2000 | 958 |
43 | The Diagnosis of Depressive Syndromes and the Prediction of E.C.T. Response | British Journal of Psychiatry | 1965 | 949 |
44 | Assessing Depression in Schizophrenia: The Calgary Depression Scale | British Journal of Psychiatry | 1993 | 929 |
45 | The Schizophrenia-like Psychoses of Epilepsy | British Journal of Psychiatry | 1963 | 921 |
46 | The Theory and Practice of Group Psychotherapy: | British Journal of Psychiatry | 1990 | 912 |
47 | Prevalence of antenatal and postnatal anxiety: Systematic review and meta-analysis | British Journal of Psychiatry | 2017 | 911 |
48 | Maternal antenatal anxiety and children's behavioural/emotional problems at 4 years | British Journal of Psychiatry | 2002 | 909 |
49 | A Prospective Study of Emotional Disorders in Childbearing Women | British Journal of Psychiatry | 1984 | 898 |
50 | Comorbidity of DSM–III–R Major Depressive Disorder in the General Population: Results from the US National Comorbidity Survey | British Journal of Psychiatry | 1996 | 896 |